November 7, 2006 == MEDIA ADVISORY
This year the Calvin College student variety show, now in its fourth year of
existence, will be held in a historic location: the Ladies Literary Club, a
118-year old structure recently acquired by Calvin as part of its expanding
presence in downtown Grand Rapids.
All ticket sales for the show, to be held at 8 p.m. on November 11, will
benefit the Nyela Turaki Memorial Fund at Calvin.
Student organizers say the show will be a chance for Calvin students to have
fun and connect to downtown GR.
"It's just one of the best opportunities for students this year to learn about
their downtown area and to engage with the different events and happenings of
downtown," says junior Paula Simoni, vice president of the Calvin Student
Senate, which sponsors the show with the International Student Association
Committee (ISAC) at the college.
Both organizations are working to set up carpools and other transportation to
the event and to offer incentives encouraging students to sample downtown
restaurants and other businesses.
Simoni, who has stage-managed the show since her first year at Calvin, looks
forward to sampling the variety of this year's variety show. The 2006 edition
of the show, she hints, will feature original musical compositions, freestyle
rapping and a juggler of flaming torches.
"No two shows come close to being similar," she promises. "We're going to have
a great mix of new and old performers. And, of course, it's great because the
charity gets to benefit."
The Nyela Turaki Memorial Fund was established in 2004 in memory of an
international student who died suddenly from a brain aneurism. The fund helps
international students to travel home in the case of a family illness, death or
other emergency.
Simoni is enjoying the buildup to the show, albeit cautiously.
"It's always one of the most stressful days of the year for me because
everything has to come together in a matter of hours," she says. "I'm really
excited for all of the students, both performing and attending. It's going to
be nice to have the concert in that space because it's just beautiful."
Received on Tue Nov 7 13:28:31 2006
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