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Dynamic Link Journal

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Every two years, the Department of Computer Science at Calvin publishes its journal Dynamic Link: Christian Perspectives on Software Development. One way to understand the scope of the journal’s coverage is to look at the system development life cycle and consider all the people whose lives are touched by the process.

The journal is also closely associated with the Dynamic Link Conference.

The 2011-2012 Issue Is Here (click here to download):

The articles cover a wide range of subjects and the list below summarizes the contents:


Carbon Footprints and Computing: Efficiency as Stewardship of God’s Creation 
Joel C. Adams, Ph.D. Department of Computer Science, Calvin College



Technology Devotion: Why Christian Engineers & Scientists need a Devotional Life 
Steven VanderLeest, Ph. D. Department of Engineering, Calvin College; Vice-President of R&D at DornerWorks, Ltd; Partner at squishLogic LLC



Emphasizing Beauty in Computer Programs 
Victor Norman, Ph. D. Department of Computer Science, Calvin College



Computers, Christ and Creativity 
Bruce Abernethy, Senior Software Architect, CQL, Grand Rapids, MI



Computing and Missions 
Dorinda and Greg Beeley, LightSys, Colorado Springs, CO



Dynamic Link Conference 2011 
IS371 Students, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI



Our two previous journals can be viewed by clicking on the links below:

Dynamic Link: 2007-2008 
Dynamic Link: 2009-2010

Supporting The Project

The Lily Vocational Fund generously provided the seed money to the project and the journal. It now depends on private donations to sustain the conference and the publication. We hope to keep the conference an open event to encourage the engagement between working professionals and students to talk about their work and faith. 

Your support can be in the form of a gift or a sponsor.

Supporting Gift: Contributors of gifts of $25 or more will receive three copies of the journal. You will also be recognized in the journal as a contributor to the project. Forward your gift to the address listed below in the section on ordering back issues.

Requesting Printed Copies and Our Address

We provide copies of the journal to the Calvin community and visitors to Calvin. If you would like a printed copy mailed to you, please send a written request and a $2.00 donation (checks made out to Dynamic Link Project- Calvin) for each copy requested to:

Dynamic Link Project
Computer Science Department
Calvin College
3201 Burton Street SE 
Grand Rapids, MI 49546


Our Sponsors

The conference and this journal are made possible by the generous support of the organizations whose logos are listed here. Placement of a business card size display ad for $150 will be available on the back cover of the next Dynamic Link Journal (Click here to see a copy of the last issue.) Contact Professor Pat Bailey, Phone:616 526 7543,

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