Calvin Worship Renewal Grants
The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship is pleased to announce its Worship Renewal Grant Program recipients for the year 2001. Funds were granted to the following churches and organizations to do the following:
Alliance Evangelical Friends Church, Alliance, Ohio
To establish a series of workshops for worship leaders and children to develop a philosophy of worship for children’s worship and age appropriate activities for use in children’s worship ministries
Bethel-Bethany United Church of Christ, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
To encourage the use and appreciation of multicultural music and liturgy in the worship services of four Lutheran and Reformed congregations located in a multicultural neighborhood through the development of a congregational/ecumenical model for worship renewal
Calvary Memorial United Methodist Church, Snow Hill, North Carolina
To host a Liturgical Arts Festival – a workshop in worship ministry for children, youth and adult worship leaders where adults will empower young people in the planning and implementation of meaningful worship experiences, and local churches will find new ways to share in worship ministry
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, Missouri
To educate a parish and other diocesan congregations about worship rituals and the liturgical life of their communities during a cathedral renovation project
Christ’s Community Christian Church, Avondale, Arizona
To sponsor a three-day retreat for pastors and worship pastors to understand the theological framework of worship, to refine core worship values in the evangelical tradition, and to apply those principles to relevant, contextual worship services
Christians in Theatre Arts, Greenville, South Carolina
To share with participants at regional CITA conferences and meetings for pastors and church leaders the results of prior exploration and discussion on the role of theatre in worship
City Impact, Inc., Oxnard, California
To develop a 15-week course through Ventura County Worship Renewal Project on the history and development of Christian worship, plan creative congregational and public worship services, including a worship service practicum, and to facilitate cross-cultural worship experiences amongst churches
College Hill Reformed Presbyterian Church, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania
To provide a forum for composers working on contemporary renderings of psalm texts and music, and to introduce these to worship leaders and the Geneva College worshiping community
The Common Ministry at Washington State University, Pullman, Washington
To train and equip student leaders to offer meaningful and theologically rich worship experiences for college students
Corpus Christi Church, New York, New York
To collaborate with neighboring religious institutions to form an increased awareness of the relationship between private spirituality and public discipleship through a Lenten Vesper Series
Covenant Presbyterian Church, Roanoke, Virginia
To create a four-part worship series on the Psalms using the gifts of a contemporary composer, a brass quintet, and adult and youth choirs
Daylesford Abbey, Paoli, Pennsylvania
To create works of art for five multicultural congregations under the direction of Nancy Chinn
Diocese of Gaylord, Gaylord, Michigan
To establish an Institute for Liturgy to train lay leaders in worship leadership, including a distance learning classroom
Eighth St. Mennonite Church, Goshen, Indiana
To provide vision for and promote engagement in ecumenical worship through a series of planned worship services and other events
Eliot Presbyterian Church, Lowell, Massachusetts
To partner with International Christian Fellowship Ministry in introducing the musical and worship traditions of East Asians and Africans into their congregations as a means of outreach to other immigrants
Faith Reformed Church, Brookings, South Dakota
To formulate a thoughtful and creative interdisciplinary introduction of a new hymnal through worship team leadership, adult church school class, and banners illustrating theological themes of the hymnal
Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions, Region VI, Toledo, Ohio
To offer a Liturgy Summer Camp to provide a basic understanding of liturgy to lay persons in Michigan and Ohio
First Christian Reformed Church, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
To compose songs based on scripture, catechism, creeds, and the Contemporary Testimony for use in worship
First Covenant Church, Oakland, California
To plan Worship 2001, a conference for musicians and worship leaders with an emphasis on music
First United Methodist Church, Winnie, Texas
To develop an educational program of Fine Arts in Worship for children and youth
Granite Springs Christian Reformed Church, Rocklin, California
To conduct a series of five teaching sessions, concluding with a two-day retreat for worship planners and songwriters on the use of the Psalms in worship and to compose new psalm settings
Hope Centre Christian Reformed Church (Hopelink), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
To sponsor "Enlarging the Circle," a three-day, cross-disability conference on inclusive worship
Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Warrenville, Illinois
To support a composer-in-residence program along with an education program on music in worship
Judson College, Elgin, Illinois
To promote the creation of architecturally inspiring worship spaces that serve the Protestant evangelical community through a two-day conference
Knox Presbyterian Church, Mitchell, Ontario, Canada
A liturgy training program for lay people in six rural/small town Presbyterian congregations in southwestern Ontario
LaSalle Street Church, Chicago, Illinois
To effect greater immediacy in worship for worshippers by combining research on the church calendar and worship planning around the liturgical year
Leadership Program for Musicians Serving Small Congregations, Denver, Colorado
To begin a program for training worship leaders and musicians on the theological underpinnings of leading worship and music and developing practical skills in worship leadership
Leadership Program for Musicians Serving Small Congregations, Burke, Virginia
To enable Local Program Coordinators from ten targeted geographical areas to participate in a national Leadership Program for Musicians Leadership Development Conference
Lower Susquehanna Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
To begin and nurture the adult catechumenal process in churches by the combination of a retreat, a worship service, and a one-day training session with follow-up consultations
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Prospect Heights, Illinois
To evaluate and expand an arts enrichment program that will impact public worship
Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago, Illinois
To equip ten pastors from congregations of different geographic and ecumenical contexts to creatively preach on worship and sacrament in a way that combines the worshiper’s reflection with biblical stories and images
Masterworks Performing Arts Company, Chesapeake, Virginia
To sponsor a Worship Arts Conference, including the areas of drama ministry, vocal and instrumental music, and other related worship arts
Mt. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
To study ways to renovate the sanctuary of a small urban church to meet current needs through the involvement of musicians, artists, architecture students, a professional architect, and the church’s congregation as well as permit architecture students to explore options for area churches with similar needs
New Covenant Presbyterian Church, Anderson, South Carolina
To sponsor a conference for the Presbyterian Church in America in upstate South Carolina on the theological underpinnings and practical implications of renewal in worship and the arts
North American Association for the Catechumenate, Pataskala, Ohio
To support a conference on programs to integrate worship, evangelism, hospitality, and small group ministries in the process of welcoming new members to a congregation
Primera Iglesia Evangelica Hispana Metodista Libre, Tampa, Florida
To begin a certification training program for musicians, pastors and music leaders in Latino churches
Salem United Methodist Church, Bremen, Indiana
To fund a one-day conference for hymnwriters from Northern Indiana on writing hymns and other songs for worship
Salvation Army, Flint, Michigan
To develop a worship service called Cross-ConneXions, and other discipleship programs for youth and young adults
Saint Andrew Christian Church, Olathe, Kansas
To help churches develop stimulating and meaningful worship environments and sacred spaces for their congregations during a one-day workshop
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Dallas, Texas
To enrich worship through learning, singing and sharing worship music from around the world, helping celebrate the diversity of the neighborhood, city and church
St. Luke Lutheran Church, Summerville, South Carolina
To provide education about worship, to train youth in the arts, and to empower them to participate in and lead worship
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Powhatan, Virginia
To explore, in conjunction with the Commission on Small Churches in the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia, methods where small congregations can design excellent intergenerational worship practices
St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, Indianapolis, Indiana
To prepare college, university, and seminary students for musician and clergy positions in churches through a worship conference
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, Chicago, Illinois
To conduct a series of workshops that focus on the role of art and its impact on worship
Takoma Park Presbyterian Church, Takoma Park, Maryland
To conduct an ecumenical workshop in liturgical dance to train leaders in the use of liturgical dance in worship, and to hold a liturgical dance concert
Turning Pointe School of Dance, Holland, Michigan
To plan a two-day Sacred Dance Conference to teach the principles and guidelines for using dance in worship
Urbandale United Church of Christ, Urbandale, Iowa
To provide opportunities in the research, writing and dramatic presentation of lectionary texts through Project AWE: Arts in Worship Experience
Anyone interested in receiving a brochure on how to apply for a Worship Renewal Grant, please contact the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, 3201 Burton St. SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546;, or print the brochure from The next deadline for receiving grant proposals is September 1, 2001.