A-Z Index
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- Academic Calendar
- Accounting (BSA)
- Actuarial Science
- Admissions
- African Studies
- Alliance Housing
- Alumni Association
- Annual Fund
- Apply to Calvin
- Archaeology
- Art & Art History
- Art Education
- Arts at Calvin
- Arts Collective
- Asian Studies
- Astronomy
- Athletics
- Audio-Visual
- Beets-Veenstra (BV)
- Bilingual Spanish Education
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biotechnology
- Boer-Bennink (BB)
- Bolt-Heyns-Timmer (BHT)
- Bookstore
- Box Office | Tickets
- Bruce Dice Mineralogical Museum
- Build Up
- Bunker Interpretive Center
- Business
- Calendar of events
- Calvin Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL)
- Calvin Alumni Choir
- Calvin Assessment Response and Evaluation (CARE)
- Calvin Biodiversity Project
- Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship (CCCS)
- Calvin Center for Faith & Writing (CCFW)
- Calvin Center for Innovation in Business (CCIB)
- Calvin Climbing Center
- Calvin Core
- Calvin Energy Recovery Fund (CERF)
- Calvin Environmental Assessment Program (CEAP)
- Calvin Institute of Christian Worship (CICW)
- Calvin LifeWork
- Calvin Photo Gallery
- Calvin Press, The
- Calvin Prison Initiative (CPI)
- Calvin Theatre Company
- Calvin Theological Seminary
- Calvin Video Productions (CVP)
- Camps
- Campus Involvement and Leadership
- Campus Map
- Campus Ministries
- Campus Safety
- Campus Store
- Career Center
- Center Art Gallery
- Center for Counseling and Wellness
- Center for Intercultural Student Development
- Ceramics
- Chapel
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Chimes
- Chinese Studies
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library
- Citizenship Research Initiative
- Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Classical Studies
- Clean Water Institute of Calvin University
- Clery Act
- Clubs
- Cohorts
- College Access Programs
- Commencement
- Commons, The
- Committees & Governing Boards
- Communication
- Community Engagement
- Composition
- Computer Science
- Congregational & Ministry Studies
- Construction at Calvin
- Convocation
- Counseling and Wellness
- Course Catalog
- Covenant Fine Arts Center
- Create.Unite.Renew
- Criminology
- Curriculum Collection
- Dance
- Data Analytics
- Data Science
- de Vries Institute
- Deposit
- Development
- DeVos Communication Center
- DeVos Grab-N-Go
- DeVries Hall
- DeWit Manor
- Dialogue
- Digital Communication
- Dining Services
- Disability Services
- Diversity & Inclusion
- DIFA Podcast
- Drawing and Painting
- Duo Security
- Dutch
- Early Childhood Education
- Ecosystem Preserve & Native Gardens
- Education
- Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Elementary Education
- Engineering
- English
- English as a Second Language Education
- Enroll
- Enrollment Research
- Entrada Scholars Program
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Health & Conservation (One Health and Ecology and Management Tracks)
- Environmental Health & Safety
- Environmental Science
- Environmental Studies
- Event Services
- Exercise Science
- Facilities
- Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR)
- Faculty Handbook
- FAFSA Guide
- Faith
- Family Weekend
- FAST Conference
- Festival of Faith & Writing
- Film & Media
- Finance
- Financial Aid
- Financial Planning
- Financial Services
- Fine Arts (BFA)
- Food Service
- Frederik Meijer Chair in Dutch Language & Culture
- French
- From Every Nation (FEN)
- Gainey Athletic Facility
- Gender Studies
- Geography
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Geology
- German Studies
- Gift Planning
- Global Campus
- Governance
- Graduate Programs
- Graduate Studies in Education
- Grants
- Graphic Design
- Handshake
- Health Education
- Health Research Initiative
- Health Sciences
- Health Services
- Hekman Library
- Help Desk
- Henry, Paul Institute
- Heritage Hall
- Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA)
- Hiemenga Hall
- History
- Homecoming
- Honors Program
- Human Resources
- Human Resource Management
- Hymnary.org
- Information Technology (CIT)
- Institutional Effectiveness & Analytics
- Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
- Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Instrumental Music
- Integrated Science
- Integrated Science Research Institute (ISRI)
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- International Orientation
- International Relations
- Intramurals
- January Series
- Japanese Studies
- JobShop (student employment)
- Johnny’s Cafe
- Journalism
- Kalsbeek-Huizenga-vanReken (KHvR)
- Kinesiology
- KnightCite
- Knights Scholars Program
- Knights4Life (K4L)
- Knollcrest Dining Hall
- Knollcrest East Apartments (KE)
- Korean
- Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning
- Mail Services
- Make a Gift
- Marketing
- Marketing & Communications (MarCom)
- Master of Accounting (MAcc)
- Master of Arts in Media and Strategic Communication (MMSC)
- Master of Arts in Speech Pathology (MA)
- Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)
- Master of Data Science
- Master of Education (MEd)
- Mathematics
- Mathematics Education
- Mechanical Engineering
- Media Relations
- Medieval Studies
- Meeter Center
- Military
- Missions
- Moodle
- Music
- Music Theory & Composition
- Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity
- Neighborhood Living
- Net Price Calculator (NPC)
- Neuroscience
- News & Stories
- NEXUS Peer Financial Coaching
- Noordewier-VanderWerp (NVW)
- North Hall
- Nursing
- Parent Relations
- Pastoral Ministry
- Paul Henry Institute
- Payroll
- Peet’s Coffee
- People Search
- Philosophy
- Photography
- Physical Education
- Physical Education (K-12)
- Physical Plant
- Physics
- Places A–Z
- Plaster Creek Stewards
- Policies A–Z
- Politics and Economics
- Pre-College Programs
- Pre-Dentistry
- Pre-Medicine
- Pre-Law
- Pre-Ministry
- Pre-Occupational Therapy
- Pre-Optometry
- Pre-Pharmacy
- Pre-Physical Therapy
- Pre-Physician Assistant
- Pre-Podiatry
- Pre-Professional Health
- Pre-Seminary
- Pre-Veterinary Medicine
- President’s Office
- Prince Conference Center
- Printing Services
- Project Neighborhood (PN)
- Provost’s Office
- Psychology
- Public Health
- Recreation
- Registrar's Office
- Religion
- Remote teaching and working
- Research & Scholarship
- Research Fellows Program
- Residence Halls
- Residence Life
- Rhetoric Across the Curriculum (RAC)
- Rhetoric Center, The
- Rivalry, The
- Rooks-VanDellen (RVD)
- Sacred Space Pedagogy Summit
- Safer Spaces
- Scholarships & Financial Aid
- Scholarships Search
- School of Business
- School of Education
- School of Health
- Science Building
- Science Education Studies
- STEM Division
- Schultze-Eldersveld (SE)
- Secondary Education
- Seminars in Christian Scholarship
- Service-Learning Center
- Sexuality and Gender Awareness (SAGA)
- Sexual Harassment
- Sexuality Series
- Siblings Weekend
- Social Media Directory
- Social Science
- Social Studies Education
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Spark, The
- Spanish
- Special Education
- Speech Pathology & Audiology
- Spoelhof University Center
- Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex
- Sport Management
- Sports
- Sports Camps
- Startup Garage
- Statistics
- Strategic Communication
- Student Activities Office (SAO)
- Student Conduct Code
- Student Development Office
- Student Employment
- Student Handbook
- Student Life Division
- Student Organizations
- Student Senate
- Student Success
- Student Support, Accountability and Restoration, Office of
- Study Abroad
- Summer Camps
- Summer Courses
- Summer Programs
- Support Calvin
- Sustainability
- Sustainability Research Initiative
- Teacher Education Program
- Textbooks
- Theatre
- Therapeutic Recreation
- Tickets (Events)
- Title IX
- Tuition & Costs
- Van Lunen Center
- Venues
- Video Productions
- Virtual Tour
- Vision 2030
- Visit Calvin
- Vocal Music
- Voter Registration
- Wayfinder Program
- Web Privacy Statement
- Web Requests
- William Spoelhof Society
- Work Requests
- Workday
- World Languages
- Worship (Ministry Leadership)
- Worship Opportunities
- Writing
Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship (CCCS)
Founded in 1976, the CCCS supports and enables scholars from a wide variety of academic fields to produce books, articles, lectures, conferences, etc., dealing with issues of public concern and areas of Christian scholarship.
Calvin Center for Faith and Writing (CCFW)
The CCFW seeks to create space for conversations about faith and writing and to create a culture of active, discerning readers, particularly through the biennial Festival of Faith and Writing.
Calvin Center for Innovation in Business (CCIB)
In support of the Calvin Business Department, the CCIB provides educational and networking opportunities to ensure students are well-equipped for business careers.
H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies
The Henry Meeter Center offers extensive research collections on John Calvin, Calvinism, the Reformation, and Early Modern Studies, which has attracted scholars from all over the world.
Van Lunen Center: Executive Management in Christian Schools
The Van Lunen Center trains heads of schools in executive management from a Christian-based perspective, primarily through its year-long Fellows program.
Calvin Institute of Christian Worship (CICW)
The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship promotes the renewal and scholarly study of Christian worship by co-sponsoring the Symposium on Worship and offering the Vital Worship Grants Program (and other resources).
Clean Water Institute of Calvin University (CWICU)
The CWICC supports projects, research, and learning dedicated to lasting solutions for water safety and aims to inspire a generation of young people to address the problem.
De Vries Institute for Global Faculty Development
The de Vries Institute at Calvin University exists to strengthen the connection between faith and learning. We provide deep learning and wide-ranging resources for Christian educators and leaders around the globe and across the range of academic disciplines.
Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning
The Kuyers Institute promotes Christian reflection on every aspect of education, from pre-kindergarten to college, by publishing research, developing resources, and providing training.
Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity
The Nagel Institute links Christian scholars worldwide in order to promote a deeper understanding of world Christianity and to strengthen Christian intellectual movements.
Paul B. Henry Institute for the Study of Christianity and Politics
The Henry Institute promotes serious reflection on the interplay between Christianity and public life in areas of scholarship, leadership, and citizen involvement.
- Abstraction (Computer Science Club)
- African Students Association
- Amateur Radio Astronomers of Calvin University (ARAC)
- American Insitute of Chemical Engineers
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Apologetics Club
- Calvin Esports
- Calvin German Club
- Calvin Interfaith Alliance
- Calvin Outdoor Recreation & Adventure Club (CORAC) Currently inactive
- Calvin Peacemakers
- Calvin Photography Club
- Calvin Republicans
- Calvin Robotics
- Calvin Student Nursing Association
- Calvin Swim and Polo Club
- Canadian Student Association
- Chinese Student Association
- Christian Medical and Dental Association
- John Quincy Adams Society Currently inactive
- National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
- National Student Speech, Language, and Hearing Association
- Nerf Tag Club
- Nexus Peer Financial Coaching
- Physical, Occupational, and Recreational Therapy Club
- Political Dialogue and Action Club
- Protect Life at Calvin
- Psychology Club
- Rangeela
- Re-igKnight Currently inactive
- Science and Religion Forum
- Senior Friends
- Sexuality and Gender Awareness
- Sideline Cheer
- Society for Professional Educators at Calvin
- Society of Women Engineers
- South Asian Student Association
- Startup Garage
- Student Senate
- Supply Chain Management Association
- Visual Arts Guild
- Women in STEM
- Women's Business Network
- Women's Rugby
- YoungLife