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Calvin Faculty Fellowships

The Faith and Learning Fellowship program equips newer Calvin University faculty members to flourish as Christian scholars and teachers in the Calvin community.

Faith and Learning Fellowship

This program provides a course release to participants at key junctures of their early years at Calvin (typically in their 2nd and 4th years) to enable sustained reflection on the relationship between faith and learning. Through a cohort program involving reading, reflection, writing, mentorship, and guided conversation, participants will be supported and challenged as they develop as faculty members at Calvin.

Teaching at Calvin

An important historic focus at Calvin has been on how Christian faith informs, enriches, and challenges the academic content that students learn and that faculty members produce in their scholarship.

Today there is also renewed energy directed toward the difference that Christian commitment can make to how teaching happens and how students learn. Calvin is committed to helping its faculty members ground what they teach and how they teach it in Christian faith.

If you're interested in joining Calvin's community of educators and learners, you can learn more about Calvin's philosophy and open positions.


If you have questions about the Faith and Learning Fellowship program, please contact Dr. Matthew Lundberg.

Matthew Lundberg

Matthew D. Lundberg

Director, de Vries Institute for Global Faculty Development; Professor of Religion