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More balance, please

Fri, Sep 01, 2017

I am not sure if the problem I am writing about is normally the case and I just did not notice before, or if this is a one-time problem with this issue (summer 2017). Could someone please explain to me sincerely and honestly (no lame excuses, please) why there are twice as many men pictured in this issue as women? I would imagine current enrollment is about 50-50 or even tipped in favor of female students. If I find back copies of the Spark, I will take a look to see if this is normally the case, as I suspect. This is 2017. Please make a bit more effort in this area.

Sarah Lawrence ’03
Tegucigalpa, Honduras

You are accurate in your assessment. The issue was heavy on male-oriented subjects. Every issue is a kind-of jigsaw puzzle, with elements coming from many sources. Sometimes intended stories don’t work out and a replacement must be found. An initially intended balance or issue construction doesn’t always pan out. While there may occasionally be an issue that weighs heavier on one side or the other, we are confident that over the course of a year’s issues we will achieve the intended balance. We thank you for holding us accountable in this area and will use your comments to do our best to equally herald all achievements from alumni and alumnae.
