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Calvin News


Mon, Sep 24, 2001
Gaylen Byker

Since coming to Calvin six years ago I have consistently been impressed with the people that the college brings together. Our students, faculty and staff are
hard-working, generous and committed women and men of faith who take seriously the Calvin call to be "agents of renewal" in both good times and bad.

Last week we had a chance to see the mettle of our campus tested once again.
And although what happened last week was difficult for this campus, the
overwhelming sense that I took away from the event was a positive one.

There were numerous incidents on Thursday and Friday that demonstrated the
ability of this community to come together around a common cause and to care
for, love and support one another.

I spent a good part of Thursday night walking through the residence halls,
encouraging students and being available for their questions and concerns. What
I saw there was people pulling together. There was not a sense of panic, but
rather a sense of getting through things as a community. I saw students from
Grand Rapids taking six to eight floormates home with them. I saw people
praying together. I saw resident directors and resident assistants available as
a resource and a listening ear.

When I returned to Spoelhof Center I saw a multitude of faculty and staff
waiting to take students home for the night. I saw staff, who had expected to
spend a quiet night at home, working the phones, organizing lists of volunteers,
answering questions and doing media interviews. In short, I saw a community in
action. And it was good to see.

As you likely know we had a quiet and uneventful day on Friday. Campus Safety,
which was outstanding Thursday night, was equally up to the task on Friday as
they patrolled the campus with assistance from the Grand Rapids, East Grand
Rapids and East Kentwood police departments. By Friday evening we felt
confident about reopening the campus, and students began to return slowly about
9 p.m. On Saturday we were back to a normal slate of activities and, of course,
this morning we all returned to campus for classes, Chapel and more.

One final note: on Saturday the Grand Rapids Police Department arrested a
suspect in the threat. He will be arraigned today. Police feel confident that
they have the right person in custody based on their work over the weekend.
This obviously is the resolution we had hoped for, and we hope that it will
bring a measure of relief to the entire campus.

I want to thank everyone for their work last week. It was a difficult time,
but it was made easier by the terrific people that God has brought together for
this educational enterprise.
