Calvin's Van Lunen Center Announces Fellows

From: Phil de Haan <>
Date: Tue Apr 10 2007 - 14:36:22 EDT

April 10, 2007 == MEDIA ADVISORY

SUMMARY: Christian school heads from across the continent will journey to
Calvin this summer as part of a prestigious fellowship program.

Full story, including list of fellows and a link to high-res JPGs, see

The Van Lunen Center for Executive Management in Christian Schools at Calvin
College has announced its first fellows for summer 2007. The Center was
established at Calvin this past January courtesy of a $2 million gift to the
college from the Richard D. Van Lunen Foundation.

Its purpose is to provide world-class executive management education for
senior leaders of schools based on the historic Christian faith (of which there
are some 20,000 across the continent).

The Fellows program is a selective one-year fellowship that begins with five
residential days in July 2007, continues again in January 2008 for three days,
and ends with three days in July 2008. Between sessions, coaching and support
is available via phone and on-line tools.

This summer a total of 21 new fellows will travel to Grand Rapids for some
intensive training in such areas as: Christian visions for education from
various theological traditions, linking vision to strategic plan, financing
Christian education, mission-driven fund-raising, personal development, safety
and much more.

The Van Lunen Center was established to serve faith-based schools large and
small across the U.S. and Canada with a big-tent philosophy, reaching out to
schools from a wide-range of faith traditions, including Catholic, evangelical
Protestant, Episcopal, independent Christian, Lutheran and Reformed Christian
day schools.

The 21 fellows selected for summer 2007 represent a wide range of faith
traditions, school sizes and geographic location.

Full story, including list of fellows and a link to high-res JPGs, see

Contact Van Lunen Center director Shirley Roels at 616-526-6557 or

Received on Tue Apr 10 15:17:03 2007

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