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Be the Match

Be the Match
Be The Match On Campus Mission Engage students to save lives by: · Providing meaningful and unique opportunities for students to learn about blood cancers and other life-threatening diseases treated by a marrow transplant. · Increasing awareness of the need for more young, racially and ethnically diverse registry members who can save a life. · Holding campus-wide marrow donor registry drives, fundraising events, and activities to give the entire student body the opportunity to join in this global effort. · Building a sustainable chapter that becomes part of every class’s legacy.

The small act of a bone marrow donation can help a patient beat their sickness and continue living life as a healthy individual. We are here to encourage students to register as available donors and to inform the Calvin community about the mission of Be the Match.

We are looking for student leaders to fill the roles of secretary/social media manager, treasurer, and graphic designer (to make posters).  If you are interested in any of these roles, please contact Elle Hazlett ( for more information.

Contact us


Social Media

Instagram: @bethematch_calvin