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Calvin News

Professor of the Year

Mon, May 24, 1999
Phil de Haan

He's the people's choice -- well, the choice of the class of 1999 at least. Ken Bratt, a professor of classics at Calvin, has been named the 1999 Professor of the Year by the Class of 1999.

The award was coordinated by the Calvin Student Alumni Association. Nomination forms were submitted by seniors in February and that process brought in 36 nominations. A committee of ten seniors then narrowed the field to five professors and that quintet was presented to the senior class for voting. The Class of 1999 was polled via e-mail and almost 200 seniors -- or 25% of the graduating class -- responded. Bratt, said the Student Alumni Association, was the clear frontrunner.

The Student Alumni Association began its Professor of the Year award in 1998 as a way for the senior class to honor a current calvin faculty memebr who has made an impact on the lives of students. The recipient is "an outstanding teacher, one who has made significant efforts to guide the lives of students in faith and in learning."

The criteria for the award include:
Excellence in teaching
Spiritual impact
Concern for students

Bratt was presented with a clock and a framed certificate at the Senior Breakfast on Commencement Day -- Saturday, May 22, 1999. In fact, a group of seniors came to his house -- early Saturday morning -- to deliver the good news and bring him to breakfast.