Calvin Hires Van Wingerden for Parent Relations

From: Phil deHaan (
Date: Mon Nov 10 2003 - 14:03:11 EST

  • Next message: Phil deHaan: "Calvin to Host Palestinian Peace Activist"

    November 10, 2003 == MEDIA ADVISORY

    Jim VanWingerden has worked with thousands of parents during his 33-year
    association at Camp Roger, starting with his duties as a kitchen helper in 1970
    and progressing all the way through to his work as executive director from 1991
    to the present.

    So, when Calvin College decided to create a new position to head up a parent
    relations effort, VanWingerden was intrigued. Eventually he applied for the
    job, impressed all those he interviewed with and on November 3 began his new
    duties at Calvin.
    But, he says, his new job will have much in common with his old job.
    "Calvin parents are highly invested in the lives of their sons and daughters.
    Calvin was a critical experience for me personally in developing my own sense
    of Christian vocation and service. Mary and I pray for that same experience
    for our three children as well. Many of my friends and peers now have sons and
    daughters at Calvin and they are extremely pleased with what is happening in
    the lives of their kids because of Calvin. This new position is an opportunity
    for me to continue the same sort of work I did for many years at Camp Roger -
    to build God's kingdom through the spiritual and intellectual development of
    young people. Parents are a valuable resource in that holy endeavor and I am
    very excited to help raise the level of mutual partnership between parents and
    Calvin College."
    VanWingerden, a 1976 Calvin graduate, also says there is significant overlap
    between the communities served by Camp Roger (a Christian camp located 20 miles
    northeast of Grand Rapids) and Calvin.
    "I have served the Camp Roger community for more than 30 years," he says, "and
    the relationships I've built with parents and families have been characterized
    by mutual trust. I hope that these relationships with parents and former
    campers will have a positive impact on my work at Calvin."
    The new position at Calvin is a unique one in that it reports to both the
    Calvin alumni office and the development office.
    "Jim's work will reflect the true partnership we wish to develop with Calvin
    parents," says director of alumni relations Mike VanDenend. "On one hand, we
    want to involve parents as advisors, volunteers and donors. Yet we also want
    parents to feel that they are full members of the Calvin community, that there
    are clear and positive communication lines open."
    Calvin's Jan Druyvesteyn, director of development, says while it may seem odd
    to ask parents to be donors, in the midst of their making tuition payments, the
    opportunity to connect to the college as donors is one parents have sought.
    "When we do surveys of current Calvin parents," she says, "we see that they
    are among our most satisfied groups. They see what Calvin means for their
    children; they see their children growing academically and spiritually. They
    see Calvin's impact. And they are willing to support Calvin as volunteers, as
    ambassadors for Calvin in their communities, as representatives at college
    fairs and as donors. We think that's marvelous. And this new position will
    help us do an even better job communicating with parents, listening to their
    joys and their concerns and helping them stay connected to Calvin both while
    their children are here and after they graduate."
    Both VanDenend and Druyvesteyn note that the increased emphasis on parent
    relations with this new, full-time position reflects a national trend in higher
    For his part VanWingerden is happy to be returning to a place he graduated
    from and worked at for 14 years as a resident director, admissions counselor
    and then assistant director for admissions.
    "This opportunity to return to Calvin College is truly a blessing at this
    point in my life," VanWingerden says. "I leave Camp Roger with tears in my
    eyes and a lump in my throat, but I'm very excited about what lies ahead."


    Contact Jim Van Wingerden at 526-6094

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