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French Language Careers & Outcomes

French language skills can help you excel in many different careers, including business, engineering, medicine and more. That’s why many French majors combine language study with other academic programs.

Some French majors go on to work in areas directly related to French, such as teaching at the elementary, secondary or college level. Here you can find career ideas and resources to find jobs in France or gain entry to graduate school.

Careers to consider

A French major is a great stepping stone to careers in teaching, missions, business, engineering, international aid/development work and more. Consider combining your program in French with another major/minor at Calvin, as second language skills are marketable in many professions. Here are a few jobs you can consider as a French student:

  • World Language teacher
  • Translator
  • Interpreter
  • Linguistics
  • Researcher
  • Foreign Service Worker (Peace Corps, VISTA, AmeriCorps, USAID)
  • Health Services Worker
  • Nonprofit Worker
  • Missionary
  • Employee at an International Business
  • Professor
  • ESL Teacher
  • Social Worker
  • Educational Administrator for Study Abroad Programs