Calvin means business for 2011 Homecoming and Family Weekend

From: Matthew Kucinski <>
Date: Thu Oct 20 2011 - 09:22:39 EDT

This year for Homecoming and Family Weekend, Calvin's alumni office has organized a specific lineup of events for business and economics alums.
Beginning Friday, October 21, Calvin College will welcome hundreds of alums and parents to campus to enjoy athletic events, reunion celebrations, art exhibitions, chapel services and a host of other family activities.
From Thursday, October 20 through Saturday, October 22, Calvin business and economics alums will have a customized track of events available to them, highlighted by Saturday's reunion luncheon and panel presentation themed "Retooling the Rustbelt." Panelists include Chicago Public Radio Business Reporter Niala Boodhoo '96, Managing Director of Bissell International Ken Van Der Wende '77, Federal Reserve Bank business economist Kirstin Wells '86 and Plante & Moran CPA and senior manager Jeremy Louters '03.
"We've seen tremendous response from alumni when we do affinity gatherings--the specific involvements they had during their time at Calvin," said Emily Dock, associate director of alumni relations. "That, coupled with our new Center for Innovation in Business, provided a timely hook to engage alumni who graduated with a major in business, economics or accounting. When you look at the panel of speakers it's obvious that Calvin alumni have succeeded in these fields."
Other highlights of the weekend, include an opportunity on Friday night for alums to see the reigning national champion and currently top-ranked women's volleyball team in action and--on Saturday night--to take in the Calvin Music Festival.
For a full schedule of homecoming and family weekend events, visit
Contact Emily Dock at 616-450-1757 or at
Received on Thu, 20 Oct 2011 09:22:39 -0400

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