H. Henry Meeter Center on Calvin University's campus in Grand Rapids, Michigan

  • Wednesday, July 6, 2022
  • 3:30 PM–4:30 PM
  • Meeter Center, 4th Floor Hekman Library

The Meeter Center invites you to the next in our series of summer research presentations.


Dr. Audy Santoso is a Systematic Theology Lecturer at the International Reformed Evangelical Seminary in Jakarta, Indonesia. He was ordained as a pastor in the Reformed Evangelical Church in Indonesia in 2019, and completed his PhD dissertation at Theologische Universiteit Apeldoorn in 2021.


In the Spirit: An Addendum to the Triune Formulation and Its Implications based on John Calvin’s Concept of the Autotheos Trinity

What is autotheos, and what is Calvin’s contribution to trinitarian doctrine based on this notion? This presentation will address Calvin’s autotheos Trinity and suggests an additional phrase ‘in the spirit’ in the Triune formulation to make right the insufficiency of the Eastern and the Western traditions without necessarily negating them. The reformulation will no longer undermine the Spirit’s role, particularly in the generation of the Son. Focal points include how the autothean interpretation of the new reformulation affirms the Triune God’s indivisible work and brings a clearer correlation between God’s work in himself and outside of himself. The ongoing discussion on the ‘eternal subordination of the Son’ should also benefit from this interpretation.


All are welcome. Refreshments will be served.