Calvin Earns $10,000 Science Education Prize

From: Phil deHaan (
Date: Wed Jun 19 2002 - 15:14:37 EDT

  • Next message: Phil deHaan: "Former Calvin Pres to Become Interim Head at Trinity"

    June 19, 2002 == FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

    A $10,000 prize to Calvin College for outstanding achievement in science
    education will benefit not just the college, but local schools as well.

    This summer, for example, Calvin has four students working on various aspects
    of elementary-level science education. This includes students doing curriculum
    development for the Grand Rapids Public Schools as result of the prize, awarded
    to Calvin as part of the second annual Heuer Awards for Outstanding Achievement
    in Undergraduate Science Education (presented by the Council of Independent

    Those awards note that "science education in independent colleges and
    universities is a resource of major importance to the nation's future."

    Calvin physics professor James Jadrich, who coordinates the Calvin elementary
    science education program, agrees.

    "The key question," says Jadrich, "is how do you teach science and how do you
    teach someone to teach science. Those are important questions for us to ask at
    Calvin, where education is our biggest area of study, and those are important
    questions for us as a society."

    CIC president Richard Ekman said the four programs selected as 2002 winners
    (Calvin; Bethel, MN; Drury, MO; and John Carroll, OH) demonstrate that
    "creativity and rigor in science program design can indeed increase student
    interest and success in the sciences, as well as strengthen programs in K-12

    Calvin's award-winning program is directly connected to K-8 education. The
    school was recognized by the CIC for its elementary science education program,
    which includes a four-course science sequence that sees Calvin students doing
    hands-on science education in local schools. The 2002 Heuer Award noted that in
    Calvin's program "there is a particular focus on meeting the needs of schools
    with high minority enrollment."

    And, said Heuer, "the college itself has made substantial investments in
    elementary science education by providing expanded laboratory and research space
    for the program and by providing funds to enhance the outreach program to local

    The awards were selected by a panel of science educators, including Hope
    College mathematics professor Janet Anderson.

    The Council of Independent Colleges, of which Calvin is a member, is an
    association of more than 500 independent liberal arts colleges and universities
    and higher education affiliates.


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