Shiny Samuel

  • Major: Engineering (Chemical Concentration)
  • Grad Year: 2019
  • Hometown: Umri, India

Sustainability, ethics, renewal: just a few of the themes that Shiny Samuel '19 has encountered in the engineering program.

What kinds of opportunities—in coursework, off-campus or with outside groups—were available to you through the engineering program?
There are several opportunities in the engineering program that have helped me discover what I am specifically interested in, and have helped me explore this field further. On campus, there are professors who were willing and available to guide me through my interests. Company visits through my Engineering 101 class and student organizations were helpful in seeing the workplace firsthand. Student organizations such as the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) provided opportunities for me to network with successful women in the engineering field. In addition, I have had the opportunity to do research through the engineering program, which has given me hands-on experience in my field of interest.

How were topics like faith, creation care, international and social justice incorporated into your learning?
Professors openly share their faith in class and some pray or do devotions as well. They are willing to pray with you and for you. In regards to coursework, a large part of my Introduction to Engineering class focused on engineering ethics as we learned about what engineering looks like considering Calvin’s mission—to be agents of renewal. Sustainability has also been a recurring topic in several of my classes.

How has your faith grown at Calvin?
I grew up in a Christian home, and a lot of what I believed was spoon-fed to me. I thought Calvin would do the same, but a lot of the dialogue here revolves around the idea of “faith seeking understanding.” This has encouraged me to dig deeper into why I believe what I believe. Through this time of seeking and with the support of professors and friends at Calvin, I have started building a stronger foundation for my faith.

What part of Calvin’s mission resonates with you, and why?
Calvin’s emphasis to be “agents of renewal” speaks to me the most. I view my education as an opportunity to bring change to the brokenness in this world. Calvin’s education is training me to take the knowledge I’m receiving and to apply it to problems prevalent in the world today.

What is your favorite space on campus, and why?
The seminary pond is my favorite space on campus, especially during the spring. It’s such a peaceful place to spend time with God and in reflection.