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About Us

The de Vries Institute for Global Faculty Development (dVI) aims to expand the capacity of Christian faculty members to integrate the Christian faith with their work as scholars in meaningful, authentic, and transformative ways.

DVI carries out this mission not only among faculty at Calvin University and Calvin Theological Seminary, but with Christian faculty and institutions worldwide who are committed to a vital synergy between Christian faith and academic life.

A generous gift from the estate of Rimmer and Ruth de Vries made possible the founding of dVI as an institute of Calvin University.

Matthew Lundberg

Matthew D. Lundberg

Director, de Vries Institute for Global Faculty Development; Professor of Religion
David Smith

David I. Smith

Professor, Director, Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning Coordinator, De Vries Institute for Global Faculty Development
Laurie Lemmen

Laurie Lemmen

Project Manager, de Vries Institute and Calvin Global Campus
Margie Styf portrait in front of greenery

Margie Styf

Administrative Assistant
Jordan Ballor

Jordan Ballor

Coordinator, Kuyper Prize and Conference

Ralph Stearley

Professor Emeritus, De Vries Senior Contributing Scholar
Naomi van Rijn

Naomi van Rijn

De Vries Instructional Fellow