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Calvin News

Science Demos for Local Kids

Thu, May 22, 2003

Nails made from lasagna, racquetballs that shatter like glass, exploding pop bottles and rags that don't burn? All part of the annual science demonstrations for fifth graders at Calvin College by chemistry professor Larry Louters.

This is the 13th year for the science demos. And, as in past years, they are an enjoyable mix of education and entertainment, designed to not only teach children some of the more basic laws of chemistry, but do so in a fun way that may encourage kids to pursue the study of chemistry at the high school and college level.

Louters's act is a blend of Mr. Rogers and David Copperfield as he mixes kind-hearted science instruction with explosions, flames, disappearing pennies, liquids that change colors and melting styrofoam cups. He makes a balloon shrink and shrivel when dipped in liquid hydrogen and then magically reinflates it upon exposure to the air. He spills burning liquid methane on the floor and throws flaming paper in the air only to have it vanish without a trace.

"It's fun for me," Louters says, "and I know the kids enjoy it too. And hopefully they'll learn a few things."

Letters that Louters receives from students speak of both the enjoyment and the education that the seminars provide.

"I enjoyed the big boom a lot," said one student. "Thank you for inviting us to your lab." Wrote another student: "Thank you for sharing your knowledge." And one girl thought it was "cool" when Louters "set fire to the towel and it didn't burn."

Says Louters: "I figure if we can reach kids early enough, and get them excited about chemistry, maybe they'll remember it when they get to high school or college and want to take it again. The beautiful thing about these demonstrations is that they all want to be chemists afterwards."

Louters did two demonstrations on Monday (got about 240 students) and has two more slated for Wednesday, May 21 and two others on Thursday, May 22 (see below for times and schools). All of the demos take place in Gezon Auditorium (pronounced GUH ZON) on Calvin's campus (located just inside the lobby of the Spoelhof Center, the main administration building on campus).


Wednesday, May 21 from 9:30-10:45 am & 1-2:15 pm

Thursday, May 22 from 9:30-10:45 am & 1-2:15 pm