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About Us

Your study of religion at Calvin will help you engage the modern and post-modern world thoughtfully and actively.

Why study religion?

Religion courses, taught in the tradition of the liberal arts, allow you to develop a number of skills that will make you a fruitful and versatile professional when you enter the workforce.

  • Perceptive reading
  • Critical thinking
  • Expressive writing
  • Thoughtful communication of ideas

As you discuss issues of faith in your other courses—in biology, English, sociology, engineering and even mathematics—you will find yourself well-prepared to contribute theological insights to the discussion. The study of religion can also equip you to be contributing member of society and a strong leader in the church.

Supportive, engaging and encouraging faculty

The religion classroom at Calvin offers a place to learn, discuss and reflect as you seek to better understand God, humanity and the world. We strive to take your tough questions seriously and help you think deeper and more broadly to find their answers

We are here to help you to develop a theological worldview sophisticated enough to serve you far outside the classroom, and well past graduation, and to set you up for a lifelong pursuit of religious knowledge.