Men’s & Women’s Track & Field Teams Compete atNorth Central Dr. Keeler
Softball Team Volunteers Time With Special Olympics
NAPERVILLE, IL – The Calvin men’s and women’s track and field teams sent agroup
of athletes to the Dr. Keeler Invitational Thursday and Friday and cameaway
with a handful of standout performances.
Junior Nick Kramer (Dyer, IN/Illiana Christian HS) ledthe way for the men’s
team with an NCAA III automatic qualifying time in the3,000 meter steeplechase,
clocking in with a season-best effort of 9:06.04.Sophomore teammate Matt
VanderRoest (Ann Arbor/Ann Arbor Huron HS) also had aseason-best and NCAA III
provisional qualifying time of 9:16.54.
On the women’s side, junior Jodi Hoekstra (Homer Glen,IL/Chicago Christian HS)
just missed a provisional time in the 1,500 meters,clocking in with a
season-best effort of 4:38.97. Junior Kaitlin Diemer(Caledonia/South Christian
HS) also had a season-best time of 4:39.74.
In the women’sjavelin, senior Kim Wigboldy (Chandler, AZ/Valley Christian HS)
had acareer-best and NCAA III provisional qualifying mark of 130-3 that was
good forsecond place.
To view the NCAA III qualifying list, please visit the Track and Field
ResultsReporting System website at:
A group of Calvin athletes will compete today at the University of
ChicagoPenultimate Invitational.
A Special Olympics competition took place outside Calvin’s Huizenga Tennis
andTrack Center on May 7, and the Calvin softball team spent the day
volunteeringwith the Special Olympians. Each Calvin softball player was paired
with acompeting Special Olympian and assisted in the various events.
Thevolunteer effort by the Calvin softball team was organized through
Calvin’sSAAC (Student-Athlete-Advisory-Council) chapter. “It was a great
event and ourplayers were blessed by the event,” said Calvin softball coach
Sharon DeKleine.“Special Olympics is a wonderful organization and the athletes
competing have somuch joy and determination when they compete. Each one of our
(Calvin) playershad a smile on their face when the day was done. The joy from
the SpecialOlympians was certainly passed on to our players.”
At the NCAAConvention this past January, The Division III Student-Athlete
AdvisoryCommittee is initiating a partnership with Special Olympics in a
coordinatedcommunity-outreach effort that incorporates the hundreds of SAACs at
DivisionIII schools and conference offices with the Special Olympics Programs
thatexist in each state.
For more on the story, please visit the Calvin website at:
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