Summary: Beginning this fall, Calvin College will be offering Latin classes online.
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Calvin College will be offering cyber-Latin. Beginning this fall semester, classical languages professor David Noe will be teaching a group of students their basic Latin vocabulary, via the web.
The initiative is a first for Calvin, adopted in part because many Christian high schools that formerly taught Latin have eliminated it from their programs. Calvin's online class will help bridge the gap for 17-and 18-year-olds who want to take some Latin before they enroll in college.
The online offering, considered a pilot program, will follow the pattern of Noe's traditional Latin classes. Students in all of his classes will study the same text, "Wheelock's Latin." They will complete the same assignments.
The online students will view Noe's lectures through pre-recorded videos, and they will submit their homework through the U.S. Postal Service.
For more info on Calvin's online Latin course, contact Noe at 616-526-6295.
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