Urban landscape in Minneapolis's North Loop neighborhood

  • Friday, April 16, 2021
  • 3:30 PM–4:30 PM

GEO Seminar – Post-Industrial Space: the New City and What Was Left Behind - Presented by Dr. Mark Bjelland, Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies, Department of Geology, Geography and Environmental Studies, Calvin University

Summary: Post-industrial spaces—former factories, warehouses, railyards, and shipyards redeveloped for new uses—offer important windows into both urban change and broader social changes. While they comprise a small percentage of a city’s land base, post-industrial spaces play a prominent role in reimagining urban landscapes, modeling sustainable urban futures, and highlighting emerging economic and demographic realities. From London’s Greenwich Peninsula to Vancouver’s False Creek, these former industrial sites are recipients of massive global real estate investment flows. In the Midwest, the post-industrial spaces of Minneapolis, Chicago, and even Grand Rapids herald the emergence of a new inner city. Meanwhile, the left-behind industrial spaces of Flint and other working-class bastions are reminders of the unevenness of these processes and their shortcomings.

Join us on Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85973517207?pwd=ckJaM3cwb1lEU1VUM3NmVEgzWFRWZz09