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Everyday Christian Teaching

Flexible professional development resources for Christian educators about how faith shapes teaching. Organize a training day, run an extended whole-school learning experience, or explore resources for individual study.

What is Everyday Christian Teaching?

Providing high quality Christian learning across the curriculum in elementary and secondary schools is not easy. Yet professional development opportunities are scarce, costly, and difficult to weave into the everyday life of the school in ways that make a lasting difference. 

Everyday Christian Teaching draws from the latest scholarship on Christian teaching and learning and decades of professional development experience to provide flexible resources for use in your school community. 

Whether you are a school leader looking for a coherent sequence of professional learning experiences for your staff or an individual seeking to deepen your craft, we have resources that can help.

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Coming soon!

  • Downloadable resources for running a professional development day on faith and teaching
  • Resources for creating an extended, whole-school learning process on a faith and learning topic.
  • Self-paced options for individual teachers and onboarding new faculty.
  • Graduate credit options without the necessity of full enrollment in a Master program.
  • And more! Signing up for our free newsletter is the best way to keep up with what we're doing.

What we offer

Choose the learning experience that best supports your career and professional development goals. You can explore our programs by the theme they cover, or by the professional development pathway they deliver.

Teacher instructing a young girl at a desk

Hospitality to Strangers

We often focus on caring for our own, yet the biblical call to hospitality echoes throughout the Scriptures. What does that mean for preK-12 Christian education? Explore these questions through one of our Hospitality to Strangers pathways.

Team of volunteers

Faith, Community, and Learning

How do we reconcile educational practices that often push toward individual achievement with the biblical call to mutual service and interdependent community? Explore this question through one of four pathways.

More Topics Are Coming Soon

The Everyday Christian Teaching library will expand on a regular basis as we add new topics and other resources. Check back periodically to see what's new!

Instructor in front of a whiteboard

Intensive Pathway

Everything a school leader needs to deliver a professional development day on a given topic for school staff.

A team meeting

Extended Pathway

Purchase resources that equip you to run a 7-week, whole-school learning experience on a given topic.

Woman writing in a notebook

Self-paced Pathway

Videos, PDFs, and other material you can work through for your own professional development.

Woman studying at a computer

Graduate Credit Pathway

Take an online one-credit course that gives you graduate credit without enrolling in a full MEd program.