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Van Lunen Center

Executive Management in Christian Schools

Our Mission

The mission of the Van Lunen Center is to provide a world-class executive management education essential to the future of schools based on the historic Christian faith.

What we do

Van Lunen Fellows walking across Calvin Crossing bridge


The Van Lunen Fellows program is designed for the heads of Christian schools who have been in their positions for at least one year and report directly to the governing board of their schools.

Van Lunen conference attendees looking to the right

Van Lunen 2.0 Conference

This conference offers continuing executive management education to Van Lunen Fellows. Our four-day program includes advanced professional development.

Van Lunen Fellows praying in a circle with arms on each other's shoulders

Ascending Leaders

The Van Lunen Ascending Leaders program is designed and directed by Christian school leaders who have management experience, expertise, and a longstanding association with the Center’s Fellows program.

Curricular Topics

Creating a healthy school culture that reflects a school’s beliefs, values, mission, and vision is a major responsibility of Christian school leaders. Heads of school have significant influence over the environment in which the members of their communities relate to each other. Believing that a flourishing culture is created when relationships are trusting, generous, helpful, and cooperative, Van Lunen faculty implement these principles in every phase of the Fellows program.

Creating a healthy school culture that reflects a school’s beliefs, values, mission, and vision is a major responsibility of Christian school leaders. Heads of school have significant influence over the environment in which the members of their communities relate to each other. Believing that a flourishing culture is created when relationships are trusting, generous, helpful, and cooperative, Van Lunen faculty implement these principles in every phase of the Fellows program.

A school leader’s relationship with his or her board, and especially the board chair, is a vital partnership in every school setting. This important relationship is examined during Van Lunen sessions while identifying how healthy boards function, establish roles, set boundaries, and make wise decisions. Fellows learn practical skills and strategies to work effectively and strategically with their board chair, school board, committees, and task forces.

Clearly articulated vision, mission, and core values provide the framework for a school’s strategic plan. Aware that heads of school typically guide their boards in the process and implementation of strategic planning, thinking, and decision-making, the Fellows program introduces the various components of this important document and presents ways to conduct effective decision-making strategy.

Many Christian schools are heavily tuition-dependent and as a result, enrollment is a large financial lever. Carefully examining this area, Van Lunen Fellows are introduced to marketing best practices by addressing the following questions: What role do websites play in marketing? What about open houses and school tours? How can school leaders effectively use social media? What should the role of the school leaders be in the admission process? Specific marketing advice is given to school leaders on this topic that they can immediately implement for their schools.

Early in the Van Lunen program, Fellows are presented with current trends, challenges, and best practices on how to sustain the financial stability of their schools. They learn about “value proposition” and discover ways to increase the value of tuition dollars without adding significant cost. Faculty compensation, benefits, and alternative income are creatively examined, and Fellows learn how to design a dashboard to monitor organizational health and progress on strategic plans.