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About Us

To tell a story that compels your audience, you need captivating style and compelling ideas. At Calvin, you'll learn how to connect your audience to your story with precision and purpose as a successful Christian communicator.

The communication department has a comprehensive liberal arts base, which prepares students to share ideas articulately in interpersonal settings or through relevant media. We equip students to become passionate, informed Christians whose convictions spring from wisdom. Our teaching promotes lifelong service, explores the world's beauty, speaks comfort as well as justice to the world's pain, and promotes God's healing in a broken world.


Careers in entertainment, art, ministry, law, business, marketing—you’ll be equipped for it all through faith-infused classroom experiences and hands-on activities. We are committed to uniting students' hearts and minds in order to engage culture with a larger story.


Prepare for a career in ministry, theatre, television, web design, business, advertising, or any number of great paths through our numerous communication programs. We offer majors in digital and strategic communication as well as film and media, all providing opportunities to push boundaries for the betterment of culture.