Snæfellsjokull Volcano

  • September 12, 2024–September 24, 2024

Tour Status

As of April 24, this tour is now full. If you'd like to join the wait list in case there are openings, you can follow the "register" link to Witte Travel's website and fill out the wait list form. No payment is needed; Witte will contact you if there's an opening and you can make a final decision about joining at that time.


  • Visit the Blue Lagoon
  • Tour historical sites in the capital city, Reykjavik
  • Explore majestic waterfalls at various sites
    • Koluglkúfur Canyon
    • Goðafoss Waterfall
    • Dettifoss Waterfall
    • Gullfoss Waterfall
    • ...and more!
  • Stop by the Bjarnarhöfn Shark Museum
  • Enjoy a traditional Icelandic horse show
  • View the glaciers and black sand beaches in Skaftafell National Park

Tour Leader

Rick Treur is a 1993 Calvin graduate who served for a decade at Calvin as director of annual giving and then as director of alumni and community engagement.

Activity Level

This will be a moderately active tour. The itinerary includes two hikes of 1.5 miles and 3.6 miles; the longer hike involves hiking uphill. Alternate routes/options will be available for each of these stops. Beyond these two hikes, all walks are at leisure and personalized to fit the group’s needs.

Volcanic Activity

FAQ: Will the current volcanic activity affect this trip? Our contacts in Iceland have told us that the Mount Fagradalsfjall volcano, which erupted in December 2023, should not impact this tour. Since Iceland is one of the most geologically active areas of the world, we can't guarantee that there won't be future volcanic activity somewhere which could impact tour stop, but our local hosts have told us that all the stops described in the current itinerary should be accessible to the group.


The tour cost is $6,195 for double occupancy and flights from Grand Rapids, with a $50 credit for those who make payments via eCheck/ACH. The tour cost for passengers requesting single-room accommodations is $7,340. Passengers can request arrangements for flights from other cities for a $75 fee; see the "special flight arrangements" section of the tour brochure for details.

Travel insurance is offered via TravelEx for an additional fee; review the TravelEx plan for details on pricing and coverage.

More Information

Registration for this tour is now open via Witte Travel. All registrations are confirmed on a first-come basis as they are received by Witte. Please note that there is a non-refundable deposit which must be submitted with registration (see "reservations and payments" section of tour brochure for details).

Download the tour brochure (PDF) for the full itinerary and tour details. If you'd like to receive a print copy of this brochure, please drop us a note at and provide your mailing address; we'd be happy to drop one in the mail to you.

Calvin tours are open to any friends of CALL and the Calvin Alumni Association who wish to travel with us. Explore other Calvin-sponsored tours, too.


The registration deadline has passed.