Calvin Service Auctions Raise Funds for Local Orgs

From: Phil de Haan <>
Date: Thu Dec 21 2006 - 10:53:42 EST

December 21 , 2006 == MEDIA ADVISORY

Throughout November, residents of the seven Calvin College residence halls
took time out from papers and exams to raise $23,000 for their community
partners in the annual (and always wacky) residence hall auctions.

"That's impressive money, and it teaches students about stewardship of their
own money and about organizations that are doing really important things," says
dean of residence life John Witte about the auctions, which have been a Calvin
tradition for over 15 years.

While the auctions are both fun and beneficial, Witte says, they also serve to
highlight longstanding ties between community organizations and the students
who tutor, plan activities and gym nights, sing and socialize.

"Raising the money is one important part of the partnership," he says, "but
the more important part is the ongoing relationship the students develop with
these organizations."

Each dorm has a specific partnership, and the yearly auction allows Calvin
students to give substantial monetary gifts to these community organizations
where they serve every week during the academic year.

The students living in the Schultze-Eldersveld residence hall raised $3,500
for after school programs at Roosevelt Park Church. The residents of
Bolt-Heyns-Timmer raised $2,500 for the Kidz Klub program at Mosaic Life
Church. Residents of Rooks-Van Dellen raised $3,400 for Baxter Community
Center. The students from Beets-Veenstra raised a whopping $7,000 for the
Horizons Program at Christian Learning Center. Students from Boer-Bennink
raised $2,700 for the Grandville Ave. library. Residents of Noordewier-Vander
Werp raised $2,000 for Camelot Woods and students residing in Kalsbeek-
Huizenga raised $1,900 for Burton Middle School.

Goods and services on the block ranged from the mundane -- shower cleans;
baked goods; home-cooked dinners; music; dance; knitting or snowboarding
lessons; handmade cards, pictures and frames; tutoring -- to the more exotic:
mystery dates, massages, charter fishing trip, poetry and musical serenades,
room decoration for Christmas.

For the full story see

Received on Thu Dec 21 10:53:57 2006

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