August 16, 2006 == MEDIA ADVISORY
The Calvin College office of pre-college programs will pioneer a new program to
prepare African-American young men for college entrance.
The new program will be called P2P Excel, and it is being funded via a
two-year, $100,000 grant from the Indianapolis-based Lumina Foundation for
P2P Excel is a fresh spin on Pathways to Possibilities (P2P), a 12-year-old
effort that partners Calvin with churches and community ministries to foster
college awareness in at-risk youth.
Calvin's Rhae-Ann Booker, director of pre-college programs, says the primary
target of P2P Excel will be African-American males. In addition P2P Excel will
depart from the old Pathways model in a number of ways, including becoming the
first Pathways program to partner Pre-College Programs with schools rather than
Booker is enthusiastic about this new collaboration and looks forward to
working with the Grand Rapids Public Schools.
"The Grand Rapids Public Schools are doing a good job," she says, "and with
solid partnerships like this one, we as a college and GRPS can do a better
At P2P Excel's core is a tutoring program which will see up to 30 students in
the program receive tutoring in college prep curriculum at their school or at a
local community ministry. Another key component to P2P Excel is a parent
network. Through dinners and other gatherings, the program will furnish parents
with the resources they need to motivate their children toward a post-high
school education.
Lumina Foundation for Education is an Indianapolis-based, private, independent
foundation that strives to help people achieve their potential by expanding
access and success in education beyond high school.
Contact Booker at 616-526-6748 or
For the complete story see
Received on Wed Aug 16 10:49:33 2006
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