October 17 , 2006 == MEDIA ADVISORY
The West Michigan chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals will
celebrate philanthropy on Thursday, November 9 at Calvin College as part of a
series of events around the country designed to recognize giving.
The West Michigan event comes six days ahead of National Philanthropy Day, to
be marked this year on November 15.
The West Michigan AFP chapter has planned a full day for the 8 am to 4:15 pm
conference at Calvin. The celebration begins with opening plenary speaker
William T. Sturtevant, the vice president for principal gifts at the University
of Illinois Foundation, and ends with Penelope Burk, president of Cygnus
Applied Research Inc. In between will be a noon awards banquet and a half dozen
educational sessions.
Nearly 250 individuals are expected to attend the 19th annual AFP-West
Michigan Chapter National Philanthropy Day event.
Calvin College development officer Nancy Westra is an NPD committee member and
says the upcoming day of celebration will be a good opportunity for fundraising
professionals to listen, learn and laugh.
"In West Michigan certainly we can celebrate the profound impact of
philanthropy on the life of our community," she says. "But recognizing that
there is still vital work to be done, this event also provides opportunities to
sharpen our professional skills, to encourage, support and motivate each
another, and to recognize the inspirational philanthropic commitments of
members of the West Michigan community."
To be honored on November 9 are: Bernard S. Palchick, Benjamin Franklin Award,
Kalamazoo; Fred P. Keller, Executive Leader Award, Grand Rapids; Frey
Foundation, Exemplary Grantor Award, Grand Rapids; Louise M. Fabeck,
Outstanding Volunteer Award, Grand Rapids; Kate Pew Wolters, President's Award,
Grand Rapids; Joseph A. Medcalf, Youth in Philanthropy Award, Grand Rapids.
The Association of Fundraising Professionals represents more than 26,000
fundraisers in 172 chapters in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and China.
West Michigan chapter represents 200 charitable fundraisers.
See http://www.calvin.edu/news/releases/2006-07/philanthropy-day.htm
Contact Calvin's Nancy Westra at njw6@calvin.edu or 616-526-8762
Also contact Mark Crail at 269-343-2524 x226 or mcrail@KalamazooUnitedWay.org
And Keith Meyering at 616-224-7431 or kmeyering@bethany.org
Received on Tue Oct 17 11:59:14 2006
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