Calvin Prof Earns $500,000 Grant

From: Phil deHaan (
Date: Thu Oct 16 2003 - 16:08:24 EDT

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    October 17, 2003 == MEDIA ADVISORY

    A Calvin College psychology professor has earned a grant from the Department
    of Health and Human Services to study alcohol abuse in rural adolescents.

    Dr. Laura De Haan will receive $577,400 over four years from the National
    Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, an office of Health and Human

    That money will fund a study of young people in four states - North Dakota,
    South Dakota, Wyoming and Wisconsin.

    De Haan has studied adolescent abuse of alcohol before, but this latest grant
    will allow her to teach halftime and do research with the other half of her
    hours. She also will bring two Calvin students per year on board to assist her
    in her work, providing a valuable, hands-on experience for psychology majors
    that she says will stead them well in graduate school. She will work on the
    project with Calvin economics professor Kurt Schaefer, who will examine
    corollaries between alcohol abuse by adolescents and economic conditions in the
    towns in which they live.

    De Haan hopes the work over the next four years will provide insights not only
    into why young people drink, and often binge drink, but also why some don't -
    and what parents, educators and others can do to ensure that adolescents avoid
    alcohol. She also hopes that her work will provide more insight into the world
    of rural adolescents, a group she feels often is forgotten in societal
    discussions about vulnerable youth.

    All four states she and Schaefer will study have high rates of alcohol abuse
    in adolescents. In fact, North Dakota, where De Haan taught prior to coming to
    Calvin, leads the nation with a binge drinking rate of 17.2 percent in 1999
    among 12 to 17 year olds (with binge drinking defined as five or more drinks at
    one time on at least one day in the past 30 days). South Dakota, at 16.5%, is
    close behind, while Wyoming and Wisconsin were at 16.5% and 14.7% in 1999.
    Michigan, by contrast, was at 10.7% in 1999, right around the national

    Former Calvin professor Vernon Ehlers says the study will be a benefit to
    lawmakers down the road.

    "Alcohol is the most commonly used drug among our nation's youth. It not only
    affects their social behavior, but also impacts their academic performance,"
    said Ehlers, R-Grand Rapids. "As a policymaker, I am hopeful that the results
    of this study will
    provide legislative insights for combating alcohol use among youth."

    De Haan, who has a Ph.D. from Purdue in child development and family science,
    began her work on adolescents and alcohol during an eight-year career as a
    professor at North Dakota State University. In fact, she began writing the
    grant application that led to this recent award while still at North Dakota
    State, a process she has continued during her three years at Calvin.

    When she came to Calvin in the fall of 2000 she was heartened to learn that
    research was not only allowed at Calvin, but encouraged.

    "I had colleagues (at North Dakota State)," she says, "who didn't think I'd be
    able to do high-level research at a Christian college like Calvin. When I
    started looking closer at Calvin I was thrilled to see that I could both teach
    and research. This grant is, in some ways, a validation of Calvin's approach
    to education. And it's gratifying for me. I think research is critical in all
    fields and it's especially important in psychology. This work over the next
    four years will make me a better researcher and a better teacher. It's very

    Contact Laura De Haan at 616-526-8689


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