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We Are Calvin: Eric Seo

Thu, Apr 03, 2014
Matt Kucinski

Eric Seo
Hometown: Duncan, B.C.
Year: Sophomore
Major(s): Sports management and business

Where are you?

York, England.

Why are you there?

I am currently studying abroad through one of Calvin’s off campus programs.

What's your typical day look like?

On a typical weekday I wake up, go to class, go into town, relax in a café or pub, come back to my flat, make dinner, do homework and hangout with friends or watch Netflix. On a typical day on the weekend our group goes on different excursions all around the UK to see different historical sites and cities. 

What are you doing?

I am taking four classes through both Calvin and York St. Johns University and traveling throughout the country and engaging in the British culture.

How has Calvin prepared you for this?

Studying at Calvin for a year and a half has shaped me to be a well-rounded person. I have learned to be discerning, respectable and also to approach new experiences with a positive attitude and an open mind. Calvin has not only taught me to work hard in the classroom but to be a loving citizen of God in the community.

What has surprised you so far?

Since this is my first time being across the Atlantic in Europe, a lot has caught me off guard. I didn’t know much about the rich history of York. The beautiful York Minster itself took over 250 years to build, which is older than the time the United States has been a country. I also did not expect such a big culture difference which took some time to get accustomed to. Quite a few locals have told me they like my accent, who would have thought?   

How do you see this experience shaping your future?

Getting the chance to live in a foreign country has given me the opportunity to grow as a person and also to grow in God. I have learned to be more independent and responsible in the things that I do. There have been many connections built and new relationships made. I will definitely be bringing friends and family back to York one day to show them this beautiful town.     

Best food you've eaten?

You can’t go wrong with the Fish n’ Chips here. It’s a classic in England.  

Best picture you've taken?

Cliffs of Moher, in Ireland. They are giant cliffs with 700-foot drops right into the ocean. 

Best book you've read?

Twelfth Night, Shakespeare.

Best place you've visited?

This is hard to answer because we’ve been blessed to visit so many amazing places, but I would pick Ireland for St. Patricks’ Day. The western part of Ireland is absolutely gorgeous and there were people everywhere from all over the world in Dublin during that week.

Met anybody memorable?

My flatmates. The four guys that I live with are probably the messiest people I have ever encountered but they are very funny and nice. Living with them definitely prepared me for what living in a house can be like next year.
