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Learning Activities for Faith and Psychology

The Kuyers Institute has sponsored the production of a collection of ancillary materials designed to assist the facilitating of a Christian perspective into introductory college-level psychology courses.

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The Kuyers Institute has sponsored the production of a collection of ancillary materials designed to assist the facilitating of a Christian perspective into introductory college-level psychology courses. The authors write,

Have you ever struggled with applying faith to your teaching? If you’re like us, you have. Many of us are interested in teaching introductory psychology from a Christian perspective and some have already developed strategies for doing so. However because of psychology’s breadth, it’s difficult for a single professor to develop integration materials for multiple subdisciplines. So we decided to create a collection of learning activities that integrates psychology with faith. Rather than reinventing the wheel, so to speak, we solicited activities and recommendations from professors who have already discovered useful teaching strategies. We put these ideas together with our own to form a compilation of integration learning activities.

We chose five popular topics in psychology: introductory materials, psychological science, brain and behavior, social psychology, and therapy. The learning activities include lectures, discussion, classroom exercises, student assignments, Bible readings, surveys, and videos. Also included is commentary to guide you in teaching these topics from a Christian perspective.