New Employee Training
New Employee Environmental Health and Safety Training is required for every employee (any type of faculty appointment; full, part-time, and temporary staff; student employees, interns, and volunteers) at Calvin University.
There are three easy steps to completing this training task.
Step 1: Complete online training
Complete the training that was assigned to you through the SafeColleges training platform.
New Employee Safety Orientation Level 300 – all employees working in physical plant, telecommunications, campus events technical services, theater scene shop, science division shops, art studios, campus safety officers and supervisors.
- New Employee Safety Orientation Level 200 - all employees working in the science division, science labs, health services, nursing, kinesiology or coaching.
New Employee Safety Orientation Level 100 - is the course that covers topics necessary for working in an office or classroom setting. All other staff, faculty, and student employees not listed above must complete this level.
Step 2: Complete Job Specific Training
Meet with your supervisor to discuss any job specific training that you may need. Training may include: Bloodborne Pathogens, Lockout/Tagout, Fall Protection, Confined Spaces, Powered Industrial Truck, Crowd Management, etc.
Step 3: Training Verification Form
Print and complete the training verification form and ICM or email it EHS (
If you have any questions about safety training please contact:
Jennifer Ambrose
(616) 526-6342