Christian Witness and Ministry in a COVID-Shaped World: Practicing Mindfulness in a Time of Pandemic - starting June 1

  • June 1, 2020–June 19, 2020

You can find spiritual and emotional peace—even in the chaotic and confusing times. Discover ways to deepen your connection with God and live each moment intentionally.

Course overview

In the middle of a pandemic, peace of mind can seem very far away. But it is possible to feel control even while in uncontrollable circumstances.

At the heart of this course is the practice of Christian mindfulness meditation, which you'll use to be more aware of God’s presence and live more intentionally. You will examine research about the benefits of mindfulness practice. And you'll learn to adapt it to your own unique life circumstances.

Before this class ends, you'll see these insights and practices start making a difference in your life. You’ll be more than ready to face the emotional and spiritual challenges of this pandemic.

Course distinctives

  • Expert guidance—Your instructor is Irene Kraegel, an experienced clinical psychologist, speaker, and author of The Mindful Christian.
  • Christian focus—Your practice of mindfulness isn't just a method to reduce stress. It's intended to help you strengthen your Christian faith and listen more clearly to God's voice in your life.
  • Helpful for everyone—If you've suffered significant emotional stress, are hurting emotionally, or are feeling anxious and overwhelmed by the pandemic, you stand to benefit greatly from the techniques in this course.

Course details

There is no set meeting time for this course. You will have opportunities for live collaboration with the professor and other students. If you choose to audit the course, plan to spend 10—14 hours over the course of three weeks reading, writing, watching videos, and having discussions. You won't be graded. If you are taking the course for academic credit, expect an additional 20 hours of course work. Credit-seekers are awarded a credit on a completed/not-completed basis without a letter grade.


The registration deadline has passed.