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BIO/IDIS 372: Dutch Sustainability: Is Orange the New Green?

When faced with sustainability challenges, the Dutch have always innovated their way towards a more stable and resilient environment.

Through orienting reading assignments and field excursions, students learn about this country’s richly varied history of cultural inclusion, land reclamation, water management, energy production, food production, and environmental preservation. These innovations have shaped Dutch society and culture in ways that earn their distinction as global leaders in redesigning their economic and infrastructure systems to meet today's sustainability challenges. 

Online excursion guides prepare students for visits to places throughout the Netherlands that feature old and new innovations, places of historic and cultural significance, and conversations with local experts. Course assessment is based on reflective assignments and class discussions. Students can expect to learn some Dutch in this course, but knowing Dutch is not required, since many people in the Netherlands speak some English.


2 credits


Basic Information



Program Type



$5300-$5900 (Estimate)

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