Calvin to Host "Hunger Banquet"

From: Phil de Haan <>
Date: Tue Nov 14 2006 - 09:34:25 EST

November 15, 2006 == MEDIA ADVISORY

During the Thanksgiving season, two Calvin College student organizations are
teaming up to host a feast of an unusual nature. Beginning at 6 p.m. on Friday,
November 17, Calvin's Social Justice Coalition (SJC) and the Intervarsity
Mission Fellowship (IMF) will serve a hunger banquet at Woodlawn Ministry
Center (located just across Burton Street from the Calvin campus). Tickets are

"It's a meal, but you may not get a whole meal out of it, depending on how we
label you when you walk in the door," says junior Amy Jonason, SJC co-chair and
one of the coordinators of the event. "You'll be low, middle or high income,
and that determines everything from where you sit to what you eat for the rest
of the evening."

The hunger banquet, an event the SJC borrowed from Oxfam America, a nationwide
anti-poverty organization, is designed to demonstrate the stark disparities in
incomes levels internationally.

"It makes the problems of hunger and poverty a little bit more identifiable
and closer to home," Jonason says. "We live in a situation where we don't have
to confront that every day, and it's easy to forget how much we have compared
to other people all around the world."

Peter Vander Meulen, the coordinator of the office of social justice and
hunger action at the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC), will
give the keynote address at the event.

For the full story see

Received on Tue Nov 14 09:34:47 2006

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