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A teacher for teachers

Tue, Sep 01, 2020

For nearly 23 years, Robert Keeley has taught in Calvin University’s education department. In recognition for his decades of excellence at the university, Keeley has received the school’s highest teaching honor: the 2020 Presidential Award for Exemplary Teaching. Through his scholarship, service, and teaching, Keeley has been “an outstanding university citizen,” said Arlene Hoogewerf, academic dean. Keeley has served Calvin in many leadership roles, supported his colleagues, and helped to design the Certificate in Bible Instruction, a Calvin Theological Seminary program in partnership with Calvin University.

Among the many categories in which he excels, students consistently give Keeley high marks for his enthusiasm in teaching. A former student noted, “Keeley was one of my most favorite professors of my career at Calvin. He is a very forgiving professor and really loves getting to know you as a student.”

Keeley is able to excel in teaching in part because of his own tenacious scholarship of pursuing truth in education and ministry, including authoring Helping Our Children Grow in Faith: How the Church Can Nurture the Spiritual Development of Kids (Baker Books, 2008) and co-authoring three additional books.