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Best in the Midwest

Thu, Dec 01, 2016

Calvin College is ranked No. 1 overall among Midwest regional colleges in the 2017 U.S. News & World Report’s Best Colleges Guidebook. Calvin is the only higher-ed institution in Michigan to garner a No. 1 ranking in its category.

The report helps prospective students and their families evaluate colleges and universities based on up to 15 widely accepted indicators of excellence, such as first-year retention rates, graduation rates and the strength of faculty. The report also considers qualitative assessments by administrators at peer institutions.


In addition to sharing the top overall ranking among its peers with Taylor University (Indiana), Calvin earned the No. 1 ranking in two subcategory lists: “A Strong Commitment to Undergraduate Teaching” (being cited most often for having this strength by college presidents, provosts and admissions deans in the Midwest Regional ranking category) and “Best Colleges for Veterans” (by being certified for the GI Bill, participating in the Yellow Ribbon Program, and having more than 20 students use GI Bill benefits in 2015–2016).

“Calvin’s mission, rather than rankings, anchors us in our educational vision,” said Michael K. Le Roy, Calvin president, “but independent validation from U.S. News encourages us to believe that faithful work will be recognized by others.”