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Calvin News

Calvin College hosts CRC and RCA synods

Thu, Jun 07, 2018
Matt Kucinski

On Thursday, June 7, 2018, delegates to the Christian Reformed Church's synod and to the Reformed Church in America’s general synod kicked off their annual business meetings together on Calvin’s campus. The two groups participated in a worship service at 7 p.m. in the Calvin College Chapel.

The two synods consist of ministers, elders, and officebearers who represent various classis (districts) from around the country and world. The two groups are responsible for helping shape programs and policies for their respective denominations. In 2018, the RCA general synod's annual business meetings run June 7-12; the CRC synod's from June 8-14.

While the two synods will be working through their own agendas for the week, they will also intentionally take time during the week to collaborate through joint committee meetings, workshops, plenary sessions, and times of worship.

Visit for the list of CRC Synod agenda items and to stay updated on the latest news from Synod 2018.
