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Calvin News

Walking Boldly: Teunis Verwijs

Fri, Jun 12, 2015
Matt Kucinski

This summer, we are following grads from the Class of 2015 as they continue their journeys around the corner and across the globe.

  • Name: Teunis Verwijs
  • Class: 2015
  • Hometown: AS Kampen, Netherlands
  • Major(s): Art
  • Next step: Applying to galleries and museums in Amsterdam

What’s one thing that surprised you at Calvin?

The way we learned. My previous schooling experience consisted of learning in absolutes and simply storing what was seen as facts without questioning them. I was pleasantly surprised to go to my classes and have the opportunity to question ideas, discuss them and learn that there is more than one way of looking at things. It taught me to be curious and engaged, and to enjoy learning.

What’s one thing you would want to tell someone starting his or her journey at Calvin?

I would want to tell them that no one expects you to know everything. As a first-year student I was afraid people would notice I didn’t know much about a certain topic. One of the things I learned throughout my time at Calvin is that my professors were still learning alongside me and that this was a big part of their motivation. Ask questions and join discussions and you will find that the smartest people around you are the ones who are not embarrassed to ask; they are likely curious about a lot of things outside of their specialty.

If you could take one more class at Calvin, what would it be? 

I would take an English class with professors (Jane) Zwart and (Jennifer) Holberg. They are passionate about what they teach, inclusive in their teaching (they make you feel respected, which eases you into the conversation), and just plain hilarious.

What was your favorite space on campus? 

Commons Lawn at the start of each school year. I will miss the cookouts with their general air of excitement, where friends would reunite again after the summer break.
