
  • July 9, 2024–July 11, 2024
  • Bunker Interpretive Center
  • $100

Learn and practice some mindfulness techniques that can be useful for a lifetime!

Wellness in the Woods is especially for middle school-aged students. Time in nature has huge benefits for our brains and our bodies. We'll engage in a mix of activities: solitary and group-based, hands-on and reflective, stationary and with movement. Campers will get a chance to "make their own mark" in a meaningful way.

For ages 12-14. 

All camp sessions will include a blend of nature exploration, creative activities, and engaging games tied to the camp theme. We always aim to spend as much time outside as we can! Campers will be placed in small groups with peers of a similar age to allow our educators to provide age-appropriate content. Two snacks are provided each day, but campers must bring their own lunch.