Faith and Learning Award Dinner

We will be honoring Robin Jensen, professor of art emeritus & Dale Cooper, professor of religion emeritus.

About the award

This award is a way for Calvin alumni to thank their professors for excellent teaching, Christian commitment and lifelong impact. Make your dinner reservation today! Read more about the Faith and Learning Award.


Robin Jensen

Professor Jensen taught drawing and photography to a generation of Calvin students, never failing to weave his personal testimonies into a philosophical presentation of what it meant to be a Christian visual artist. Robin was a pioneer in incorporating digital technology into the process of manipulating hand-drawn and photographic work, and he took hundreds of students on his very popular cycling interim "jaunts," teaching physical wellness, a love for creation, and photography.

Dale Cooper

Rev. Cooper was an outstanding teacher in class and one of my favorite preachers to hear. His caring, counseling and spiritual guidance to Calvin students is superior. He started a mentoring program by asking alumni, professors and other adults to be ‘wise Christian friends’ to students who desired such a connection. Rev. Cooper truly embodies and reflects the Christian values to which all Calvin alumni can aspire.


The registration deadline has passed.
