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Calvin News

Walking Boldly: Addison Sung

Fri, Jun 19, 2015
Matt Kucinski

This summer, we are following grads from the Class of 2015 as they continue their journeys around the corner and across the globe.

What’s fun about your workplace?

The people here are so nice. The other employees have such a big heart and willingness to help the clients we serve. The clients we serve are children and adults with disabilities. So far, it has been a humbling and good experience. Also, we have monthly potlucks. As a foodie and the former president of the Calvin Culinary Club, I get to plan and pick the themes for these potlucks. To me, that’s very exciting!

What class at Calvin uniquely prepared you for this position?

Business 365 (Human Resource Management) really prepared me for this position because it introduced me to this field and gave me a good overview of what a career in HR would entail.

What about Calvin specifically prepared you for this position?

Calvin offers so many opportunities to grow and work on personal development. Being a MAC (multicultural activities coordinator), mentor and member of the multicultural student advisory board with the Multicultural Student Development Office (MSDO) has helped me learn more about other cultures, appreciate them and recognize the issues regarding race in the United States. Being able to participate in the Entrada Scholars Program and living in the dorms has helped me develop relationships that will last a lifetime. Taking part in Project Neighborhood has built my patience, as well as increased my willingness to serve others. Overall, the Service-Learning Center, MSDO, pre-college programs, residence life and my professors at Calvin have really helped prepare me for this position.

How have Calvin professors impacted your life?

The professors for most of my classes have had a really great impact on me because of their support and interest in wanting me to do well. A number of them noticed that I didn’t talk much in class, but told me that I have good ideas and thoughts that are worth sharing too. It’s something that I still have to work on, but because of them I have more confidence and plan on developing this skill for my career. Speaking up is a must, especially in the business world.

Tell us one “aha” moment at Calvin when things seemed to come together.

At the end of summer 2014, my Project Neighborhood house had one final time together before some of us parted ways. We had a time of reflection and discussion to reflect on our experience together and say nice things to one another. I got to see how much I grew, not only that summer, but in my time at Calvin. I’m still a shy introvert, like I was in high school. But, I’m a shy introvert who tries. I still get involved, build relationships and always try my best.
