Woodcut image of Reverend Whitfield preaching, dated 1749.

This talk is part of history colloquia series. These lectures are open to the Calvin community - students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends - and all are warmly welcome to attend. Find out more about all of our upcoming events at https://calvin.edu/academics/departments-programs/history/events/

“burst out a Crying, & Laughing, & Dancing”: Sound and the Body in England’s Eighteenth-Century Religious Awakenings

Beginning in the late-1730s, scores of Englishmen and women fostered what some called a “new religion.” In the early stages of the movement we now call “evangelicalism,” English-speaking Methodists and Moravians commonly embraced radical revival practices centered in their physical bodies: unrestrained shouting, falling down, and visions. This presentation examines the emergence of these exercises and explores their impact on English society.

About the Speaker

Tucker Adkins (PhD, Florida State University) is a historian of religious experience in the eighteenth-century British world. His work has appeared in outlets like The New England Quarterly, Scottish Church History, and Fides et Historia. He joins us in the Historical Studies department at Calvin as a de Vries Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow.

This talk is part of history colloquia series. These lectures are open to the Calvin community - students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends - and all are warmly welcome to attend.