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FREN 320: May in Quebec

Discover the rich culture of Quebec, Canada and learn French during this two-week trip. Students first visit Montreal and Quebec City, spending three days in each city.

Through visits to museums, historical sites, and different neighborhoods, the group explores Quebec’s history and culture from French colonial times to its development as a thriving French-speaking province in Canada. From Quebec City, the group returns to Montreal where students stay with French-speaking host parents for a week. During that time, students take intensive French language classes in the mornings at a language school located in downtown Montreal. No previous French is required as students are placed in classes according to their level, from beginner to advanced. During the afternoons, the group takes part in different activities to learn more about the city’s vibrant culture! The group travels back together from Montreal to Grand Rapids.


2 credits

Basic Information



Program Type



$3950-4300 (Flight and visa costs are not included in the estimated cost.) (Estimate)

Program Directors

Program Details