Relative Success of Native Plants in Urban Curb-cut Rain Gardens

  • Friday, March 5, 2021
  • 1:30 PM–2:30 PM

BIO295: Biology Seminar Series

Relative Success of Native Plants in Urban Curb-cut Rain Gardens

Guest Speaker: Ana Singh, Calvin University Student

In many urban waterways, storm water runoff elevates bacteria concentrations, sediment load, nutrient levels, and other contaminants, creating human health hazards for downstream communities. Curb-cut rain gardens containing native plants are one element of green infrastructure used to address storm water runoff problems in Kent County’s Plaster Creek Watershed. We compiled a data set in the summer of 2016 from 11 curb-cut rain gardens and created a statistical model of our results. From this, we were able to address variability between gardens and assess the relative success of native species through predicted survivorship and predicted performance.

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