Item #

Program Title




Audio Distributor

Video Distributor

Event Name
7790 W.E.B. DuBois and the Encyclopedia Africana Gates, Henry Louis 1/14/2002
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. January Series, 2002
4168 W.H. Jellema Memorial Service Jellema, William Harry 11/18/1982
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

169 W.H.O. WARNING: Preventing Tribal Wars Reduces Risk to Health Kingma, Stuart 1/26/1999
Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. January Series, 1999
17650 Wage Theft Bobo, Kim
IC 1320
It is illegal to steal from your workplace; yet across the nation, employers are stealing from their employees every day. Practices such as withholding tips, boun cing paychecks, hiring employees as “independent contractors,” and refusing a final paycheck are surprisingly common. Kim Bobo, executive director of Interfaith Worker Justice and author of Wage Theft in America: Why Millions of Americans are Not Getting Paid—and What We Can Do About It, describes the scene.

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Inner Compass
11187 Waiting for Lefty

Lab Bills, 1996
Bookstore (college) : Available with permission. CAS Dept. Play
3244 Waiting in the Wings Garlett, Marti 9/24/1998
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Calvin Women Through the Decades Conference
10453 Walhout
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5874 Walking with the Wind at your Back Schipper, E. 3/6/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
3587 Wall, The Bratt, Wallace 11/29/1978
Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist.
11503 Waning Matter: The World Reformed and the Politics of Truth Davis, Creston 9/12/2003 Session VIII Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Radical Orthodoxy Conference
4119 Wanted: A Play Ethic Holmes, Arthur 9/2/1980
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Faculty Fall Conference
5785 War and Peace Nederhood, Joel 2/11/1977
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
14508 War and Religion in America Bratt, James; Ruth, Lester 1/25/2008 As many people reacted against revivalistic styles and theology in the pre-Civil War period, so some are reacting today against the like "enthusiasms" and "su perficialities" associated with some contemporary P&W, seeker services, etc, etc. American historian James Bratt will explore the alternative destinations in style, ritual, and spirituality which the antebellum pilgrims sought and found on the ro ad out of revivalism. Liturgical scholar Lester Ruth will respond and discuss analogies on the worship scene in the 21st century, especially noting the recurring popular impulse for alternate forms of worship. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2008
15218 War Awareness Memorial Service DeJong, Andy 10/17/2008 Information on the series of events at:
Some events video-recorded by Nicole Vega, to be posted on her website. Sponsored by student organizations: Democracy Matters and the Social Justice Committee, and by the Paul Henry Institute.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
War Awareness Series, 2008
15223 War Awareness: Student Debate Various 10/21/2008 Information on the series of events at:
Some events video-recorded by Nicole Vega, to be posted on her website. Sponsored by student organizations: Democracy Matters and the Social Justice Committee, and by the Paul Henry Institute.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
War Awareness Series, 2008
15220 War Awareness: Student Debate Various 10/21/2008 Information on the series of events at:
Some events video-recorded by Nicole Vega, to be posted on her website. Sponsored by student organizations: Democracy Matters and the Social Justice Committee, and by the Paul Henry Institute.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
War Awareness Series, 2008
15213 War Propaganda: How Propaganda Makes the War Look Necessary Bytwerk, Randy 10/13/2008 Information on the series of events at:
Some events video-recorded by Nicole Vega, to be posted on her website. Sponsored by student organizations: Democracy Matters and the Social Justice Committee, and by the Paul Henry Institute.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
War Awareness Series, 2008
8803 Warfare/ Firearms

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8802 Warfare/ Firearms

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
2735 Warm Hand in a Cold Glove, A (John 11:25) Vriend, John 1/4/1981

2929 Warrant for Theology in a Scientific Age, The Stob, Henry

Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research

3258 Warranted Christian Belief: Revealed to Our Minds Plantinga, Alvin 4/11/1997
Heritage Hall : No Restriction

3259 Warranted Christian Belief: Sealed Unto Our Hearts Plantinga, Alvin 4/12/1997
Heritage Hall : No Restriction

16021 Was Calvin a Calvinist? Muller, Richard 10/15/2009 Answering the perennial question, "Was Calvin a Calvinist?," is a rather complicated matter, given that the question itself is grounded in a series of modern misco nceptions concerning the relationship of the Reformation to post-Reformation orthodoxy. The lecture examines issues lurking behind the question and works through some ways of understanding the continuities, discontinuities, and developments that took plac e in Reformed thought on such topics as the divine decrees, predestination, and so-called limited atonement, with specific attention to the place of Calvin in the Reformed tradition of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Teaching Development Series
11785 Was Jesus Mad Armstrong, J.

None : Archive/Available for Research

15216 Was the use of military force justified in Iraq and Afghanistan? Keizer, Herman 10/16/2008 Information on the series of events at:
Some events video-recorded by Nicole Vega, to be posted on her website. Sponsored by student organizations: Democracy Matters and the Social Justice Committee, and by the Paul Henry Institute.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
War Awareness Series, 2008
174 Washington Through the Eyes of a Journalist Liasson, Mara 1/10/2000 As White House correspondent for National Public Radio, Mara Liasson reports not only the opinions expressed in Washington but also analyzes them. Her reporting and analysis are especially enlightening during political campaigns. Each election year, Ms. Liasson gives perceptive analysis of candidates' positions, listening to both what a candidate has said and reading between the lines about what has not been said. In 1997, L iasson joined Fox News Channel's public affairs program, Fox News Sunday, as a regular panelist. Her presentation for The January Series assists us in understanding and assessing the shape of things to come. Heritage Hall : Not Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Not Available for sale. January Series, 2000
5305 Watching Jesus Die Exoo, Henry 3/1/1970
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
5392 Water and the Blood, The Exoo, Henry 3/2/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
11986 Way Beyond Belief: The Call to Behold Taylor, Barbara Brown 4/24/2004
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Festival of Faith & Writing, 2004
5963 Way it Was, The Walcott, Elmer 2/13/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
14426 Way to Jesus, The: What Are You Looking For? Thompson, Marianne Meye 11/7/2007 The goal of the "quest for the historical Jesus" is often phrased as the quest to discover Jesus "as he was," an enterprise which typically entails findi ng Jesus without and apart from the church and confessions about him. This "historical" pursuit of Jesus "as he was" is undertaken both by those who wish to debunk Christian confessions of Jesus and those who hold those confessions. Sc holars of all persuasions find it uncommonly difficult to adhere to this historical method, narrowly defined, and consequently the Jesus who is recovered by scholars in the interests of finding the historical figure mirrors their own sensibilities.
htt p://

Stob Lectures
14427 Way to Jesus, The: Why Do You Seek the Living Among the Dead? Thompson, Marianne Meye 11/8/2007 The quest of the historical Jesus virtually by definition leaves aside that conviction which is most basic for Christians; namely, that Jesus is among the living and not amo ng the dead. The lecture suggests that an appropriate model for understanding and pursuing the quest is that of religious pilgrimage, in which the pilgrim’s convictions, shared with an historic community of faith, provide not only the motivation but also the appropriate context for pursuing this pilgrimage - which is not merely a pilgrimage to the past.

Stob Lectures
13822 WCC and the Social Gospel, The Schrotenboer, Paul

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

17658 WCRC: Closing Worship

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17662 WCRC: Drummming, Gathering & Plenary I

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17668 WCRC: Evening Prayers

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17676 WCRC: Evening Prayers

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17670 WCRC: Evening Prayers

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
17663 WCRC: Evening Prayers

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17665 WCRC: Keynote Event

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17680 WCRC: Morning Prayers

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17681 WCRC: Morning Worship

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17675 WCRC: Morning Worship

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17671 WCRC: Morning Worship

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17672 WCRC: Morning Worship

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17664 WCRC: Morning Worship

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17677 WCRC: Morning Worship

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17661 WCRC: Opening Worship

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17666 WCRC: Plenary II - General Secretaries Addresses

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17667 WCRC: Plenary III

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17673 WCRC: Plenary IV

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17660 WCRC: Plenary IX- Receiving Reports

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17674 WCRC: Plenary V - First Nations/American Indians

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17659 WCRC: Plenary X- Receiving Reports and Farewell

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17669 WCRC: Uniting Celebrative Worship

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17678 WCRC-UGC Plenary VI

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
18673 We are Calvin Too Various 4/28/2014

Audio-Visual (college) : Archive/Available for Research
11838 We Begin With God Ferris, T.

Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
4292 We Come a Long Way Marshall, Rory 5/4/1978
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
11495 We Have this Treasure: A Theology of Disability Larson, Linda, MAT 9/25/2003

16509 We Proclaim Him Sawyer, Charsie 4/25/2010 Gospel Choir Concert
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
2276 We Really do Need Theology for Ministry... Don't We? Hoezee, S; Holtrop, C.; Mulder, R. 9/21/1995

CTS Special Lecture
14480 We Speak Because We Have Been Spoken: A "Grammar" of the Preaching Life Pasquarello II, Michael; Hoezee, Scott 1/24/2008 [incomplete recording] Despite the increased interest in spirituality, little attention has been given to the spiritual and moral formation of the preacher by the church dur ing modernity. This workshop is for preachers who know that the vocation of preacher cannot be reduced to a theologically neutral or technical means of communication, but requires that the person and work of the preacher be conformed to the "Word mad e flesh", God’s self-communication who is the source and goal of all human speakers and speaking. We will look at the wisdom of Scripture and historical exemplars from the Christian tradition to help us better understand the "grammar of th e preaching life." Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2008
17413 We The People . .The U.S. Constitution and You" Ehlers, Vern
Representative Vern Ehlers (MI-3)
Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Citizen Awareness
16429 We the People...The U.S. Constitution and You Ehlers, Vern
Distributed by the Committee for Citizen Awareness.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
14804 We Wish to Plead Our Own Cause Omolade, Barbara 7/18/2005
Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Seminars in Christian Scholarship
14007 Wealth and Poverty in Light of the Gospel: How Can Christians Work Together if We Disagree? Sider, Ronald; Sirico, Robert 10/2/2006
Audio-Visual (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
18575 Wearing Our Trousers Rolled: Writing into the Years Leax, John; Schaap, James; Taylor, Daniel 4/12/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
8801 Weather

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8800 Weather

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

9297 Weaver, The Grand Rapids Christian High School Music Department 3/10/1996
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

6208 Wedding Rehearsals - Who's On First?!? Kelderman, Duane Rev. 9/27/2001

Special Interest Day
8853 Wednesday Evening Worship Vander Griend, Al

Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Coffee Break Sectionals and Worship Services
9348 Wei Tsun Chang, violin; Sarah Cleveland, cello; Hyesook Kim, piano Chang, Wei Tsun
Cleveland, Sarah
Kim, Hyesook
9/14/1996 Hyesook Kim Chamber Ensemble Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

16161 Welcome & Opening Session Sider, Ron 2/4/2010 Ronald J. Sider (Ph.D., Yale) is Professor of Theology, Holistic Ministry and Public Policy and Director of the Sider Center on Ministry and Public Policy at Palmer Theologi cal Seminary and President of Evangelicals for Social Action. His Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger was recognized by Christianity Today as one of the one hundred most influential religious books of the twentieth century.

Faith and Internat'l Dev. Conf. 2010
18432 Welcome and Devotions Bradford, Aminah 2/6/2014

Faith and Internat'l Dev. Conf. 2014
10548 Welcome and Introductions Felch, Susan; Witvliet, John; Hardy, Lee 9/3/2002

Testimony of Place: Building Churches & Neighborhoods
14551 Welcome and Opening Plenary Session: Ida Mutoigo Mutoigo, Ida 1/31/2008 What's all the buzz about sustainability in community development? This plenary session will explore Christian faith perspectives, essential principles and practices that n urture the fruit of sustainability. Stories from international field experience will show how community ownership, asset-based approach, worldview dialogue, leadership and community capacity-building can foster desired sustainable development.

Faith and International Development Conf. 2008
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
14183 Welcome and Opening Session Musekura, Rev. Celestin 2/1/2007 This conference centers on practical theology of development, especially as it relates to four vital arenas in our contemporary context: peace building and reconciliation, g lobal health, environmental care and economic justice. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Faith and Internat'l Dev. Conf. 2007
17807 Welcoming the Arts in Worship Grit, Betty 1/25/2013 Worship Renewal Grant recipients will describe how engaging people of all ages and cultures in leading worship through dance, music, video, and visual art is bringing renewa l in worship. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2013
17756 Welcoming the Stranger: Justice, Compassion and Truth in the Immigration Debate Yang, Jenny 1/8/2013 Yang is the Director of Advocacy and Policy for the Refugee and Immigration Program at World Relief. In this position, Jenny works with members of congress, their staffers, and the administration to improve refugee and immigration policy. Previous to World Relief, she worked at the largest political fundraising firm in Maryland managing fundraising and campaigning for local politicians. Jenny has researched refugee and asylu m law in Madrid, Spain through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. She is the co-author of Welcoming the Stranger with her colleague, Matthew Soerens.

January Series, 2013
4846 Wellness Motivation Honderd, Ralph 1/9/1987

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Portable Calvin
13978 West Michigan Black History Jelks, Randal
#704 WEST MICHIGAN BLACK HISTORY Originally broadcast Oct. 15, 2006
Once upon a time Grand Rapids had among the highest number of ladies literary clubs in the country. Th ursday meetings (maids' day off!) featured speakers such as Langston Hughes and W.B. DuBois. Randal Jelks of the Calvin College history department describes for host Karen Saupe our local stories from his book African Americans in the Furniture City.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
5227 Westward Movement Cooke, Alistair 1/9/1972
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

13563 WFUR Program - Dirk Hertel Hertel, Dirk

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

4961 WFUR Question hour, hosted by Ronald Brown Brown, Ronald

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5967 WFUR Radio program in Memory of Rev. D. Walters Walters, Dick 12/12/1967
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5761 WFUR Radio Station McIntyre, Carl

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5760 WFUR Radio Station McIntyre, Carl

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5759 WFUR Radio Station McIntyre, Carl 3/26/1965
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5758 WFUR Radio Station McIntyre, Carl

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5746 WFUR Radio Station McIntyre, Carl 3/1/1965
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5747 WFUR Radio Station McIntyre, Carl 3/2/1965
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5745 WFUR Radio Station McIntyre, Carl 2/19/1965
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5752 WFUR Radio Station McIntyre, Carl 3/22/1965
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5755 WFUR Radio Station McIntyre, Carl 3/25/1965
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5754 WFUR Radio Station McIntyre, Carl 3/24/1965
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5753 WFUR Radio Station McIntyre, Carl 3/23/1965
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
5748 WFUR Radio Station At the Civic Auditorium McIntyre, Carl 3/8/1965
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5749 WFUR Radio Station: Report on Grand Rapids Visit McIntyre, Carl 3/17/1965
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5756 WFUR Radio Station: Revisit to Calvin College McIntyre, Carl

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

4534 What - For and How - To of the Church Smedes, Lewis 6/18/1989
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
4855 What "Ancient", "Medieval", and "Modern" mean in the history of Western Philosophy. Jellema, Wm. Harry 1/29/1969 Relation of History to Philosophy in trying to come up with a definition.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Lecture
11854 What A Man Learned In Church Hamilton, J.W.

4302 What About ESP? McBurney, Donald H. 1/22/1986
Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist.
Interim Lecture Series, 1986
17126 What about free will? Hulst, Mary 2/19/2012 LOFT (Living Our Faith Together) is a worship service that meets in the Calvin College Chapel on Sunday evenings during the academic year.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
9000 What About Our Other Children? Verseput, Ted 6/6/1991
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
16879 What About the Cross? McDonald, Suzanne 4/28/2010 One of the questions that has been raised in discussions about human origins concerns the implications of various views on origins for the way that we understand Christ's at oning work on the cross. This lecture aims to help us think about these issues in two ways. First, it will point us to the variety of themes and images found in the New Testament to speak about what is happening on the cross. Along the way, we will see ho w our confessional documents reflect this range of themes - and we will also see that theology can sometimes get unhelpfully carried away with one or two of them. Second, while the New Testament gives us a constellation of ways to help us to plumb the dep ths of the cross, all the various themes and images share some central assumptions about God’s relationship with us and ours with him. These shared assumptions will provide a touchstone for discerning how approaches to the issue of human origins rel ate to the atonement.

Human Origins Seminar Series
5459 What About this New Pentacostalism Hoekema, Anthony 11/2/1970
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

4619 What About Those Sticky Verses? Tuinstra, John 2/4/1984
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Committee for Women in the CRC
245 What Ancient Masters Could Teach Our Generation Wiesel, Elie 4/2/1998
Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 1998
14377 What Are Schools For? Pupel, David
#805 WHAT ARE SCHOOLS FOR? Originally broadcast Nov. 18, 2007
Does a grade label readily come to mind for what kind of student you were? Does that label accurately reflec t you? David Purpel, author of The Moral & Spiritual Crisis in Education, wonders with host Karen Saupe why most schools are more interested in sorting students than in supporting and exhorting them.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
10914 What Are We Trying to Accomplish in the Core Curriculum? Langerak, Edward 9/2/1997
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Faculty Fall Conference
16876 What Augustine Still Has to Teach Us about Human Origins and God's Creating Work Smit, Laura 3/30/2010 In conversations about origins, Augustine is sometimes painted as a fundamentalist in the way he read Scripture (he wasn't), as someone who corrupted the Hebrew worldview of the Bible with Hellenism (he didn't), and as the source of a distorted understanding of sin and salvation that needs to be overcome (it needn't). Given how central Augustine has been to the development of Christian thought in the west, especially (though by no means exclusively) to the development of the Reformed tradition, we should dig a little deeper and get a fuller understanding of what he actually says about human origins, about human freedom and responsibility, about the nature of sin, about the g oodness of creation and the goodness of God.

Human Origins Seminar Series
16871 What can Evolutionary Psychology Tell Us about Sin? Moes, Paul 2/18/2010 Evolutionary Psychology (EP) has had a significant impact on psychological theories and has a good deal to say about human nature and the reasons for our actions – bot h good and bad. But can EP shed light on biblical concepts of sin or righteousness? This presentation will review the basic ideas of EP, its implications for psychology and how it may – or may not – help us understand our basic sinful nature. The basic thesis for the presentation is that EP, while providing some valuable insights, fails to capture the full extent of our human nature, including our sinful tendencies.

Human Origins Seminar Series
14225 What Can the Early Christians Teach us about Music? Stapert, Calvin 1/26/2007
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2007
17795 What Can We Learn From the Early Church About Worship? Dawn, Marva 1/25/2013 Those who were the closest to Jesus in time can teach us important things about worship. In this workshop we will look at the forms that were used in the earliest centuries of the Church to contemplate how we might use those elements in our worship today. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Symposium on Worship, 2013
3001 What Christians can Learn About Maturity from Recent Feminist Van Leeuwen, Mary Stewar 3/19/1987
Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
CTS Special Lecture
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
18656 what christians can learn from Buddha, mohammed, and moses Peter Kreeft 9/19/1997

Audio-Visual (college) : Archive/Available for Research Geneva Lecture Series
17030 What College Students Have Taught Me About Preaching Hulst, Mary 1/27/2012 They are the emerging leaders in our congregations. They are only a few years away from serving as deacons, elders, or preachers themselves. What are they listening for in s ermons? What are they hungry for? What bores them? Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2012
17181 What Digital Publishing Can Do for You Nayeri, Daniel; Park, Chris; Riess, Jana; Rotor, Elda 4/20/2012 E-books are here to stay--but so are apps, enhancements, “Kindle specials” (novellas and mini-books), and novels tweeted out in 140 characters or less. Oh, and d id we mention the traditional print book? That’s also still very much around. How can authors navigate the rapidly changing landscape of digital publishing? What terms should authors ask for when negotiating digital rights in a traditional publishin g contract? And going outside the traditional publishing rubric, what are the advantages and disadvantages of digital self-publishing? Four publishing industry experts provide some answers. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
3185 What Do I Need An Agent for, Anyway? Fullerton, Sheryl 3/31/2000
None : Not Recorded. None : Not Recorded. Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
3298 What Do We Owe the Elderly?: A Christian Approach to Rationing Health Care Resources Brandsen, Cheryl 5/29/1999 The seminars seek to promote high quality scholarship that reflects a Christian perspective and to encourage Christian scholars to examine critical and cutting-edge topics i n their disciplines. Throughout these discussions, we will reflect on the nature of justice and attend to its biblical 'contours.'

Political Thought After Liberalism Conference
11889 What Do You Know by Heart? Brown, Timothy 1/30/2004 The people of God have been enjoined "to keep these words . . . in your heart." Why? How? This seminar explores the rationale and the practice of scripture memoriz ation for spiritual formation and the practice of ministry. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2004
17129 What do you want me to do with my life?, Q 5. Hulst, Mary 3/11/2012 LOFT (Living Our Faith Together) is a worship service that meets in the Calvin College Chapel on Sunday evenings during the academic year.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
16697 What Does it Matter? Hoezee, Scott 1/27/2011 Repeat of morning worship service in Chapel. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Symposium on Worship, 2011
16684 What Does it Matter? Hoezee, Scott 1/27/2011 Opening Worship Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2011
17296 What does it mean to be a godly man or woman? In life? In marriage? In ministry?, Q 6. Hulst, Mary 4/15/2012 LOFT (Living Our Faith Together) is a worship service that meets in the Calvin College Chapel on Sunday evenings during the academic year.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
2954 What Does it Mean to Be Reformed? De Witt, John R.

78 What Does it Take to Get a Children's Book Published Anyway?: A Conversation Buckley, Virginia; Bui, Franciose 4/1/2000
Bookstore (college) : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
3567 What Does the Future Hold for the Phillipines? Bonner, Raymond 2/19/1986
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17990 What Does the Lord Require? The Grounds for Christian Civility in Politics Smidt, Corwin 4/26/2013 The Seventeenth Annual Paul B. Henry Lecture featured former Henry Institute Director Corwin E. Smidt speaking on "What Does the Lord Require? The Grounds for Christian Civility in Politics."

Christians are called to political engagement. But, how should Christians engage in politics and what should be our political positions? The focus of the lecture centered upon a call to reflect more deeply about our bas ic political perspectives, and to be more cautious about assuming the correctness of our ideological convictions and political positions when making political decisions. Christians should be known in political life as much for how they choose to engage in public debate as for what they argue. Three basic considerations will be presented that should encourage us, as Christians, to exhibit greater humility with regard to our engagement in political life.

Campus Store (college) : Archive/Available for Research
17088 What Dying Taught Me About Living Otterbacher, John 3/31/2011 Otterbacher, former politician and clinical psychologist, tells the story of how dying taught him about living. After eight heart attacks and a medical death sentence, he se t sail with his family on their boat from White Lake in to Lake Michigan, on to the Caribbean and, eventually, to Ireland. His recent book, Sailing Grace, is currently under development as a motion picture.

Noontime Series
122 What Editors Look For Suk, John 3/30/2000
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
17532 What Every Project Leader Needs to Know Grit, Betty 6/27/2012

18514 What Fiction Can Do Garlough Brown, Sharon; Cook, Hugh; Groot, Tracy 4/11/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
10400 What Happens When Issues of Faith Come Together in a Novel? Hijuelos, Oscar 4/20/2002
None : Archive/Available for Research Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Festival of Faith & Writing, 2002
9194 What has Wheaton To Do With "Jerusalem"? Noll, Mark 1/26/1982
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Interim Lecture Series, 1982
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
14562 What Hath Silicon Valley to Do with Jerusalem? Technological Innovation and Ancient Practice in Worship Roeda, Mark 1/25/2008 Certainly advances in presentation technology provide opportunities to do new things in worship. But they can also enhance our ability to do the ancient things of worship. T his session discusses integrating presentation technologies both into the worship space and the worship service. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2008
75 What He Called a Space for Grief: Remembering Lionel Basney Leax, Jack 4/1/2000
Bookstore (college) : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
1982 What Holds the CRC Together Kromminga, John 9/14/1989

CTS Special Lecture
13680 What I Believe Genesis Teaches Concerning Creation Kelly, Douglas 3/13/2006 Dr. Douglas Kelly, Ph.D. is from the Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC.
Recording may be purchased from Craig 4, 616-862-2023.
[1 of 8 titles in this s eries. Available on 1 DVD or 2 Audio CDs]
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Origins Symposium
17965 What if it's true …that Christians really need to belong to a church? Hulst, Mary 4/14/2013

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
17966 What if it's true that God calls us to care for the poor? Winkle, Aaron 4/21/2013

None : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
17967 What if it's true that God has a purpose for my life? Hulst, Mary 4/28/2013 Communion and Campus Choir
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
17875 What if it's true that Jesus is the only way to God?

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
17964 What if it's true that Jesus rose from the dead? Hulst, Mary 4/7/2013

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
17968 What if it's true that Jesus says to forgive those who sin against us? Hulst, Mary 5/5/2013

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
17876 What if it's true that prayer is powerful & effective?

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
17878 What if it's true that sex is for marriage between a man and a woman?

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
17877 What if it's true that the Bible is authoritative?

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
17925 What if it's true that there is a hell? Hulst, Mary 3/10/2013

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
15775 What If There Is A God Who Really Loves You? Jacobsen, Wayne 7/20/2009 An examination of themes from "The Shack" by Wayne Jacobsen, collaborator and publisher of "The Shack." Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Seminars in Christian Scholarship
5186 What in the World is CRC: Catholic? Mouw, Richard 6/7/1984
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
5185 What in the World is CRC: Evangelical? Mouw, Richard 6/6/1984
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
5181 What in the World is CRC: Reformed? Mouw, Richard 6/5/1984
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
1986 What in the World is the CRC? - Catholic Mouw, Richard 6/7/1984

Ministers' Institute
3739 What in the World is the CRC? - Catholic Mouw, Richard 6/7/1984
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
1987 What in the World is the CRC? - Evangelical Mouw, Richard 6/6/1984

Ministers' Institute
3737 What in the World is the CRC? - Evangelical Mouw, Richard 6/6/1984
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
3736 What in the World is the CRC? - Reformed? Mouw, Richard 6/5/1984
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
2177 What in the World is the CRC?--Reformed Mouw, Richard 6/5/1984

Ministers' Institute
1794 What is a Gospel? Morris, Leon 1/31/1980

14041 What is a Number? Augustine’s Philosophy of Mathematics Bradley, James 11/3/2006 In De Libero Arbitrio, Augustine of Hippo presents an argument for the existence of God. Because the argument depends in an essential way on mathematics, Augustine expa nds at some length on its nature. This talk will examine the implications of his views for the four classical questions of the philosophy of mathematics: In what sense are mathematical assertions true? What is the nature of mathematical objects, for exam ple, numbers? Since such objects seem immaterial but we are material beings, how do we acquire knowledge of them? How do we account for the astonishing effectiveness of mathematics in describing the physical world? Also, Augustine’s views on math ematics have implications for many other questions. If there is time, this talk will address two in particular: How are we to understand God’s freedom? And how are we to understand the nature of logic? Bookstore (college) : Archive/Available for Research None : Not Recorded. Christian Perspectives in Science Seminar Series
2951 What is Biblical Theology De Vaux, F. R. 4/23/1965

2114 What is Christian Education? Forum 5/17/1990

CMCRC Forum - Grandville Chapter
10694 What is Christian Music? Heffner, Ken; Ryan, Jack
What if a Christian writes a song that doesn't mention God? Is it a Christian song? It's not always easy to identify the spiritual or lack o f it in music. And is the purpose of Christian music to honor God, to encourage Christians, or to entice non-Christians? Christian radio DJ Jake Ryan of WAY-FM in Grand Rapids, and Ken Heffner, Student Activities Director for Calvin College (who books vis iting concert tours), explain what each of them looks for in the Christian music they offer to thousands of listeners.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
16977 What is Christian Philosophy? Plantinga, Alvin 11/17/2011 The first occupant of the Jellema Chair in Christian Philosophy is a person who has shaped the contours and priorities of Christian philosophy as much as anyone now living: Alvin Plantinga, former Calvin prof, retired Notre Dame prof, and now a member of the Calvin College Philosophy Department once again. In this lecture you will hear Al's reflections on how attending a few of William Harry Jellema's classes persuaded him t o transfer from Harvard to Calvin, what historical movements shape philosophy today, and what important tasks lie ahead. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
5781 What is Christian Politics? Mouw, Richard 10/19/1976
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
15917 What is CRC Publications?

Master Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

15910 What is CRC Publications?

Reel a: Music; Reel b, Vocals Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

12226 What is Discipleship Ortiz, Carlos 6/8/2002 Multi-Ethnic Conference Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

14138 What is Excellence in Preaching? Hoezee, Scott 1/26/2007 What should preachers keep in mind in composing sermons? Toward what sermonic goals should they aspire? What evaluative categories can church members become aware of to dial ogue more meaningfully with their pastors (and with one another) about the preaching life of the church? This session will hold up the rubrics "Biblical, Authentic, Contextual, and Life-Changing" as goals for preachers and as helpful categories for congregations to use in discussing sermons. When pastors and church members come to a common understanding of what preaching should be, possibilities for helpful conversations begin across the life of the congregation, to the mutual benefit of all! Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2007
2182 What is Happening in the CRC? Schlissel, Steve 10/17/1989

CTS Special Lecture
2175 What is Lynwood Saying to the CRC? Leetsma, Rein 2/27/1986

5105 What is Man?

The Christian Approach to Mental Health Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

2894 What is Meant by Meaning Frankl, Victor E.

4856 What is rational and what it means to be rational. Jellema, Wm. Harry 1/31/1969 Outline of history of Ancient Philosophy Exposition of Pre-socrates to Pythagoras.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Lecture
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
13818 What is Society?--Natural and Moral Law Steen, Peter

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

11775 What Is The Christian Religion? Shoemaker, Samuel

3955 What is the Church Eldersveld, Peter 2/3/1957
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Back-to-God Hour
8985 What is the Faith of Christians? Westerhoff, John 6/4/1991
Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
3022 What is the Faith of Christians? Westerhoff, John

Ministers' Institute
2877 What is the Meaning of These Gifts? An Illustration of the Contextualization of the Gospel in the Writings of Sweetman, Leonard 5/7/1987
Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
Calvin Colloquium
3862 What is the Reformed Conception of Godliness DeJong, Peter Y.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

31 What is Theological About Worship? Mouw, Richard 1/15/2001 What do the theologians have to say about the patterns and practices of worship? How have theologians failed to do their part in guiding the present-day church in dealing w ith the tough questions about the changes taking place in our worship life? This session will challenge all of us--theologians and "ordinary" Christians--to think more deeply about the need for renewal in worship.
[Many Symposium on Worship recordings are available at:]
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2001
3837 What is Worship? Cooper, Dale
Side 1 is "What is Worship?" (up to 30:30)
Side 2 is "Why Should We Worship?" (from 30:30)
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

3962 What is Your Faith Eldersveld, Peter 6/16/1957
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Back-to-God Hour
11774 What Is Your Greatest Need? Shoemaker, Samuel

17699 What is Your Plan? The Changing Landscape of Medicare and Long-Term Care

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Calvin Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL)
2429 What it Means for Christ's To Live in Musl. Culture Wahby, V. 11/6/1982

Christian Witness to Muslims
5435 What it means to be a Christian Physician Heetderks, Dewey 2/9/1978
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
4084 What it Means to Be a Christian Physician Heetderks, Dewey 2/9/1978
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Homecoming Chapel
12022 What I've Learned From My Mentors Plantinga, Cornelius Jr. 5/5/2004
Bookstore(college) : Available for sale.

5259 What Jesus Means to Me De Koster, Lester R. 3/13/1973
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
5933 What Jesus Means to Me Vander Beek, Terri 3/8/1973
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
195 What Kind of Liberalism? What Kind of Democracy? Bernstein, Richard 5/27/1999 The seminars seek to promote high quality scholarship that reflects a Christian perspective and to encourage Christian scholars to examine critical and cutting-edge topics i n their disciplines. Throughout these discussions, we will reflect on the nature of justice and attend to its biblical 'contours.' Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Political Thought After Liberalism Conference
4327 What Kind of Problem is Racism Mouw, Richard 4/4/1978
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
16725 What Lies Ahead: A Multi-Sensory Vespers Service: Philippians 3:12 - 4:1 Rienstra, Ron; Roeda, Mark; Gay, Doug; Banga, David; Scheer, Greg; WTS students 1/28/2011 What Lies Ahead: A Multi-Sensory Vespers Service: Philippians 3:12 - 4:1 Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2011
2395 What Makes a Church Grow? / Setting Priorities Salem Ave Church
Tape 1-0:41:31
Tape 2-0:39:52

3199 What Makes a Film Religious Anker, Roy; Cornett, Sheryl; Horstman, Joey Earl 4/1/2000
None : Not Recorded. None : Not Recorded. Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
14867 What Marriage Does Witte, John
Marriage is more than a piece of paper, yet it's more difficult to buy a new car than to wed someone for life. John Witte, Jr., director of the Ce nter for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory University, traces the view of marriage throughout western history, suggesting ways to strengthen and enrich the institution today. Karen Saupe hosts.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
5318 What Must I Do to be Saved? Exoo, Henry 9/26/1971
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
12087 What Nature hath taught all Animals: Considerations on the Nature of Marriage Hittinger, Russell 5/15/2004
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law
2031 What of the New 'Canonical Theology'? Henry, Carl F.H.

4074 What PAC's are doing to our Parties Guth, James 1/11/1985
Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist.
Interim Lecture Series, 1985
12328 What Price Unity? Schlissel, Steve M.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

14260 What Privilige Has To Do With Us Johnson, Allan 3/14/2007 Inaugural Speaker at the "From Every Nation" Symposium on Race 2007
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research From Every Nation Symposium on Race
13654 What Really Happened in Worship in the Early Church? Rylaarsdam, David 1/27/2006 E13 Some of the worship practices of early Christians (100–400 A.D.) were strikingly different but perhaps more biblical than ours today. What did worship according to Scripture look like in the first Christian centuries? How did the type of water used in baptism or the shape of the font, for example, proclaim biblical teaching? What was the celebration of the Lord's Supper like? Why was a person's posture during praye r so important? [Note: this session is repeated from last year, when not everyone who wanted to attend could get in the room.] Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2006
14706 What Should Christians Do About North Korea? Linton, Stephan 3/26/2008 What is going on in North Korea? Why should we know and care? What can we do? Dr. Stephan Linton is founder of the EugeneBell Foundation ( This foundatio n, named after a pioneering medical missionary in Korea, supports medical and humanitarian aid to North Korea, something that very few external NGOs are permitted to do. Dr. Linton, who is a descendant of Eugene Bell, is also a visiting associate of the K orean Institute at Harvard University.

Korean Lectures
16878 What Social and Natural Scientists Need to Know about Evil Madison, Brian 4/13/2010 "Evil" is a term which, in the Christian tradition at least, is properly a "theological" term. That is to say, "evil" names that which is not c onsonant with the nature and action of God and therefore must be understood in relation to how Christians understand and speak about God. Christian theology has traditionally made a distinction between the moral evil perpetrated by personal agents (i.e. & quot;sin") and natural evil which occurs apart from personal agency and intention. In this presentation I will outline what is meant by "goodness," "supreme goodness, " "evil" and "sin" as theological categorie s. Augustine's wrestling with "the problem of evil" will provide some traction as I explore the content of these terms. Regarding our current discussion on human origins, I will sketch a description of human origins which may entail a closer lin kage of moral and natural evil than is often given.

Human Origins Seminar Series
10799 What St. Paul Really Said Wright, N.T. (Tom) 1/23/2003 Paul was a zealous Jew whose explosive meeting with Jesus led him to believe that Israel’s God had declared Jesus to be the Messiah, and hence the true Lord of the who le world. N.T. Wright, Canon Theologian of Westminster Abbey and author of What St. Paul Really Said, determines the best way to understand Paul 20 centuries later. He will explain that Paul’s commission to be the “apostle to the Gentiles̶ 1; led him to hammer out a theology that was essentially a Jewish message for the pagan world, reshaped around Jesus, energized by the Spirit, and taking shape as a deeply personal and political message. Rediscovering his complex but breathtaking vision o f God, the world and the gospel is a central element in the urgent tasks facing today’s church. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research January Series, 2003
10767 What Teachers Need to Know About Standardized Tests Kass, Corrine 5/12/2000 Eight-part video to accompany workshop print materials.
Segment 1: What Teachers Need to Know About Standardized Testing.
Segment 2: Standardized Test Administration.
Segment 3: Interpreting Standardized Test Results.
Segment 4: Explaining Test Scores to Parents and Other Teachers.
Segment 5: The Differences Between Teaching and Testing.
Segment 6: Adapting Teaching Methods Based on Standardized Test Resul ts.
Segment 7: Informal Assessment.
Segment 8: Brief Review

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
10733 What Teens Learn About Sex Regnerus, Mark; Sterk, Helen 4/26/2002 #219 WHAT TEENS LEARN ABOUT SEX One thing parents dread most about raising teenagers is having to discuss SEX. By the time they get around to it, they fear the kids will ju st laugh and say they already know more than their parents do! Well what ARE kids learning about sex today? From where? Do religious parents communicate differently to their children about this topic? Helen Sterk of the Calvin Communication Arts & Sci ences department and Mark Regnerus of the Center for Social Research share their research with us.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
17034 What the Church Can Learn about Lament from Popular Music Willson, Cory 1/27/2012 [incomplete recording] Part of being an embodied witness to the world involves the Christians listening and learning from the cultures in which they live. With the well-atte sted loss of lament from much church services, there is much that Christians stand to learn from how popular musicians are expressing and engaging in lament. This session will focus both on what popular musicians can teach American churches about lament, as well as what the psalms have to offer the church and broader culture for engaging in lament. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2012
15063 What the Psalms Have to Teach Us about Song Writing Altrogge, Mark 1/30/2009 Psalms allow us to express a whole range of emotions in powerful ways and at the same time, they tell us a lot about God. This workshop will examine how worship song writer s can learn from the psalms as they work on their own craft. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2009
17165 What the Sabbath Does Shulevitz, Judith 4/19/2012 In many religious traditions, Sabbath observance has lost its meaning and value. And yet in our fast-paced, technologically saturated society, Sabbath is vitally important. Judith Shulevitz discusses how Sabbath observance changes the way we relate to time--and what its slow fade from human society might mean for each of us personally. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
1736 What to do When Abuse Happens in Your Church - A Case Study of Bella Vista Church Incident Frey, John 1/27/1997

Special Lecture Series
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
3953 What to Expect Eldersveld, Peter 1/8/1957
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Back-to-God Hour
14308 What We are Hearing: Patterns and Priorities for Ministry Avila, Mariano
Nuomi, Setri
Mpindi Paul
6/9/2007 Panel Discussion
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
14222 What We Can Learn About Worship from Asaph the Psalmist Noland, Rory 1/26/2007
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2007
11402 What We Can't Not Know: What is the Natural Law and Why Should Anyone Care? Budziszewski, J. 7/23/2003
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Seminars in Christian Scholarship
6092 What We Post-literates Can Learn from the Oral Culture of Jesus - Plenary 2 Dewey, Dennis 7/12/2001

Conference on Liturgy & Music (COLAM)
17307 What will life after death look like? Hulst, Mary 5/6/2012 LOFT (Living Our Faith Together) is a worship service that meets in the Calvin College Chapel on Sunday evenings during the academic year.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
3944 What Will You Do With Jesus Eldersveld, Peter 3/27/1955
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Back-to-God Hour
246 What Words Do Well and Do Not Well Yancey, Philip 4/3/1998
Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Festival of Faith & Writing, 1998
6197 What Works in American Education Bennet, William 11/29/1988

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Calvin College Today
3548 What Works in American Education Bennet, William J. 11/29/1988
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Calvin College Republicans Club
6211 What World is the Third World? George, Ivy 11/16/1988

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Calvin College Today
3406 What Would You Say if You Knew I Was Gay? Lucas, James 2/27/1992
Heritage Hall : No Restriction

2277 What You Need to Know About Teen Suicide Parrott, Les

Group's International Kidstitute
10794 Whatever Happened to Geographic Literacy? de Blij, H.J. 1/16/2003 International competitions, tests and polls prove that Americans are among the most geographically illiterate citizens in the world. Indeed, the U.S.A. is the only country o f consequence in which it is possible to go from kindergarten through graduate school without ever having taking a course in geography. As a result, political leaders have embarrassed themselves and their country in foreign settings; members of the govern ment have misled the country in disastrous foreign-policy campaigns. Additionally, an inadequately educated public is in no position to make its views count. H.J. deBlij, a world-renown geography scholar and former geography editor for Good Morning Americ a, will address why geographic illiteracy can have catastrophic consequences and what could and should be done about it. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research January Series, 2003
231 Whatever It Takes: The Real Struggle for Political Power in America Drew, Elizabeth 1/27/1998
Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. January Series, 1998
17156 What's a Platform Anyway? Selling Yourself Without Selling Your Soul Hosack, Robert; Hughes, Kelly; Wright, Adrianna 4/19/2012 One of the big buzzwords in publishing these days is platform. Simply put, it's the author's public profile that helps sell the book. Without a platform, often there is no p ublishing contract. Yet many aspiring authors don't know what a platform is, why it's so important, or how to build one for themselves and their work. Why do they need a platform to sell the book--isn't that the publisher's job? And how do Christian write rs reconcile self-promotion and platform-building with a faith that values humility? In this session, three publishing veterans--an acquisitions editor and two publicists--will show non-fiction authors why growing a platform is vital to success, how to c onnect with existing and potential reading audiences, and how to not hate themselves in the process. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
14090 What's Happening at the Heart of Eurasia? Starr, S. Frederick 1/10/2007 Between the great powers of India, China, Russia, and Europe, a "Greater Central Asia" is emerging. Ten countries are steadily emerging from centuries of oblivio n. As they do so, they have the potential to relink Europe and Asia as they did during the region's golden age. In the process, they may be creating a different and more modern model of Muslim society than we see in the fractious Middle East. It's worth i t for the U.S. to support this process.
S. Frederick Starr is Chairman of the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University and Rector of the University of Central Asia , an in ternational initiative for education and development in Central Asia.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research January Series, 2007
3500 What's in the Genes? Designer Genes Wells, Jonathan 5/26/2001
Heritage Hall : No Restriction Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Design, Self-Organization, and the Integrity of Creation
16877 What's Original about Original Sin? Reading Genesis 1-3 within the Christian Canon Crump, David 4/6/2010 This lecture will attempt to do two things. First, it will raise questions about the methods being used in our current discussion over how to read the story of Adam and Eve. For instance, does the accumulation of 'parallels' or 'similarities' between different pieces of literature necessarily lead to solid conclusions about either the historicity or the intentions of the stories themselves? Second, we will briefly take anoth er look at Genesis 1-3. The story of Adam and Eve has been interpreted in many ways over the centuries and in modern times. I believe we can find territory in our interpretations which avoids, on the one hand, reading in ways which simply reinforce tradit ional theological preconceptions, and on the other hand, reading in ways which presuppose some unacceptable rationalistic assumptions.

Human Origins Seminar Series
10797 What's Really Going On in Afghanistan, Central Asia, Pakistan, etc.? Starr, S. Frederick 1/21/2003 Over the past 16 months, Americans have been inundated with confusing information on the vast Eurasian heartland with which they previously had little or no contact. S. Fred erick Starr, founding chairman of the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute at Johns Hopkins University, will attempt to make sense of the region as a whole. His presentation will bring together the politics, economics, religious life and even the psychology of the 150 million people who occupy this region. He will further identify the major trends of importance to America and the world. Acknowledging the prevailing mood of gloom in the West and in the region itself, he will help listeners address the question, “Are there any grounds for hope in all that is happening there?” Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research January Series, 2003
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
10842 What's Really Happening in Palestine F98-23 DeVries, Henry

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Calvin Forum
16938 What's So Funny? Exploring Humor Moes, Paul
IC1202 Someone walking onto a stage trips and falls. Half the audience laughs, half doesn’t—and they’re even angry at the first half for laughing! Why do p eople respond so differently to humor, puns, and jokes? Calvin College philosophy professor Paul Moes explains what happens in our brains—and our relationships—when we share a laugh. Karen Saupe hosts.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Inner Compass
8933 What's So Good (and not so good) Boonstra, Harry

Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Calvin College Symposium
2102 What's the Problem? - Lecture 2 Plantinga, Alvin 5/23/1995 This lecture is a 2-cd set, and is the second lecture of a 4-lecture series: A2101, A2102, A2103, & A1966.

CTS Ph.D. Continuous Seminar
18534 What's the Use of an MFA? Caraway, Thom; Childress, Susanna; Faith Notess, Hannah; Huffman Polson, Shannon 4/11/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
16310 What's True? Personal Convictions, Professional Objectivity Green, Jennifer 4/15/2010 How do reporters explain a multiplicity of religions to an audience that may range from Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, atheist, or simply skeptical about any ultimate view of eternal truth? Jennifer Green discusses the challenges faced by journalists who strive to keep their own faith alive while covering divisive public issues. Festival Faith & Writing Ofc. : Available with permission.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2010
4267 What's Worthwhile about Liberation Theology? Miguez-Bonino, J. 12/8/1980
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Dialogue on Liberation Theology
4266 What's Wrong With Liberation Theology? Richardson, H. 12/8/1980
Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
Dialogue on Liberation Theology
15639 Wheaton College Faculty Recital: An Evening of Music for Soprano, Mezzo-soprano & Piano Hart, Carolyn, soprano
Gamez, Denise, mezzo-soprano
Paul, Daniel, horn, piano
10/11/2007 Concert Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

4501 When Can Foreign Policy Be Moral? Saunders, Harold 1/13/1984
Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist.
Interim Lecture Series, 1984
3414 When Christians Divorce Holstege, Henry

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Portable Calvin
10720 When Christians Watch Movies Anker, Roy; Jefchak, Andrew
#206 WHEN CHRISTIANS WATCH MOVIES Why are so many Christian movie reviewers preoccupied with counting swears and nudity scenes? Our theology equips us for so much more in e valuating films. On the other hand, some Christians are guilty of never even making it that far. They'll watch any film, and spend no time evaluating what they have seen. This week two film critics suggest how to develop a discerning eye: Andrew Jefchak, Aquinas College emeritus/Grand Rapids Press; and Roy Anker of the Calvin College English dept
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
2297 When Cultures Meet Tega, Gary 10/5/1993
Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
Calvin-Wester Meet
12398 When Every Day is Casual Friday: Anxiety Hangs Over a Culture When Adults Act Like Children Mathewes-Green, Frederica 1/14/2005 Author, columnist, commentator
Regular contributer to: National Review Online, Christianity Today, First Things, Touchstone,, and others
Commentator fo r "Morning Edition" on NPR
Clumnist for "Christian Reader"
Author of many books including: "The Company of Icons: Their Role in the Household of Faith," "Gender: Men, Women, Sex, Feminism," "The Illumin ed Heart: The Ancient Christian Path of Transformation" and others
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. January Series, 2005
4772 When Faith and Science Collide Plantinga, Alvin 3/16/2000

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Calvin Forum
167 When Father Disappears.. Whitehead, Barbara D. 1/20/1999
Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. January Series, 1999
15082 When God Speaks through You Satterlee, Craig A. 1/30/2009 Based on his book, When God Speaks through You, Craig A. Satterlee will explore how "holy and active listening" - listening for God's voice speaking in and through the faith community - can occur when church members talk to one another and to their pastors about preaching-and especially the faith convictions they bring to the sermon, which influence both the preaching and influence what is heard. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2009
16042 When Groups Play: Flash Mobs & Urban Experiments Bliss, Rob
What does it take to get thousands of people to show up downtown for a pillow fight? Rob Bliss, creator of The Rob Bliss Urban Experiments, tells how technology and social dynamics help him gather crowds for memorable happenings. Karen Saupe hosts.

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Inner Compass
11778 When It's Hard To Do Right Docherty, G.M.

16313 When Jesus Laughed Avi 4/15/2010 Avi considers the context of religion and faith in his historical novels and discusses whether a writer who is not religious can write about characters who are. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2010
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
15592 When Justice and Peace Embrace: A Service of Lessons and Carols for Advent and Christmas Campus Choir
Ivory, Sean, conductor
Women's Chorale
Navarro, Joel, interim conductor
12/3/2006 Concert Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

14959 When Managed Care Comes Knocking: Arguments for Buying Pastoral Care VandeCreek, Larry

Heritage Hall : Available for sale.

13287 When Nightmares Cease: A Message of Hope Block, Daniel I. 6/10/2005
Sem AV : Archive/Available for Research
12730 When Nightmares Cease: A Message of Hope from Daniel 7 Block, Daniel I. 6/10/2005
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Bible and Ministry Conference: Preaching Apocalyptic Texts
187 When Old is New Again: Black Women's Motherwork as Political Activism Collins, Patricia 2/17/2000
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

2255 When Our Hands Grow Weary Kleinheksel, Roger 10/27/1987

Calvin - Western Sectional
14595 When Romance Crosses Cultures:
Overcoming Obstacles & Celebrating Intimacy in Cross-Cultural Relationships
Umran, Naji; Zaci, Anne 2/22/2008 Led by Anne Zaci and Naji Umran, joined by panelists Roland and Lisseth Hoksbergen, Simon and Judy Ko, Gabe and Joanna Tannor Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Sexuality Series
6324 When the Church is a Church; Consecration of Ourselves to God Clarence Boomsma; Marinus Goote 1/24/1988 Two services
1) AM - "When the Church is a Church" (Up to 40:35)
2) PM - "Consecration of Ourselves to God" (Starts from 40:35)
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church
16664 When the Earth Quakes Menninga, Clarence 10/7/2010
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Noontime Series
6359 When the Heartbeat Stops Kool, Ron 5/28/1989
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church
12603 When the Muse Won't Play: Now What? Krist, Jan 4/1/2005 In a hands-on workshop about pushing through with skill, faith, and tenacity, Krist speaks on how the craft of songwriting can get you through the dry times. Participants wi ll craft a song from opening phrase to closing chord--write, edit, re-write and score. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Music, 2005
2451 When the Roll is Called Down - Rom. 16:1-6 Craddock, Fred

10729 When Theologians Study Jesus Wright, N.T.
#215 WHEN THEOLOGIANS STUDY JESUS It may come as a surprise to many Christians that theologians have vastly different ideas of who Christ was, what His mission was, and whet her there was even a resurrection! They also assign varying degrees of reliability to Scripture. Theologian and historian N.T. Wright of Westminster Abbey explains the complications and what he does about them.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
17194 When Throats are Parched Fields, Leslie Leyland; Foster, Brett; Ochsner, Gina 4/20/2012 As writers, we all walk through places where wells are dry and our words stammer only doubt. While we may know we should endure, even embrace, this silent passage and let it perform its necessary work upon us, we don’t always have that luxury. Deadlines, contracts, and schedules seldom allow for mute desert wanderings. Three writers speak from their own places of thirst and illuminate genre-specific ways to carry the w ork forward despite times and places of dearth. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
14124 When Were You Robbed? Gay, Doug 1/26/2007 This workshop reflects on the rise of Alternative Worship in the UK over almost two decades, which has led at different times to both sublime and ridiculous innovations in w orship practice. While recognizing that a diversity of worship 'tribes' is likely to persist within our churches, Doug argues that alternative/emerging worship practice is a key indicator of the future shape of Reformed worship in both the UK and North Am erica. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2007
14656 When You Wish Upon a Star Finch, Robert 4/18/2008 In this lecture Finch explores the possibility that how we think about and write about ourselves, in terms of our religious, psychological, and philosophical ideas, may have its origins in the nature of the physical world. Festival Faith & Writing Ofc. : Available with permission.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
16067 Where Am I Wearing? A Global Tour to the Countries, Factories, and People that Make Our Clothes Timmerman, Kelsey 11/9/2009

4414 Where are the Mountains Pekelder, Bernard 9/14/1979
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
3797 Where are We Going? DeKoster, L.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

2499 Where are we in Reformed Worship Macleod, Donald

Third Calvin Worship Symposium
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
17655 Where Are Your Treasures? Hulst, Mary 10/14/2012 Matthew 6:19-24
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
16350 Where Do I Go from Here? Pursuing a Writing Dream in an Ever-Changing Publishing World Munson, David and Diane 4/17/2010 Novelists David and Diane Munson received their first book contract after meeting with a publisher at the Festival of Faith and Writing. They share their experience of movin g into full-time writing and speaking careers, and they offer advice about the latest publishing trends, marketing ideas, self-promotion, and speaking opportunities. Festival Faith & Writing Ofc. : Available with permission.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2010
3954 Where Do You Stand? Eldersveld, Peter 1/13/1957
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Back-to-God Hour
14654 Where Falsehoods Dissolve: Memory as Witness Eire, Carlos 4/18/2008 Memory may be an imperfect record of the past, but it is nonetheless the most immediate and reliable connection that every individual has to his or her own history. When it comes to great historical events—especially in cases where great injustices have taken place—personal memory can provide valuable testimony against all attempts to deny or distort the truth. Eire explores the advantages and perils of relying o n memory as eyewitness testimony against injustice. Festival Faith & Writing Ofc. : Available with permission.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
6338 Where God Lives; Faith, The Way to Truth Arnold Brink 7/17/1988 Two services
1) AM - "Where God Lives" (Up to 34:40)
2) PM - "Faith, The Way to Truth" (Start from 34:40)
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church
5045 Where is Calvin? Boeve, E.
Walter, M.
Primus, J
Slenk, H.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
3646 Where is Calvin? Blake, Norman 11/12/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
15931 Where is Calvin?

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

6349 Where is our Glory?; Are you Prepared For His Coming? Tymen Hofman; Kuldipgangar 1/15/1989 Two services
1) AM - "Where is our Glory?" (Up to )
2) PM - "Are you Prepared For His Coming?" (Start from )
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church
16558 Where is the Love? Where is the Justice? Muslim Reflections for Today Safi, Omar 10/7/2010 The West Michigan Academic Consortium and the Kaufman Interfaith Institute present "Islam Beyond the Headlines"
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
3072 Where is the Promise of His Coming? - II Peter 3 Craddock, Fred 3/24/1994

Conference on Expository Preaching
2123 Where Spiritual Formation Begins Ensign, Marti 11/7/1996

CTS Special Lecture
5494 Where the Jobs are Houston, Jack

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
14505 Where the Love of God Goes: Dealing with Disasters Smith, Kathy 1/25/2008 It seems that almost every time we turn on the news there is another disaster wrecking havoc in people’s lives. Often disasters are hardest on people of faith who stru ggle with questions such as "Where is God when it hurts?" and "Why me, Lord?" For worship leaders, the time to prepare yourself and those who you love for times of disaster is before the disaster strikes. We will examine the impact dis asters can have on people’s lives and the spiritual preparation necessary to help you plan worship in ways that help you and your congregations face disasters in your own lives and the lives of those whom you love. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2008
17145 Where the Servants Dwell Schmidt, Gary 4/19/2012 Opening Plenary Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
16336 Where the Truth Lies: Exploring the Nature of Fact and Fiction Wiebe, Rudy 4/16/2010 It has been said that one cannot understand the world without telling a story. But every writer, whether writing fiction or non-fiction, wrestles with the question: How does "story" relate to the actual life we live? Using examples from ancient creation stories to contemporary news, Rudy Wiebe explores our profound desire for "truth." Festival Faith & Writing Ofc. : Available with permission.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2010
14224 Where Then Shall We Live: Location as Fundamental Choice for Christian Discipleship, Worship, and Evangelism. Jacobsen, Eric O. 1/26/2007
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2007
11526 Where's God in the Netherlands? Groenewoud, Gerben 9/26/2003 #403 WHERE'S GOD IN THE NETHERLANDS?
Why does Holland have some of the most liberal laws on prostitution, drugs, and euthanasia? Do the Christians there have no voice? Or perhaps they feel differently from Americans on many of these issues? Gerben Groenewood of the Free University of Amsterdam philosophy department tells host Karen Saupe how many Dutch people feel about their country and its principles.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
5903 White Lie, The Stob, Henry

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
76 Whither the Apocalyptic Novel? Bolt, John; Jensen, Steven; McConnell, Ami 4/1/2000
Bookstore (college) : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
13797 Whither? Reading and the Future of Literature in a Visual Age Schaap, James 4/22/2006 What are lovers of literature—and Christians—to think of the dire predictions of Reading at Risk, the recent report from the National Endowment for the Arts? The report claims that fewer than half of American adults now read literature and that the United States is experiencing a general collapse in advanced literacy. What does this mean for book lovers—and for writers? Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2006
17306 Who am I in Christ? Winkle, Aaron 4/29/2012 LOFT (Living Our Faith Together) is a worship service that meets in the Calvin College Chapel on Sunday evenings during the academic year.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
16425 Who are the Frisians? Frederick Feikema Manfred 7/16/1976 Total Program on 2 tapes Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

11815 Who Cares? Craddock, Fred

214 Who Cares? Public and Private Caring and the Rethinking of Citizenship Tronto, Joan 3/13/2000
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

3974 Who Crucified Him? Eldersveld, Peter 3/16/1958
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Back-to-God Hour
8742 Who in the World Are Women? Hunt, Gladys

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
2969 Who in the World are Women? Hunt, Galdys

Ministers' Institute
3828 Who is Fit to Lead? Cooper, Dale 7/31/1979
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Calvinette Leaders Convention
14388 Who is Gospel Music For? Abbington, James
#816 WHO IS GOSPEL MUSIC FOR? Originally broadcast April 13, 2008
Many people have strong feelings about what kind of music is appropriate for church, and exactly how it should be performed. Performed for who? January Series guest James Abbington of Emory University's Candler School of Theology, and executive editor of the African American Church Music series, takes host Karen Saupe on a tour at the piano.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
4347 Who Keeps Whom Nykamp, Del 3/28/1979
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
14530 Who May and May Not Participate in the Worship Life of the Church? Stephenson, Mark 1/26/2008 (this session was not recorded) None : Not Recorded.
Symposium on Worship, 2008
5235 Who Were the Pharisees? De Boer, W.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
6217 Who Will Comfort Me? Post Liberation Men Kingma, Daphne Rose 1/9/1987

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Calvin College Today
4201 Who Will Comfort Me? Men In the Post-Liberation Eighties, A Woman Psychotherapist's View Kingma, Daphne Rose 1/19/1987
Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist.
Interim Lecture Series, 1987
11919 Who will lead us; Be Sure To Pray For Yourself Pardue, David Austin

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

13650 Who You Are is How You are Heard: Personality and Personal Ethics in Preaching Hulst, Mary 1/27/2006 D13 This session will demonstrate how the small choices preachers make (i.e. illustrations, use of humor, self-referential anecdotes) provide hearers not only with a better understanding of the text, but also with a keen understanding of the preacher. Come and learn how to become self-aware in your own preaching and improve your "ethics of preaching," or learn how to listen to the things your preacher isn't saying. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2006
2646 Whole Person, The: Intimacy in Communication Kik; De Jong; Dean

Care of Souls
3879 Wholeness of Relationship to God Deppe, Dean 5/14/1977
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

3880 Wholeness of Relationship to Others Joosse, Wayne 5/14/1977
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
2326 Wholeness of the Gospel, The Costas, Orlando

3802 Wholly Following the Lord Cloete, Daniel 11/28/1984
Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist.
Multicultural Lecture
3885 Who's in Charge DeVos, Peter 10/10/1978
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
16911 Who's Sanctioning Whom? The Continuing Evolution of the Federal Faith-Based Initiative Koopman, Douglas 10/26/2011 Trends in American Politics and Public Life, given by Dr. Douglas Koopman.

Henry Institute
14534 Whose Art? Which Church? De Boer, Lisa 1/25/2008 Those of us who work at the intersection of the visual arts and congregational life know from experience how rich, complex, rewarding, and often messy this area can be. Theo logical, historical and philosophical factors all come into play. This session, however, will look at some of the sociological factors that shape how the visual arts and our churches intersect. The aim of the session is twofold: 1) greater clarity for tho se of us working “on the ground” about some of the sociological factors that shape our work, and 2) a deepened appreciation for the freedom and opportunity (as opposed to the obstacles) we enjoy in working in this area. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2008
11615 Whose Hospitality? Whose Kingdom? Van Leeuwen, Mary Stewart 11/4/2003
Bookstore(college) : Available for sale.
Stob Lectures
10852 Why Africa May Become the First Islamic Continent Mpindi, Paul Mbunga 2/13/2003

Missions Institute Lectures
10853 Why African Christianity is a Thousand Miles Wide and an Inch Deep Mpindi, Paul Mbunga 2/12/2003

Missions Institute Lectures
139 Why are Christians Thirsty for Worshipping God? Barnes, Craig 1/15/2000
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2000
5809 Why attend Chapel Services? Pekelder, Bernard

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
11490 Why Barth Needed Hegel: Apologetics and Reformed Theology Ward, Graham 9/11/2003 Plenary address Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. None : Not Available for sale. Radical Orthodoxy Conference
15337 Why be a Christian? Kreeft, Peter

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Veritas 2000
15967 Why be Concerned Zylstra, Mark 5/17/1989 CMCRC Conference Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

4979 Why Believe? Evans, Stephen

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Calvin Forum
17760 Why Business Matters to God Van Duzer,Jeff 1/14/2013 Van Duzer is the author of “Why Business Matters to God: And What Still Needs to be Fixed” and dean of the School of Business and Economics at Seattle Pacific Un iversity. He is also professor of business ethics and law, and prior to his work with SPU he served as a partner with Davis A Wright Tremaine, an international law firm. Van Duzer has spoken at a number of different venues, including Redeemer Presbyteria n Church’s Gospel and Culture Lectures in 2010.

January Series, 2013
16787 Why Business Matters to God Van Duzer, Jeff 2/1/2011 On February 1, Jeff Van Duzer, Dean of the School of Business and Economics at Seattle Pacific University, spoke about "Why Business Matters to God (and what still need s to be fixed)." He became the first guest speaker sponsored by the Calvin Center for Innovation in Business.

Calvin Center for Innovation in Business
6028 Why Calvin?
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

4392 Why Chapel Services at Calvin Pekelder, Bernard 9/15/1977
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
6171 Why Christian Scholarship Needs Story and Art Robinson, Marilynne 9/28/2001
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Christian Scholarship...For What?
13886 Why Christian Schools Zylstra, Dr.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Conference on Education
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
16003 Why Christians Need Animals...and God Does, too McDaniel, Jay 5/1/2009
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.

3066 Why Christians Ought to Be in Prison Colson, Charles 1/25/1980
Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
Interim Lecture Series, 1981
5223 Why Christians Ought to be in Prison Colson, Charles 1/25/1980
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Interim Lecture Series, 1980
15997 Why Christians Should be Physicalists Murphy, Nancey 4/7/2009
Lecture 2 of 2.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.

16372 Why Comics? Yang, Gene 4/17/2010 Gene Luen Yang discusses his love for comics, the reasons he makes them, and their value in helping readers both young and old to become engaged, attentive readers equipped with a more thoughtful approach to media. Festival Faith & Writing Ofc. : Available with permission.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2010
12312 Why Democracy Takes So Long Marinov, Vsevolod
Democracy seems like such a good idea. Why don’t formerly oppressed citizens embrace it more quickly? January Series guest and Russ ian sociologist Vsevolod Marinov describes Russia’s long journey to democracy, suggesting to host Shirley Hoogstra why more patience with Iraq would be in order. (Guest from The January Series of Calvin College.)

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Inner Compass
10837 Why Diets Don't Work F98-24

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Calvin Forum
13544 Why Do They Hate Us Long, David
#621 MIDDLE EAST DEMOCRACY Originally broadcast May 7, 2006
America is trying to convince regimes in the Middle East to allow freedoms for the press, women, minority rel igions, and dissenting voices. What is getting in the way of our success? Diplomat and professor David Long, author of The Anatomy of Terrorism and Cultures and Customs of Saudi Arabia, discusses with host Shirley Hoogstra the complexities of establishing democracy.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
6112 Why Do We Worship? Cooper, Dale 4/5/1988

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Portable Calvin
6284 Why do you believe?; Lord I believe Ted Verseput; Duane K. Kelderman 6/14/1987 Two services
1) AM - "Why do you believe?" (Up to 28:50)
2) PM - "Lord, I believe" (Starts from 28:50)
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church
17128 Why do you let bad things happen to good people?, Q 4. Hulst, Mary 3/4/2012 LOFT (Living Our Faith Together) is a worship service that meets in the Calvin College Chapel on Sunday evenings during the academic year.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
17127 Why do you love us, sinners that we are?, Q 3. Ryan, Paul 2/26/2012 LOFT (Living Our Faith Together) is a worship service that meets in the Calvin College Chapel on Sunday evenings during the academic year.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
2718 Why Does God Hide? Boosma, Clarence 11/23/1986

Plymouth Heights CRC
5790 Why Does One Write? Nin, Anais 4/10/1974
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
15343 Why Everybody Needs a Masterplot Jeffrey, David Lyle

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Veritas 2000
6308 Why Follow Jesus?; In the Presence of God John Rozeboom; Ray Van Leeuwen 3/15/1987 Two services
1) AM - "Why Follow Jesus?" (Up to 40:00)
2) PM - "In the Presence of God" (Starts from 40:00)
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church
15756 Why Good Things Happen to Good People:How to Live a Longer, Happier Life by the Simple Act of Giving Post, Stephen G 7/20/2009 Stephen G. Post is Director of the Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care, and Bioethics in the School of Medicine, Stony Brook University (SUNY). From 1998 thro ugh 2008 he was Professor of Bioethics & Family Medicine in the School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Seminars in Christian Scholarship
11956 Why Have We Given up the Ghost?: Notes on Reclaiming Literary Fiction Lott, Brett 4/22/2004
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. Festival of Faith & Writing, 2004
3810 Why I Believe in the Ordination of Women
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Committee for Women in the CRC
2185 Why I believe in the Ordination of Women Sieplinga, D.; Essenberg, V. 5/29/1985
Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
2452 Why I Believe the Bible Demands all Offices be Open to Women Hugen, Melvin

4143 Why I Believe the Bible Requires the Ordination of Women Hugen, Melvin

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5634 Why I Believe the Bible Requires the Ordination of Women Hugen, Melvin 4/18/1988

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
11345 Why is My Speaking So Dull? Beeners, William 1/15/1993

Symposium on Worship, 1993
12539 Why Listening is the Beginning of All Good Communication Schultze, Quentin 3/3/2005
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

6114 Why Mid-East Extremists Hate the US Kennedy, Morehead 1/10/1989

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Calvin College Today
3152 Why Ministers Should Not Read Books about Jesus Thielman, Frank 10/5/2000
Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research

14042 Why Only an Atheist Can Believe: Politics between Fear and Trembling Zizek, Slavoj 11/10/2006 Dubbed 'the Elvis of cultural theory' by The Chronicle of Higher
Education, Zizek's current work interrogates the Christian tradition
and argues that it is, in fact, w orth saving. While his lecture will certainly propose a reading of Christianity that is both decidedly non-western and non-orthodox, Zizek's perspective on Christianity as a intellectual from Eastern Europe and an atheist philosopher is sure to bring ide as that will be both provocative and stimulating.
Audio-Visual (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Lecture
4852 Why Philosophize? Jellema, Wm. Harry 1/22/1969 Why Philosophize? How does it fit in with other sciences; purpose of philosophy at time of Aristotle and socrates.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Lecture
3253 Why Physics and Theology Need a Mediator: The Many Metaphysical Faces of the Quantum State Clayton, Phillip 4/17/1999 The seminars seek to promote high quality scholarship that reflects a Christian perspective and to encourage Christian scholars to examine critical and cutting-edge topics i n their disciplines. Many theologians have yet to realize and benefit from the transformed relationship between science and religion, and this is what we shall explore in our discussions. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Theology and the New Physics Conference
15091 Why Read Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920) on Worship? Boonstra, Harry 1/30/2009 Abraham Kuyper’s accomplishments were many and he had a stellar career. He served as pastor, theologian, founder of the Free University in Amsterdam, chief organizer o f a Calvinist political party, prime minister of the Netherlands. He is, however, less well-known for another major contribution—his writings on worship and liturgy which are still relevant for the church today and will appear in an English translat ion as Our Worship (Eerdmans, forthcoming). Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2009
17214 Why Read Classics? Rotor, Elda 4/21/2012 Editorial director of Penguin Classics, Elda Rotor shares her perspective from the editorial side of publishing classic literature and selecting “new” classics, providing some insight and inspiration from writers who have introduced them. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
17104 Why Religion is Natural and Theology is Not Barrett, Justin 7/26/2011

Seminars at Calvin
11484 Why Religious Experience is Important Visser, Paul J. 10/3/2003
Bookstore(college) : Available for sale.
Theology and Practice of Evangelism in Today's World Confrence
3241 Why Religious People Feel They are Losing Voice.. Wolterstorff, Nicholas 7/21/1998
Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Faculty Summer Seminars in Christian Scholarship 1998
14707 Why Should Koreans Care About North Korea? Linton, Stephan 3/27/2008 What is going on in North Korea? Why should we know and care? What can we do? Dr. Stephan Linton is founder of the EugeneBell Foundation ( This foundatio n, named after a pioneering medical missionary in Korea, supports medical and humanitarian aid to North Korea, something that very few external NGOs are permitted to do. Dr. Linton, who is a descendant of Eugene Bell, is also a visiting associate of the K orean Institute at Harvard University.

Korean Lectures
3838 Why Should We Worship? Cooper, Dale

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

2154 Why Students Don't Learn Much of Anything at CTS and What to do About it Calvin Seminary 9/22/1994

CTS Special Lecture
17071 Why the Bible Says Sex is for Marriage Beelen, David 1/12/2012 Delve into scripture on this important topic. Where does the Bible teach that sex outside of marriage is wrong? What does it say, and why? And what does it mean for us?
Pastor David Beelen is the lead pastor of Madison Square Church, Grand Rapids, MI.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Sexuality Series
5255 Why the Dissention in the Church? De Koster, Lester R. 11/9/1970
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
8872 Why the History of Liturgical Arts is So Eye-Opening for Contemporary Christians Krammes, Barry; Mulder, Karen 1/10/2002
Bookstore (college) : No Restriction
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2002
14432 Why the History of Sexuality Ought to be Taught at Christian Colleges and Universities Bederman, Gail 10/9/2007 Dr. Gail Bederman is an Associate Professor of History at the University of Notre Dame.
The lecture was co-sponsored by the Gender Studies Minor, the History Departmen t, the Psychology Department, and the Sexuality Series.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Sexuality Series, 2007-08
17083 Why the Korean Peninsula? Park, John S. 3/15/2011 John S. Park is a scholar in Christian ethics and 18th and 19th century German theology. He received advanced degrees from Fuller and Princeton Theological Seminaries and al so received a doctoral degree from Claremont Graduate University. Since 1997 he has taught theology and Christian ethics at Azusa Pacific University in California. He also worked as the Asian Program Director at the school. Currently, as special advisor t o the president of the university, he travels extensively to Asia to promote Christian higher education as an integral part of being a responsible citizen of God's kingdom in the 21st century. Dr. Park will discuss the tensions on the Korean peninsula bet ween North and South Korea and the implications for the global community.

Hubers Asian Studies Program Korean Lectureship
10514 Why the Trinity Matters for Psychotherapy Wright, Ronald 5/23/2002
Bookstore (college) : No Restrictions
Loss of the Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture
11783 Why Theology and The Arts Need Each Other In The Church Today, part 1 Begbie, Jeremy 1/10/2004 Part 1 of 3. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.

13993 Why Visit Battlefields? Shaara, Jeff
#719 WHY VISIT BATTLEFIELDS? Originally broadcast April 15, 2007
What do you think of when you see a civil war monument? If you’re not the type to run up and read the text, Calvin College January Series guest and historical novelist Jeff Shaara might change all that. He describes for host Karen Saupe his guidebook Jeff Shaara's Civil War Battlefields: Discovering America’s Hallowed Ground, featuring 10 battle fields he says every American should visit.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
4417 Why Waste Perfume on Jesus? Pekelder, Bernard 2/20/1980
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
2359 Why We Are Here / Are You a Follower of Jesus? Kyle, Graham

Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
Urbana 87 - Mission Convention
2490 Why We Do What We Do: Doctrinal Basis for Reformed Worship Kay, James

Symposium on Worship, 1992
17086 Why Were the Dutch in New Netherlands, Anyway? Jacobs, Jaap 3/31/2011 From March 28 to April 30, 2011, the Center Art Gallery at Calvin College presented "Light on New Netherland," a traveling exhibition produced by the New Netherlan d Institute to celebrate the quadricentennial of Henry Hudson's exploration. This exhibition provides insight into the role the Dutch played in the settlement and development of colonial America. In addition, the gallery will also feature a number of pain tings, decorative art objects, and artifacts from the Calvin College permanent collection and the Holland Museum collection in Holland, Michigan. These pieces help illustrate art and everyday life of the 17th century Dutch, as well as the revival of Dutch interest during the early 20th century known at Holland Mania.
A three-part lecture series will run on Thursday nights, starting with Dutch Colonial Historian and Author, Dr. Jaap Jacobs.

5980 Why Worry About Science? Wolthuis, Enno

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
12594 Why Would You Want to Do This? A Philosophy of Songwriting Pettis, Pierce 4/1/2005 Rather than going over all the nuts and bolts of songwriting, Pettis' workshop will dwell mostly on the motivation of the songwriter in particular and the role or purpose of songwriting in general. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Music, 2005
16329 Why Writers Write: Questions and Answers on the Craft of Writing DiCamillo, Kate 4/16/2010 Kate DiCamillo reflects on how she writes, where she finds ideas for her stories, how she develops characters, and what kinds of challenges she faces in doing so. In this in teractive session, she answers questions from participants on the craft of writing. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2010
2428 Why You Should Be A Misionary Verver, George

5096 Wide Open Doors

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5097 Wide Open Doors

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Calvin College Alumni
5996 Wide Open Doors Youngsma, Sidney

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

18429 Widening the Circle, Reforming the Margins: A View From Guatemala's Central Highlands Cahill, Rob & Tara 2/7/2014

faith and Internat'l Dev. Conf. 2014
17220 Wider View: Writing About Fatih from the Outside, A Chang, Lan Samantha 4/21/2012 Plenty of writers never address faith in their work, and those who do address it are often dismissive or even condescending toward people of faith. So how do writers success fully and authentically portray religion and religious people? Fiction writer Lan Samantha Chang traces her own journey and provides some insight into the challenges of writing about faith. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
8571 Wiersma Chamber Emsemble
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
8572 Wiersma Chamber Emsemble
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

3261 Wiersma Memorial Lecture Schaap, James 4/17/1997
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Wiersma Memorial Lecture
8899 Wiersma Memorial Lecture Timmerman, John 4/22/1993
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Wiersma Memorial Lecture
3471 Wiersma Memorial Lecture Cook, Hugh 4/19/2001 Twelfth Annual Wiersma Memorial Lecture

Wiersma Memorial Lecture
16053 Wikipedia: Internet Democracy Wales, Jimmy
Wikipedia began with the goal of distributing a free, high-quality encyclopedia to every person on the planet. This internet project, written collaboratively by volunteers in over 260 languages, is now over 10 times larger than Encyclopedia Britannica. Founder Jimmy Wales considers how the project is meeting its many ideals. Karen Saupe hosts

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Inner Compass
11186 Wild Oats

Bookstore (college) : Available with permission. CAS Dept. Play
5183 Wild Oats Part 1 of 2 Calvin Thespians

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Calvin College Today
5182 Wild Oats part 2 of 2 Calvin Thespians

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Calvin College Today
11185 Wild Oats, Part 2 of 2

Bookstore (college) : Available with permission. CAS Dept. Play
2549 Will a Man Serve God for Nothing Brown, Lavonn D. 9/6/1984

3825 Will of God For Us, The Borgorff, Peter 8/24/1975 Two Lectures:
1) The Wiil of God For Us
2) Enjoying the Spirit of Sonship
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

2633 Will Our Children have Faith? Hugen, Melvin

Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
Cascade Family Camp 87
8953 Will Our Congregationism Kill Us? DeMoor, Henry 6/8/1988
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
3369 Will the American Melting Pot Survive: Multicultural Education and the New Tribalism Chavez, Linda 1/24/1991 Multicultural Education Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
January Series, 1991
11509 Will the Real Plato Please Stand Up? Participation vs. Incarnation Benson, Bruce 9/13/2003 Session XIII Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Radical Orthodoxy Conference
16482 Will they know that we are Christians by our science? or Methological Naturalism. Plantinga, Al 9/23/1994

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Lecture
7768 Willcocks Choir Concert Willcocks, David; Calvin College Choirs 3/18/1987
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7769 Willcocks Choir Concert Willcocks, David; Calvin College Choirs 3/18/1987
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8593 Willcocks Evensong Evensong, Willcocks 3/20/1987
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8592 Willcocks Evensong Evensong, Willcocks 3/20/1987
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
7938 William Bokhout, bass-baritone; Wenda DeVries, Piano Bokhout, William; De Vries, Wenda 4/18/1984
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7939 William Bokhout, bass-baritone; Wenda DeVries, Piano Bokhout, William; De Vries, Wenda 4/18/1984
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

13705 William Cope Mayer Mayer, William Cope 9/12/2000
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
5626 William Fyfe: Master Planning at Calvin Fyfe, Bill 4/1/1991 Bill Fyfe tours the Knolcrest campus and explains the thinking behind how the early campus was designed.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research History (college)
15733 William Karsten, tuba Karsten, William
Varineau, Gwen, piano
4/6/2009 Student Recital Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Student Recital
3046 William Perkins: Puritan Popularizer Packer, James I. 5/2/1996

CTS Special Lecture
10878 WILLIAM ROMANOWSKI Romanowski, William 3/28/2003 William Romanowski is a professor of Communication Arts and Sciences at Calvin College and author of Pop Culture Wars: Religion and the Role of Entertainment in American Lif e and Eyes Wide Open: Looking for God in Pop Culture. Audio-Visual (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Music, 2003
8616 William Shakespeare Tiemersma, Richard 10/23/1986

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Calvin College Today
3269 William Spoelhof Chair Lecture Sterk, Helen 10/1/1997
Heritage Hall : No Restriction Heritage Hall : Available for sale.
17310 William Spoelhof Society Dinner

17978 William Spoelhof Society Dinner Vogelzang, Randy
Le Roy, Michael
Freeburg, Debra
Agard, Alex

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
16430 William Spoelhof Society Events Hoogstra, Shirley 5/5/2010

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research William Spoelhof Society
14287 William Spoelhof Society Luncheon Vande Guchte, Peter 5/10/2007

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Development
13668 William Spoelhof: The Early Years Spoelhof, William 1/26/2006 First of 2-part series on William Spoelhof. 'William Spoelhof: The Early Years' chronicles Spoelhof's life from childhood up to his presidency at Calvin College.
[His i nterview for the Library of Congress' WW2 Veteran's History Project is at:]

Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. History (college)
13669 William Spoelhof: The Presidency and Beyond Spoelhof, William
Second of a 2-part series on William Spoelhof.
William Spoelhof was the President of Calvin College from 1951-1976. This program documents Spoelhof's presidency and life after Calvin College. Through interviews with Spoelhof, as well as faculty and staff who worked with him, this documentary chronicles Calvin College's growth and transition from the Franklin Campus to the Knollcrest Campus. Spoelhof's leadership style a nd character are shown through the perspective of his co-workers. Spoelhof was the president of Calvin during a critical time in the college's history, and through his leadership and shepherding Calvin grew to become the college that is is today. He was the right person for his time at Calvin College.

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. History (college)
15442 William Van Geest, piano Van Geest, William 12/4/2003 Student recital Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Student recital
15517 William Van Geest, piano Van Geest, William 5/6/2005 Student Recital Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Student Recital
18101 William Vande Kopple Memorial Service

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
2437 Willow Creek Discussion Panel 1/11/1996 Discussion RE. Willow Creek

7101 Wind Chamber Music Recital Wind Chamber Music 11/15/1979
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
7100 Wind Chamber Music Recital Wind Chamber Music 11/16/1978
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7099 Wind Chamber Music Recital Wind Chamber Music 11/16/1978
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7103 Wind Chamber Music Recital Wind Chamber Music 11/12/1980
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7102 Wind Chamber Music Recital Wind Chamber Music 11/15/1979
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7104 Wind Chamber Music Recital Wind Chamber Music 11/12/1980
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

14930 Window on the Post-Modern Condition Fowler, James
Recovery from Psychological Trauma Heritage Hall : Available for sale.
Christian Association for Psychological Studies
11873 Winner Take All Kerr, W.K.

17115 Winning the War for the Knowledge Worker

Heritage Hall : Available for sale.
13569 Winona Lake, Indiana
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

13571 Winona Lake, Indiana
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

13570 Winona Lake, Indiana
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5306 Winsome Christian, The Exoo, Henry 1/9/1972
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17416 Wisdom Witvliet, John 6/27/2012

Worship Renewal Grant Colloquium
17535 Wisdom Witvliet, John 6/27/2012 Language and the way of speaking

17090 Wisdom of Stability, The Hartgrove, Jonathan Wilson 3/30/2011 Congregational Ministries Lecture: Jonathan Wilson Hartgrove on "The Wisdom of Stability."

2036 Wisdom of this World, The Van Til, Cornelius

13649 With All Thy Mind: How Right/Left Brain Theory Informs Christian Worship Glick, Robert 1/27/2006 D12 Current brain research confirms that people's style of giving and receiving information varies greatly, based on which portions of their brains are their "default&q uot; settings. Denominations, too, often have a traditional ethos that favors one part of the brain over the others. This seminar explores how such information can help in developing holistic worship services that are less likely to leave out significant segments of a congregation. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2006
16103 With Courage, Faith, and Vision: The First Fifty Years of Trinity Christian College Trinity Christian College
This is the story of Trinity Chrsitan College's first fifty years. It is the story of a group of young men and women who had the courage to dream of a Chicagoland liberal a rts college centered on serving the Sovereign God.
It is also the story of those who followed the founders and had faith for the task of making this vision a reality. Their faithfulness is evident in a college that grew in size and academic impact.
The story is not finished. The Trinity Christan College of today has a vision for tomorrow: to prepare students to be shapers and doers for Christ.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
5098 Within the Pale
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Faculty Program
2366 Without Crossing Barriers - The Mosaic McGavran, Donald

Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
15024 Witness to Change: Profiling Microfinance and the Empowerment of Poor Families, A Rooy, Robert
Having worked as an assistant director on more than forty Hollywood productions, including Minority Report, Honeymoon in Vegas and the epic television series Lonesome Dove, Rooy now focuses his energy on creating media programs that engage and educate people about
important human issues. His company, Rooy Media LLC, has worked in more than twenty countries in partnership with such organizations as UNICEF, the Microcredit Summit Campaign, the Grameen Foundation and Rodale Institute. He is arguably one of the foremost chroniclers of microfinance, an innovative anti-poverty strategy that has helped millions of families escape poverty. To Our Credit, his seminal PBS documenta ry series featuring Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus, introduced many Americans to this ground-breaking idea. It
was the first of a dozen programs he has produced on the subject and the first of several collaborations with Dr. Yunus. Rooy, a f ormer president of Calvin Thespians, returns to his alma mater to share his journey of discovery, his belief in the power of people-centered development, and his commitment to using the powerful tool of film on behalf of the disenfranchised.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research January Series, 2009
2354 Witness to Muslims in North America Ipema, Peter

10367 Witness to the Light; A Choral Celebration of Christmas and Epiphany, A Calvin College Alumni Choir
Shangkuan, Pearl
Bos, Kenneth
Van Wingerden, Randall
1/5/2001 Christmas Concert Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

10877 Witnessing and Testifying: Black Women, Religion, and Civil Rights Ross, Rosetta E. 3/26/2003 Rosetta E. Ross, an ordained elder in the United Methodist church and McVay Associate Professor of Christian Ethics at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities will be speaking about her forthcoming book which examines the lives of seven female civil rights activists, and will also discuss some other women who were not featured in the book. Her work "examine(s) black women's civil rights activism as religiously im pelled moral practice, redress(ing) an oversight in previous work . . . and lift(ing) up a paradigm for engagement in the challenges of contemporary social life." Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
6517 Witvliet, John D., Student Recital Witvliet, John 11/2/1989
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Senior Recital
15345 Wolrd Views in Conflict: the New Genetics - Risks and Benefits Young, Frank ?

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Veritas 2000
8880 Woman's Journey, A (Personal Story), Saturday, June 22 Jill S.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Spiritual Awakenings
11466 Women and Office Symposium (3 tapes) Prenger, N.; Hugen, M.; De Moor, H. 2/27/1987 Tape 1-1:29:14
Tape 2-1:53:08

3246 Women at Calvin Panel
Heritage Hall : No Restriction

4743 Women in Business
11/14/1985 Women's Forum Panel Discussion Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Women's Forum
4240 Women in Ecclesiastical Office Lamaire, Martin 5/5/1979
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Committee for Women in the CRC
12377 Women in Office Hugen, Melvin
Bolt, John
Cooper, John

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
2454 Women in Office DeJong, James

Spring Pastor's Conference - Dordt Dollege
4204 Women in Office Issue, The: How Crucial Is It? Kloosterman, Nelson

Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist.
Orthodoxy and Orthopraxis
5249 Women in Office, Part 1 VandenHeuvel; VanHarn 8/10/1992

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Calvin Forum
5254 Women in Office, Part 2 Vanden Heuvel, VanHarn

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Calvin Forum
14381 Women in Political Leadership Clift, Eleanor
#809 WOMEN IN POLITICAL LEADERSHIP Originally broadcast Jan. 27, 2008
Is a woman strong enough to be President of the United States? To lead us into war, to stand up to t errorists? And can she do it all in a pink suit? Why does it matter what she wears? Host Shirley Hoogstra discusses women in political leadership with Calvin College January Series guest Eleanor Clift, contributing editor and columnist for Newsweek and co -author of Madam President: Women Blazing the Leadership Trail.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
8886 Women in S.A.A. (Personal Story), Sunday, June 23 Marilyn F.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Spiritual Awakenings
3818 Women in the Church: What is Our Future? Cook, Sarah 4/20/1985
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Committee for Women in the CRC
11002 Women in the Church: Where Do We Go from Here? Hugen, Mel; Hofman, Leonard 10/4/1987
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
5256 Women in the CRC Grissen, Lillian; Van Hamersveld, Dale

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Calvin Forum
16028 Women in the CRC: Oral History Project

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

4137 Women in the Early Church Howe, Margaret 4/15/1982
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

2168 Women in the Image of God Greidanus, Morris 2/4/1986
Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
CW - CRC Winter Meeting
5273 Women in the Ordained Ministry

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Calvin Forum
14717 Women of Lockerbie, The Sandberg, Stephanie
A mother from New Jersey roams the hills of Lockerbie Scotland looking for her son's remains which were lost in the crash of Pan Am flight 103. She meets the women of Locker bie, who are fighting the US government to obtain the clothing of the victims found in the plane's wreckage. The women, determined to convert an act of hatred into an act of love, want to wash the clothes of the dead and return them to the victim's famili es. Although the characters and situations in the play are purely fictional, The Women of Lockerbie is loosely inspired by a true story. Written in the structure of a Greek tragedy, it is poetic drama about the triumph of love over hate.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research CAS Dept. Play
3538 Women of the Reformation Bainton, Roland Dr. 10/10/1978 Recording is incomplete Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

4910 Women of the Reformation Bainton, Roland 10/10/1978
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
4378 Women on the Cutting Edge
Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
Partnership in the Gospel
17091 Women, Glamour and the Sex Industry Donewald, Anny 4/12/2011 A conversation with former stripper Anny Donewald whose non-profit, Eve's Angels, reaches out to women in the sex industry in W. Michigan and beyond. Moderated by Christina Van Dyke.

Sexuality Series
4142 Women, Slaves, Children, and Jews Hugen, Melvin 2/3/1985 Incomplete recording. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Committee for Women in the CRC
4474 Women: Called by Christ for the Sake of the Church and the World Rienstra, Marchiene 6/23/1979
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Evangelical Women's Caucus
14281 Women's Basketball Hilites, 2007 Women's Basketball Team 5/1/2007 Hilites of the Calvin College women's 2007 basketball season.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Sports
10374 Women's Choral Festival, A Lyric Singers of Calvin College, The
Grand Rapids Christian HS
East Kentwood HS
South Christian HS
Johnson, Sigrid, guest conductor
Bos, Kenneth, guest Accomp anist
3/2/2001 Celebration of Women's History Month Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

17963 Women's Chorale Shangkuan, Pearl 4/11/2013

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Calvin Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL)
17993 Women's Chorale Concert Shangkuan, Pearl 5/3/2013

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
7537 Women's Chorus Woman's Chorus 4/25/1966
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7550 Women's Chorus Women's Chorus 11/21/1985
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7549 Women's Chorus Women's Chorus 5/7/1985
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7548 Women's Chorus Women's Chorus 12/5/1984
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
7539 Women's Chorus Women's Chorus 12/10/1967
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7538 Women's Chorus Women's Chorus 4/24/1967
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

4750 Women's Missionary Union 50th Anniversary Celebration Women's Missionary Union 10/14/1975 Evening Session Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Women's Missionary Union
4745 Women's Missionary Union 50th Anniversary Celebration Women's Missionary Union 10/14/1975 Morning Session Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Women's Missionary Union
4749 Women's Missionary Union 50th Anniversary Celebration Women's Missionary Union 10/14/1975 Afternoon Session Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Women's Missionary Union
16644 Women's Volleyball Championship Game
11/22/2010 DVD contains the entire game, a post-game press conference, and an interview with Coach Amber Warners.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
16661 Wonder, Wisdom, Worry, and Work Beversluis, Claudia 8/26/2010 Dr. Claudia Beversluis, provost and professor of psychology, introduced the day with reflections on the current campus context and the tasks before us. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Fall Conference for Faculty and Staff
1956 Wonderful World of Contemporary Music, The Ferguson, John 1/10/1998

17219 Wonderfully Made: Writing Poems of Awe May, Jamaal 4/21/2012 How do poems generate a sense of wonder in readers? And what tools can poets use to achieve this sense of wonder? Through an exploration of poems with these aims, poet Jamaa l May discusses techniques that will provide fresh approaches and inspire new work. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
11569 Wood Wood 4/10/2000
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

17945 Woodlawn CRC Good Friday Service Rasendrahasina, Fitah 3/29/2013

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
18106 Woodlawn Service

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
7096 Woodwind Quintet Woodwind Quintet 1/27/1970
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7098 Woodwind Quintet Woodwind Quintet 5/12/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

4010 Word and Education, The VanDyke, John 5/18/1977
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Federation of CR Men's Societies Convention
4013 Word and Minorities, The Patterson, Virgil 5/19/1977
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Federation of CR Men's Societies Convention
11448 Word and South America, The Boonstra, Juan 5/18/1977
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Federation of CR Men's Societies Convention
5067 Word and the World, The Hagstrum, Jean H. 5/2/1962
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Honors Convocation
4012 Word and the World, The Hulst, John 5/19/1977 Unintelligable-Distorted Recording Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Federation of CR Men's Societies Convention
5698 Word for this World Jellema, William Harry

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
14924 Word from the Wise: Grace and Truth in the Way We Talk, A Plantinga, Neal 6/10/1999
Heritage Hall : Available for sale.

2541 Word in Your Life, The - Receiving It Vander Ark, Nelle

Ministers' Institute
8740 Word in Your Life, The- Receiving it Vander Ark, Nelle

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
8749 Word in Your Life, The- Relating it Vander Ark, Nelle

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
2310 Word is Deed, The: An Autobiographical Vignette Vassady, Bela 1/29/1987

CTS Special Lecture
13842 Word Made Stone, The Blue, Debbie 4/22/2006
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2006
3935 Word of Farewell Eldersveld, Peter 3/1/1953
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Back-to-God Hour
3977 Word of God, The Eldersveld, Peter 10/3/1965
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Back-to-God Hour
3936 Word of Hell, The Eldersveld, Peter 3/8/1953
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Back-to-God Hour
3937 Word of Life, The Eldersveld, Peter 3/15/1953
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Back-to-God Hour
4009 Word of South America, The Boonstra, Juan S. 5/18/1977
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Federation of CR Men's Societies Convention
6026 Word of the Cross, The Eldersveld, Peter H.
A Memorial Album, 1946-1965
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Back-to-God Hour
5292 Word of the Cross, The Eldersveld, Peter

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Back-to-God Hour
5293 Word of the Cross, The Eldersveld, Peter

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Back-to-God Hour
10016 Word of the Cross, The; (A Memorial Album) Eldersveld, Peter M.

Heritage Hall : No Restriction

3863 Word Which Cannot Be Broken, The DeJong, Peter Y.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

4684 Word, The: Spotlight or Prism Vos, Louis, A. 2/8/1985
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Committee for Women in the CRC
14469 Words Wear Out: How Writers Help Us Renew Religious Language Rienstra, Debra 1/10/2008 Associate Professor of English at Calvin College teaching modern British Literature, world literature, Shakespeare, composition and poetry. She is the author of two books, & quot;Great with Child: On Becoming a Mother" and "So Much More: An Invitation to Christian Spirituality" - a kind of imaginative orientation to the Christian faith. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research January Series, 2008
3878 Work Deppe, Dean 9/27/1979
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

16271 Work of His Hands, The: Bringing Hope to Nicaragua

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
18527 Work That Enfaiths: Writing as an Entrance to Seen and Unseen Shaw, Luci 4/11/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
4140 Work, Wish, and Hope in Marriage Hugen, Melvin 3/23/1979
Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
Inaugural Address
2320 Work...A Redeeming Word Zapata, Dominga

Urban Congress 1982
1861 Work...The Church...And The Cities Betanzas, Samuel

Urban Congress 82
41 Working Baptismal Font, A Duba, Arlo 1/15/2001 Often a baptismal font does not get used for weeks at a time. Members of the congregation may hardly ever notice it. This session will focus on the importance of baptism i n weekly worship as we encourage one another to live out our baptism, to emphasize personal renewal, evangelism, mission, and other facets of Christian commitment.
[Many Symposium on Worship recordings are available at: past/]

Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2001
2315 Working in the Urban System from a Kingdom Perspective White, James

14946 Working Toward Healing, Peace, and Forgiveness Carter, Rod 6/10/2004
Heritage Hall : Available for sale.
Chaplains Conference
3161 Working with the Poor Myers, Bryant 11/7/2000

14230 Working with Your Local Media Bierma, Nathan; de Haan, Phil 1/26/2007
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2007
14792 Works Salvation and Community in The Scarlet Letter Harper, Preston 5/30/1998
Heritage Hall : Available for sale.
Puritanism and its Discontents
11801 Workshop Briscoe, Stuart

11816 Workshop Craddock, Fred

11583 Workshop 1: Small Group Ministry

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Multi-Ethnic Conference
11582 Workshop 1: Small Group Ministry

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Multi-Ethnic Conference
11587 Workshop 2: Leaders and Development

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Multi-Ethnic Conference
11586 Workshop 2: Leaders and Development

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Multi-Ethnic Conference
11588 Workshop 3: The Church Meeting Today's Society

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Multi-Ethnic Conference
11590 Workshop 4: The Changing Family In Society

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Multi-Ethnic Conference
11787 Workshop Conclusions Bauman, Dan

1887 Workshop on Youth Ministries Burns, Ridge 5/8/1992 Tape 1-1:24:45
Tape 2-1:05:47
Tape 3-1:02:26
Tape 4- 55:14

Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
8957 Workshop: Aids Education for Pastors Vander Kolk, Jan 6/6/1989
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
18503 Workshop: Book Proposal 101: The Nuts and Bolts of Crafting an Effective Proposal Starbuck, Margot 4/10/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
8978 Workshop: Building a Caring Ministry VanZanten, Tony 6/6/1990
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
8982 Workshop: Building the Church through Small Groups Deters, Laurie 6/6/1990
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
11820 Workshop: Effective Preaching Davis, Lee Ron

8962 Workshop: Enlarging the Pastors Spiritual Life Vander Griend, Alvin 6/6/1989
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
8977 Workshop: One Church's Experience with Multi-Cultural Growth Beelen, Dave; Davis, George 6/5/1990
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
8976 Workshop: One Church's Experience with Multi-Cultural Growth Beelen, Dave; Davis, George 6/5/1990
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
8963 Workshop: Pain and Suffering: Implications and Applications Kok, James 6/6/1989
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
8965 Workshop: Pastors Sabbaticals and Continuing Education Admirall; Boot; Steigenga 6/6/1989
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
11817 Workshop: Preaching As Storytelling Craddock, Fred

11875 Workshop: Preparing to Preach Killinger, John

11915 Workshop: Sermon Application Packer, James I.

8975 Workshop: The Church and the Dysfunctional Family Topp, Carol 6/5/1990
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
8973 Workshop: Too Busy Not to Pray Hybels, Bill 6/5/1990
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
8980 Workshop: Worship as Evengelism Hoksbergen, Al 6/6/1990
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
16020 World Christianity and American Christianity: What About the Future? Noll, Mark 9/18/2009 Noll is currently the Francis A. McAnaney Professor of History at Notre Dame University; he previously taught for 27 years at Wheaton College in both history and theology. N oll was named one of the 25 most influential evangelicals in America by Time Magazine in 2005. He is a well known author, and his book credits include The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind; The Rise of Evangelicalism; The Work We Have To Do: A History of Pr otestants in America, and The New Shape of World Christianity: How American Experience Reflects Global Faith. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Henry Institute
3513 World Christianity and Literary Theory: The Kenotic Motif in African Theology and the New Historicism Brueck, Katherine 4/27/2001
Bookstore (college) : Archive/Available for Research

17679 World Communion of Reformed Churches - Uniting General Council
6/24/2010 Business Plenary Session; Calvin College VanNoord Arena Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

16442 World Communion of Reformed Churches-Uniting General Council (WCRC-UGC)
6/18/2010 The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) brings together 80 million Reformed Christians worldwide - united in a commitment to making a difference on the big issues of our day - climate change, human rights, economic justice and helping our neighbours of all faiths.
Video of the June, 2010 conference at Calvin College can be seen at:

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research WCRC-UGC
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
3571 World Food Crisis Borgstrom, Georg 1/13/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

10964 World Food Crisis Borgstrom, Georg 1/13/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

10963 World Food Crisis Borgstrom, Georg 1/13/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

4945 World Food Crisis Borgstrom, George 1/13/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
4334 World Hunger and Multinational Corp Muller, Ronald

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

11102 World Hunger and Multinational Corp Muller, Ronald

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

2431 World in Which We Live and Speak, The Weatherford, Carolyn

18550 World Made Flesh, The Johnson, Kimberly 4/11/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
3887 World Recession: Causes and Cures DeVries, Rimmer 3/2/1983
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Business Interaction Seminar
11839 World To Come Ferris, T.

2426 World Views and Cross-Cultural Witness Vanderwerff, Lyle 10/15/1987

5767 World War I Miller, Charles 5/6/1969
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
5907 World War I Strikwerda, Earl 5/5/1970
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
4574 World War I Strikwerda, Earl 5/5/1970
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Histor 101 Lecture
4573 World War I and After Strikwerda, Earl 12/2/1969
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
History 101 Lecture
5906 World War I and After Strikwerda, Earl 12/2/1969
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
4507 World War II in the Netherlands Schornagel-Vander Hart, A.J.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
15214 World War IV Gillem, Denny 10/14/2008 Information on the series of events at:
Some events video-recorded by Nicole Vega, to be posted on her website. Sponsored by student organizations: Democracy Matters and the Social Justice Committee, and by the Paul Henry Institute.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
War Awareness Series, 2008
18670 Worldviews, feminist, theory, and human maturity Dr. Mary Stewart VanLeeuwen 9/29/1989

Audio-Visual (college) : Archive/Available for Research
4413 Wormwood Pekelder, Bernard 5/11/1979
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
11861 Worsh

14189 Worship Madison Gospel Choir 2/2/2007
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Faith and Internat'l Dev. Conf. 2007
14120 Worship Wilson, Paul Scott 1/26/2007 Worship Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2007
4557 Worship Stewart, Cheryl 6/12/1984
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Synodical Committee On Race Relations
2508 Worship - Stranger to Self Raines

1977 Worship - The Church and its Lord DeJong, James

11401 Worship & Culture: A Continuing Debate Spinks, Bryan D. 7/2/2003
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Seminars in Christian Scholarship
17035 Worship & Opening Session Heuertz, Chris 2/2/2012 [This session was not recorded]
Welcome/Worship/Opening Session
None : Not Recorded.
Faith and Internat'l Dev. Conf. 2012
12473 Worship & Plenary: Sacred Time, Holy Ground: Christian Worhsip and the Practices of Daily Life Bass, Dorothy; Lindvall, Micheal 1/28/2005 Dorothy Bass is the author of Receiving the Day: Christian Practices for Opening the Gift of Time. She is director of the Valparaiso Project on the Education and Formation o f People in Faith, at Valparaiso University.
Michael Lindvall is pastor of Brick Presbyterian Church, New York, New York. He is the author of three books: The Good News from North Haven, Leaving North Haven (both Crossroad Publishing), and The Christia n Life: A Geography of God (Geneva Press, 2001).
Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2005
14497 Worship 101: The Building Blocks of a Biblical Approach to Worship Witvliet, John 1/25/2008 This session will explore some of the Bible's most fundamental teaching about worship, with an aim to equipping you to teach this material back home. This session is especia lly ideal for first-time Symposium attendees, as well as veterans who want to energize their own teaching ministries. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2008
8954 Worship- A Healing Service Roeda, Jack 6/8/1988
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
8956 Worship- A Taize Service Kammeraad, Carl 6/9/1988
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
5188 Worship and Celebration of Holy Communion
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
16125 Worship and Civility Mouw, Richard 1/29/2010
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2010
2479 Worship and Evangelism Hart, Dirk 8/7/1985
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Liturgy Conference
143 Worship and Evangelism Reconsidered Ruth, Lester 1/15/2000
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2000
16713 Worship and Human Emotion Hielema, Syd 1/28/2011 Human emotion plays a profound role in Christian worship, but this role is very complex and easily misunderstood. What is the role of human emotion in our walk with God, and how do we as worship leaders obediently honour that role? What temptations to abuse emotion do we experience? How might we guide congregations to both emotional freedom and emotional maturity? None : Not Recorded.
Symposium on Worship, 2011
12556 Worship and Incipient Idolatry Best, Harold 1/28/2005 If, as St. Paul says, an idol is nothing, then there must be nothing to idolatry outside of our efforts to make nothing into something. In the biblical sense, what do “ ;nothing” and “something” mean in the context of a life of faith, authentic worship, and artistic action? Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2005
16721 Worship and Mission after Christendom Kreider, Alan; Kreider Eleanor 1/28/2011 As Christendom wanes, worship and mission can be integrated anew. Worship glorifies God and forms the worshippers to participate in the missio Dei. This session examines w orship practices that embody God’s mission, forming intriguing Christians and hospitably receiving inquirers whom the Christians attract. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2011
16129 Worship and Radical Politics Cioffi, Todd 1/29/2010
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2010
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
3140 Worship and Technology Witvliet, John 1/20/2000

Calvin Theological Seminary
13772 Worship and the Wilderness Card, Michael 4/21/2006 Few Christians today seem to understand—or take seriously—what the Bible says about lament. Through a discussion of the Psalms, Card explores the heart of lament and describes how it functions in the life of a believer, the life of a church, and the life of a writer.

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2006
15078 Worship and the Word Man, Ron 1/30/2009 Many churches, and especially those in the Protestant free-church tradition, need to use the Scriptures more in their worship. This seminar will explore why and how the Bibl e should inform, infuse and enrich our worship planning and leading. We will also look at practical ways to bring the Word in all its richness into both our regular and our holiday worship services. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2009
12468 Worship and Theology in Harmony Byars, Ronald; Dyrness, William A.; Moore-Keish, Martha; Stubbs, David; Van Dyk, Leanne; Witvliet, John 1/27/2005 Ronald Byars is professor of preaching and worship at Union Theological Seminary & Presbyterian School of Christian Education in Richmond, Virginia. A Presbyterian pasto r for more than three decades in Michigan and Kentucky, Byars’ primary interest is in the recovery of Word and Sacrament as the norm for Lord’s Day worship. He is the author of Christian Worship: Glorifying and Enjoying God (Geneva, 2000), and of The Future of Protestant Worship: Beyond the Worship Wars (Westminster John Knox, 2002). Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2005
37 Worship and Today's Culture: Finding a Third Way Long, Thomas 1/15/2001 This session will explore the tensions that almost every congregation is now experiencing between the old and the new, the formal and the informal, the creative innovation a nd the trusted traditional. Then learn about how some congregations have found a "third way," an approach to worship that stays within the trajectory of Christian tradition but responds to the realities of our own cultural context.
[Many Sym posium on Worship recordings are available at:]
Bookstore (college) : No Restriction
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2001
16711 Worship Architect, The Cherry, Constance 1/28/2011 Comparing the work of a worship leader to that of an architect, this session offers a blueprint for designing worship services through various phases: laying the foundations , building the large frame for encountering God, creating doors and windows for dialogue with God, adding style to the worship event, and more. None : Not Recorded.
Symposium on Worship, 2011
14231 Worship as Spiritual Formation DeJonge, Heidi; Glassford, Darwin; Zandstra, Pat 1/26/2007 Note: only first half of presentation is recorded. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2007
5245 Worship at Neland CRC in Grand Rapids MI Dekker, Harold

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Worship Service
2488 Worship at Westminster Jordan

Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research

11900 Worship for All Ages Bloss, Michael 1/30/2004 How one church reevaluated their worship centers and Christian education program, and then revitalized their approach by starting a family service during the education hour on major festival days. The process will also be traced from earliest ideas among staff team members to final brochure layout and first Sunday. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2004
17806 Worship for Post-Modern Times Dawn, Marva 1/25/2013 What kinds of questions should we be asking so that we think about the struggles of young people in post-modern times? How does the Gospel minister to these basic issues of life? Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2013
14929 Worship Hymnal

Heritage Hall : Available for sale.
The Chaplain's Tape Lobrary
17784 Worship in 1 Corinthians: Paul's Take on the Corinthian Worship Wars Bailey, Kenneth E. 1/25/2013 Covenant Fine Arts Center Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Symposium on Worship, 2013
17031 Worship in a Multicultural Enironment Martinez, Juan Francisco 1/27/2012 A multicultural, multilingual congregation is one that reflects the diversity of God’s kingdom, but also the complexities of life together this side of eternity. Havin g a way of understanding and interpreting the differences among us makes it possible to anticipate the worship described in the Revelation vision. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2012
14141 Worship in Difficult Times Smith, Kathy 1/26/2007
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2007
9226 Worship in Our Time: The Biblical Gifts Dawn, Marva 1/10/1997 [Many Symposium on Worship recordings are available at:] Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 1997
9228 Worship in Our Time: The Theological Needs Dawn, Marva 1/10/1997 [Many Symposium on Worship recordings are available at:] Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 1997
15084 Worship in the Chinese Church: A Case Study Selles, Kurt 1/30/2009 Based on a case study from Henan province in central China, this session explores the distinctives of worship in a Chinese setting, both in the urban church and the rural ch urch. The basic question of the session is: What can we learn about worship from the Chinese? Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2009
17029 Worship in the Desert: the Spirituality of the Desert Fathers and mothers Hall, Christopher A. 1/27/2012 'Spirituality' and 'Worship' have been hot topics recently. In this session we’ll explore the world and worship of the ancient desert monastics: Christians living in t he rugged regions of Syria and Egypt in early Christian history. We’ll ask questions like: How did these ancient Christians pray? What other key spiritual disciplines formed the rhyme and rhythm of their lives? What was their particular contribution to Christian worship and spirituality? How can we today best translate their insights (and avoid some possible mistakes) into a modern setting? Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2012
17020 Worship in the Digital Age Hipps, Shane 1/27/2012 [This session was not recorded.]
This presentation explores the major historical shifts in technology and their dramatic impact on worship in the church. The digital age immerses us in a state of phenomenal complexity, and it is radically shaping the present and future of worship.
None : Not Recorded.
Symposium on Worship, 2012
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
15077 Worship in the Early Church: Unity in A15078 - Diversity Kim, Young Richard 1/30/2009 As much as worship practices vary across churches, denominations, and cultures in our modern world, the ancient church was also full of diverse (and sometimes conflicting) a pproaches to worship. This seminar will explore the history of worship in the early church in the hope that we might learn about, accept, and apply different attitudes and practices in our own times. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2009
4695 Worship is a Verb Webber, Robert 1/20/1986
Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist.
Interim Lecture Series, 1986
16132 Worship Leadership Dilemma: Are Consumers Still Able to Worship? Hielema, Syd 1/29/2010
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2010
16704 Worship Ministry Through the Seasons of Life Johnson, Todd 1/28/2011 We often plan worship through the seasons of a year, but how often do we take into consideration the planning of worship through the seasons of the lives of our people? Nume rous resources have been published in the past decade that provide resources for “life cycle rituals” from birth to death. This workshop will explore the theology and developmental psychology behind this approach and evaluate the resources ava ilable to you, and how to create your own. None : Not Recorded.
Symposium on Worship, 2011
12641 Worship Music as Soul Food Witvliet, John 4/18/2005
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.

2502 Worship of Celebration and Holy Communion Minister's Institute

Minister's Institute
2473 Worship of God # 3 The Sermon's Relationship to Public, The De Vitt, John

2471 Worship of God #1 Principles of Public Worship, The De Vitt, John

2472 Worship of God #2 Nature of Biblical Worship, The De Vitt, John

11929 Worship Planner's Bookshelf Seely, Ed; Witvliet, John 1/30/2004

Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2004
15097 Worship Planning for Established or Emerging Congregations: Similaritites and Differences Hamstra, Sam 1/30/2009 After planning worship with established congregations for twenty-five years, Hamstra has begun doing the same for a multi-ethnic church plant. He will reflect on the simila rities and differences of worship planning in both contexts and identify over-arching biblical principles for designing worship that apply to them both. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2009
16723 Worship Planning Team as Conversation Partners, The Miller, Barbara Day 1/28/2011 Who is invited to plan worship? What spiritual gifts need to be included on the planning team? How can the planning team leader facilitate conversation among diverse voices? In this interactive session, participants will discover answers to these and other questions about organizing, structuring and leading worship planning teams. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2011
17052 Worship Practices in the Hispanic Culture Cajas, Edgar 1/28/2012 Repeat of earlier presentation (recording A17028).
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Symposium on Worship, 2012
16124 Worship Renewal - What difference Does It Make? Grit, Betty; panel 1/29/2010
None : Not Recorded.
Symposium on Worship, 2010
17443 Worship Renewal Grants Board Interview Witvliet, John 6/27/2012

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
16492 Worship Renewal Grants Colloquium

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
16108 Worship Renewal Through Collaboration Grit, Betty; Merten, Cindy; Newman, Barbara; Pierce, Garland; VanderWeit, Randy; Wenger-Shenk, Sara; Williams, Marvin 1/28/2010 Seminar 10 None : Not Recorded.
Symposium on Worship, 2010
17438 Worship Renwal Worship Service

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
16110 Worship Service Dawn, Marva; Alumni Choir 1/28/2010 Worship Service Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Symposium on Worship, 2010
12490 Worship Service Rutledge, Fleming 1/28/2005 Fleming Rutledge is author of several sermon collections, including The Undoing of Death (Eerdmans, 2002) and The Bible and The
New York Times (Eerdmans, 1999). She also spoke at the 2005 Calvin College January Series.
Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2005
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
9250 Worship Service Long, Thomas 6/6/1996
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Institute
9244 Worship Service Long, Thomas 6/4/1996
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Institute
8915 Worship Service Plantinga, Cornelius 6/6/1995
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Institute
8917 Worship Service Holwerda, David 6/7/1995
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Institute
8920 Worship Service Van Reken 6/8/1995
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Institute
13881 Worship Service Vriend, Rev. John
The worship service was held during the AACS Niagara Conference; Rev. John Vriend gave the sermon. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
AACS Niagara Conference
4379 Worship Service
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Partnership in the Gospel
11574 Worship Service

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Multi-Ethnic Conference
9246 Worship Service Long, Thomas 6/5/1996
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Institute
17000 Worship Service - Psalm 1 Hulst, Mary; LOFT 1/26/2012
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Symposium on Worship, 2012
17013 Worship Service - Psalm 1 Hulst, Mary 1/26/2012
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2012
17015 Worship Service - Psalm 113 Zaki, Anne 1/27/2012
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2012
17048 Worship Service - Psalm 113 Zaki, Anne 1/28/2012 Worship Service - Psalm 113
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Symposium on Worship, 2012
16999 Worship Service - Psalm 8 Labberton, Mark 1/26/2012
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2012
17012 Worship Service - Psalm 8 Labberton, Mark 1/26/2012
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Symposium on Worship, 2012
8907 Worship Service Commencement
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Commencement (College)
8906 Worship Service Commencement
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Commencement (College)
8859 Worship Service/ State of the College
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Calvin Fall Conference
3789 Worship Service: Asian
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Pastoral Ministries Race Relations
3787 Worship Service: Black
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Pastoral Ministries Race Relations
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
8708 Worship Service: Go Down to the Potter's House Akron CRC 1/11/2002 Akron (Ohio) Christian Reformed Church will lead this creative service as we enter the potter's house with Jeremiah to worship God. Bookstore (college) : No Restriction
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2002
3788 Worship Service: Hispanic
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Pastoral Ministries Race Relations
3790 Worship Service: Indian
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Pastoral Ministries Race Relations
12491 Worship Service: lord's Supper Service Noble, Derrick 1/28/2005 Derrick-Lewis Noble was recently cited as one of the top 20 young Black preachers in America; he recently moved from New Hope Baptist Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan, where h e was senior pastor, to Orlando, Florida, where he is President/CEO of Derrick-Lewis Noble & Associates, LLC, through which he facilitates speaking events, motivational seminars, and corporate training. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2005
11928 Worship Service:A Touching Place: Prayers for Wholeness and Healing Adam, Alison 1/30/2004
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2004
1871 Worship Space, The: Architecture and Arts Boeve, Edgar
[Many Symposium on Worship recordings are available at:] Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
Symposium on Worship, 1989
10725 Worship Styles: A Matter of Taste? Dawn, Marva; Witvliet, John
#211 WORSHIP STYLES: A MATTER OF TASTE? When churches are torn about whether to update their worship services or stick to tradition, too many decide to literally tear into two services. But does this create more problems than it solves? Theologian and author Marva Dawn and John Witvliet of the Calvin Institute for Christian Worship recommend ways around this harmful solution.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
13675 Worship Symposium Whitvliet, John 1/31/2006 The Calvin Symposium on Worship seeks the deepening and integration of all aspects of worship. As worshipers, we concentrate on our specific interests and gifts in seminars and workshops, and experience their integration into the full mission of worship as we gather for the Symposium's worship services. In interdisciplinary and ecumenical conversations, we ask searching questions, exchange dilemmas, encourage each other. We leave with a renewed commitment to the full ministry of the church. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2006
17804 Worship That Addresses Needs of Veterans with Moral Injuries Brock, Rita; Keizer, Herman 1/25/2013 This workshop will explore how religious communities can help veterans heal from moral injury and support their families during transition into civilian life. The workshop l eaders are co-directors of the Brite Divinity School’s program on Soul Repair established by a recent grant from the Lilly Endowment, Inc. They will discuss newly emerging research on moral injury and examine effective strategies for supporting life long recovery, including the importance of ritual and worship practices. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2013
15074 Worship that Changes Lives: The Next Dimension Abernethy, Alexis 1/30/2009 This workshop highlights how our understanding of transformational worship experiences is deepened through a study of worship that included the narratives of church members. Drawing on the insights that are summarized in the book, Worship that Changes Lives, participants are encouraged to reflect on the relational dimension of their worship experiences. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2009
15067 Worship that Ministers to the Afflicted Dawn, Marva 1/30/2009 Many in our congregations are suffering from chronic illnesses, sudden crises, stresses from work and/or family life, losses of loved ones or of personal abilities, discoura gement from situations in the local community or the world. How do we serve them best in our choices for worship elements, in our preaching? Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Symposium on Worship, 2009
15076 Worship that Renews the Me and Transforms the Us Bradford, Jonathan; Dekker, James and Rose 1/30/2009 Christians are to be hearers and doers of the word. We pursue meaningful worship, meanwhile the business of worship is often measured by the number of coffee bars and size o f parking lots. But what about urban schools graduating illiterate teenagers? Or prisons bursting at their seams? Or untold millions dying from war, hunger, or disease? Worship must heal these wounds. Drawing from their diverse ministry experience Jim an d Rose Dekker (Latin American ecumenical and spiritual direction) and Jonathan Bradford (US urban) will explore the biblical concepts of knowing Christ the servant and serving Christ the Sovereign Lord. All of life must really be worship. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2009
8677 Worship- The Church and Its Lord DeJong, James 6/2/1982
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
5051 Worship through Song
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17800 Worship Together for All Ages: Will it work or is it expecting too much? Keeley, Laura; Keeley, Robert; Vanderwell, Howard 1/25/2013 Many churches today are eager to present themselves as "intergenerational" in their worship. In a society that so easily separates people by age, developmental lev el, and experience, can the church succeed in keeping the generations together? Is this idea new and novel, or old and tested? What are the considerations and issues we'll have to deal with? How do we accommodate different rates of faith development? Wha t are the benefits of succeeding? We'll draw on each other’s experiences and reexamine the conversations that The Church of All Ages started. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2013
14133 Worship When Steeples Cry Hamman, Jaco 1/26/2007 This practical presentation explores the use of the body in proclamation and how our stance, gestures and rhythms affect the congregation's understanding of our words. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2007
14147 Worship with the Least of These Burger, Steve; Cornelison, Joan; Schuringa, David; Smith, Kathy 1/26/2007 Jesus described our actions toward 'the least of those brothers and sisters of mine' (Matt. 25:40) as ministering to Jesus himself. He even said when he returns in his glor y, the way we have dealt with those in need will have eternal significance. Many churches have developed important ministries, but how are those ministries connected to communal worship? This panel discussion offers ideas and resources so that the whole c ommunity in worship can better minister to our children, those who are disabled, and those brothers and sisters who are not present with us because they are in prison. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2007
15081 Worship Words: An Overview, a Walk-Through, and a How-To Rienstra, Debra and Ron 1/30/2009 The authors of the featured symposium book Worship Words introduce this practical guide to faithful, fitting, and vivid language in all aspects of worship. We will explore a sample chapter, trying out examples, exercises, and discussion questions in order to model how the book might be used in congregations or classrooms. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2009
16106 Worship, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation - Global, Local, and Personal Witvliet, John D. 1/28/2010 Seminar 3. Panelists include Elias Chacour (Palestine), Kobus Gerber and Jerry Pillay (South Afridca), Setri Nyomi (Ghana), Eric Sarwar (Pakistan), Ed Gilbreath (author of & quot;Reconciliation Blues"), and Karen Campbell (Northern Ireland). Moderated by John Witvliet. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Symposium on Worship, 2010
15056 Worship, Suffering, and Justice Nyomi, Setri 1/30/2009 This workshop explores the phenomenon of vibrant worship in communities in which there is much suffering, and engages participants in discussions around meaningful worship i n such settings. It will also explore how social justice can be part of worship while keeping the focus on God. Audio-Visual (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2009
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
13635 Worship/Plenary Worship: Long, Thomas; Hope College Chapel Choir
Plenary: Aymer, Albert J.D.; Bolsinger, Tod; Brown, Carolyn; Long, Thomas
Network Archive : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2006
13636 Worship/Plenary Worship: Quicke, Michael; Newmann, Barbara; CLC Cirlce of Friends Drama Team
Plenary: Botts, Tim; Medema, Ken; Peterson, Eugene
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2006
2510 Worship/Staff Salem Ave. Church

8947 Worship: A Praise Service Wildeboer, Henry 6/7/1988
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
16119 Worship: A Spring of Life and Shalom Avila, Mariano 1/29/2010
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2010
5495 Worship: Act not Experience Howard, Thomas 10/18/1977
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Lecture Council Series
11884 Worship: Arise, Shine Plantinga, Neal; Webber, Robert 1/30/2004 A worship service based on Isaiah 60. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2004
8974 Worship: Developing and Implementing a Vision for Local Church Heugli, John 6/5/1990
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
8964 Worship: Ministering to the Opposite Sex Draayer, Sidney 6/6/1989
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
11894 Worship: My Soul Finds Rest in God Alone Borger, Joyce 1/31/2004 Worship Service None : Not Recorded.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2004
11886 Worship: The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me Barnes, Craig 1/30/2004 A worship service based on Isaiah 61. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2004
5563 Worship: What is Worship? Cooper, Dale

Heritage Hall : Available for sale.
16136 Worshipping the Trinity in Exile: The Prophetic Church with a Post-Era Mission Dawn, Marva 1/29/2010
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2010
135 Worshipping Together Cross-Culturally Costen, M.; Greidanus, M. 1/15/2000
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2000
8948 Worshipping With Children Nederveld, Pat 6/7/1988
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
15926 Worst, Watermulder: Sonata for Tuba and Piano Worst

Faculty Recital? Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

18571 Worth of Attention? Inspiration and the Non-Fiction Writer Byl, Christine; Marty, Peter; Price, John T. 4/12/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
17028 Woship Practices in the Histpanic Culture Cajas, Edgar 1/27/2012 We will explore some of the distinctiveness of worship in Hispanic Churches in USA. There will be a discussion of the characteristics of the Latino culture and its implicati ons on the way worship is conducted in these communities. The concept of Hispanic worship as “fiesta” and in “exile” will be explored as well as bilingual and multicultural issues. Practical ideas on how to minister effectively in cross-cultural contexts will be also presented. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2012
17014 Woship Service - Psalm 13 Thomas, Frank 1/27/2012
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Symposium on Worship, 2012
3508 Wounded Vision and the Optics of Hope Doede, Robert; Hughes, Paul 5/25/2001

Modernity, Postmodernity, and the Future of Hope
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
17644 Wounded Warrior Finds Hope, A Smiley, Scotty 4/7/2013 1314
Are soldiers prepared for the life-altering sacrifices they may have to make? Captain Scotty Smiley enthusiastically joined the army, graduated from West Point, and then lost his eyesight when an Iraqi car bomb exploded in front of him. Hear about his journey back to wholeness, as described in his memoir Hope Unseen: The Story of the U.S. Army's First Blind Active-Duty Officer. Shirley Hoogstra hosts.

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Inner Compass
3487 Wrap-up: Concluding Panel Discussion Sanneh, Lamin 4/28/2001
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Seminars in Christian Scholarship
6330 Wrath of the Lamb, The; Speaking with Boldness Plantinga, Cornelius; Van Elderen, Peter 3/20/1988 Two services
1) AM - "The Wrath of the Lamb" (Up to 31:40)
2) PM - " Speaking with Boldness" (Start from 31:40)
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church
17153 Write Your Life Isaacs, Susan E. 4/19/2012 Do you have a story you need to tell--a story only you can tell and that you can no longer not tell? Author Susan E. Isaacs will help you find the patterns and themes in you r own life to craft a compelling memoir. You'll brainstorm and leave with tools to continue. Bring pen and paper; you’ll be writing! Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
3204 Writer and the Illustrator in Collaboration, The Hall, Donald; Moser, Barry 4/1/2000
None : Not Recorded. None : Not Recorded. Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
17225 Writer as Reader, The Brockmeier, Kevin; Pierce, Bethany; Wallace, Carey 4/21/2012 Novice writers typically receive two pieces of advice: write and read. But why read--and how? The authors in this session discuss the importance of reading for their own wri ting. Should writers choose and respond to their reading strategically? How does reading shape habits of thought and craft? How does it inspire writers with ideas and possibilities? Participants will be helped to rethink their reading habits--and maybe g et some good reading recommendations in the process. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
10413 Writer Holds the Compass, The Singer, Raymond 4/19/2002 The screenwriter of films such as "Joseph: King of Dreams" discusses writing in Hollywood. The writer is, to most people in the film industry, the poorest of relat ions. And yet, he/she really is the one who not only creates from the blank page but also holds the whole story--and its veracity--in mind. None : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2002
287 Writer of Children's Literature: Getting Published, The Brouwer, Sigmund; Napoli, Donna Jo 4/3/1998

Festival of Faith & Writing, 1998
105 Writer, the Editor, and the Book: Relationships Buckley, Virginia; Schmidt, Gary 3/31/2000
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
3182 Writer, The: The Guardian of Deviant Truths Potok, Chaim 3/30/2000
None : Not Recorded. None : Not Recorded. Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
16378 Writers and Scholars Carter, Stephen; Manseau, Peter 4/17/2010 Two writers talk about their lives as scholars, public intellectuals, and novelists who explore the role of faith in contemporary American life. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2010
17175 Writers and the Business of Creativity Wangerin Jr., Walter 4/20/2012 In this exploration of the work of the writer, Walter Wangerin, Jr., discusses the the writer as artist, the importance of the creative process, the effect of art upon the a udience, and the ethical responsibility of the writer. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
16345 Writer's Block and My Moment of Prayer (The Baron Lecture) Rodriguez, Richard 4/16/2010
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2010
10396 Writing "A Lesson Before Dying" Gaines, Ernest 4/19/2002 Wiersma Memorial Lecture, 2002. Lecture followed by a conversation with Kaye Gibbons. None : Archive/Available for Research Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Festival of Faith & Writing, 2002
10930 Writing "A Lesson Before Dying," followed by A Conversation with Kaye Gibbons Gaines, Ernest 4/19/2002 Festival of Faith and Writing None : Archive/Available for Research None : Archive/Available for Research Wiersma Memorial Lecture
18506 Writing a Compelling Spiritual Memoir Suk, John; Lubbers Berghoef, Christine 4/10/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
14659 Writing a Life Kimmel, Haven; Eire, Carlos 4/18/2008 Memoir walks the tightrope between fact and fiction, between the craft of writing and recording the past. It lives in the land of memory. Two authors talk about truth-tellin g, remembering, writing, and representing. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
16305 Writing a Life: The Louis Till Project Widerman, John Edgar 4/15/2010 John Edgar Wideman explores the challenges of writing a novel based on the life of a real person; in this case, Louis Till, who was hanged by the United States military at t he end of World War II. The session offers a meditation on faithfully writing a life story. None : Not Recorded.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2010
18490 Writing About Human Tragedy from a Spiritual Space Akpan, Uwem 4/10/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
14647 Writing About Sin for People Whose Consciences are Clear Jacobs, Alan 4/18/2008 Writing about sin may be easy enough, we all have plenty of experience to draw on, but original sin is a more challenging topic, especially for people who find the doctrine deeply and personally offensive. Festival Faith & Writing Ofc. : Available with permission.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
14631 Writing Across Borders: A Conversation with Sefi Atta and Diane Glancy Glancy, Diane; Atta, Sefi 4/17/2008 In today's world many of us belong to multiple communities, not all of which may seem compatible. Two writers talk about the challenges and opportunities of crossing and cri ss-crossing borders of family, culture, continents, and faith—and how that border-crossing informs their work. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
18593 Writing Across Religion Avashti, Swati 4/12/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
14640 Writing and Praying Your Way to the Truth Karr, Mary 4/17/2008 How do we know God's truth when we pray for it or write toward it? Karr discusses the role of prayer in her life, focusing on how certain prayer techniques have helped her t o make hard decisions—and how prayer informs her writing on a daily basis. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
3211 Writing and Publishing Young Adult Literature Brouwer, Sigmund 4/1/2000

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
3200 Writing and Religious Legalism David Malone, David; Martin, W. Todd; Palma, Robert J. 4/1/2000
None : Not Recorded. None : Not Recorded. Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
18489 Writing as a Way of Knowing Cairns, Scott 4/10/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
11973 Writing as an Act of Worship Dewberry, Elizabeth 4/23/2004 Dewberry talks about how understanding God as the Word made flesh affects her view of
language, and how creating characters — flesh made out of words — affect s her understanding
of God.
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2004
14652 Writing as Catechesis Tickle, Phyllis 4/18/2008 Writers of all stripes have claimed to write for discovery, yet religious writers, according to Tickle, write to discover what they believe as well as what they think, makin g writing the ultimate catechesis. Festival Faith & Writing Ofc. : Available with permission.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
18501 Writing as Lament Polson, Shannon Huffman 4/10/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
18554 Writing as Sacred Listening Hering, Karen 4/11/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
17241 Writing as Spiritual Practice Huston, Paula 4/21/2012 Is writing a spiritual activity, subject to particular vices and requiring the development of certain virtues? Paula Huston believes that it is--and that the practices it su ggests are meant to help us safely handle our own creative power. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
18559 Writing as the Beloved Garlough Brown, Sharon 4/12/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
10407 Writing Biography: A Conversation Lundin, Roger; Richardson, Robert 4/19/2002
Bookstore (college) : No Restriction
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2002
271 Writing Books for the Young Which Highlight the Positive and Healing Aspects of Faith Thomas, Joyce Carol 4/2/1998

Festival of Faith & Writing, 1998
18542 Writing Both Sides: When Faith and Doubt Collide Bowman Jr., Daniel; Harrity, David; Swallow Prior, Karen; Runyan, Tania 4/11/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
18540 Writing 'Close': When Your Best Research Happens at Potlucks and Reunions Weaver-Zercher, Valerie 4/11/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
13805 Writing Ethically Bland, Eleanor Taylor 4/22/2006 Bland, a mystery writer, discusses how writers can incorporate Christian values, morals, and ethics in mainstream fiction. Further, she provides some suggestions for creatin g multi-dimensional characters and plots for general audiences and for markets beyond the CBA. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2006
14639 Writing for Faithful Readers Rivers, Francine; Bunn, Davis 4/17/2008 When authors know that their primary audience will be Christian readers, do they think differently about their task as writers? To whom is the author faithful? To whom are r eaders faithful? Bunn and Rivers discuss these questions and more. Festival Faith & Writing Ofc. : Available with permission.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
16379 Writing for the Change You Wish to See in the World Samson, Lisa 4/17/2010 From Uncle Tom’s Cabin to The Jungle, fiction has been a force for social change and a catalyst for action in the individual. But how does one write about the marginal ized with respect while winsomely and subversively providing a call for change? Festival Faith & Writing Ofc. : Available with permission.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2010
17171 Writing for the Elder Brother Barnes, M. Craig 4/20/2012 Reaching out to the prodigals with the forgiving grace of the Father is deeply ingrained in the American understanding of the Gospel. But many of the people who worship and who read Christian literature have not made a mess of their lives. Like the elder brother, they are careful and good at following the rules. Their sins are boring and tedious. So how do we address the Gospel to these elder brothers? Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
14632 Writing for the Middle-School Reader: War, Trouble, and Calamity Schmidt, Gary 4/17/2008 In a time of war and unrest, the writer for middle-school and young-adult readers is called to speak in ways that encourage those readers to survey a world realistically and openly, no matter what the genre, no matter what the form. Festival Faith & Writing Ofc. : Available with permission.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
268 Writing for the Religious Journal I: Can the Christian Writer Create? McBride, Stephens, Mikolajczak, Kennedy, Ruff, Kushiner, Hicks, Heim 4/4/1998
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Festival of Faith & Writing, 1998
285 Writing for the Religious Journal I: Nonfiction Galli, Mark 4/3/1998

Festival of Faith & Writing, 1998
286 Writing for the Religious Journal II: Fiction Walker-Nixon, Donna 4/3/1998

Festival of Faith & Writing, 1998
293 Writing for the Religious Journal II: The Role of a Vision in Determining Matter Suk, John; Rich, Jena; Vandersee, Charles; Eifrig, Gail; Wilson, John; Wolfe, Gregory; Whitney-Schenck, Marci 4/4/1998

Festival of Faith & Writing, 1998
10405 Writing from Life Experiences Pinkney, Gloria 4/18/2002 In her work, Gloria Pinkney has begun with the Scriptures, basing her writing vocation on the task of retelling true stories of hope for children and readers of all ages. S he will look at the sources of her tales and reflect on the Christian writer's vocation None : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2002
18596 Writing Historical Fiction: How to Track, Tame, and Fashion Facts into Stories People Want to Read Groot, Tracy 4/12/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
261 Writing in the Cracks: Being a Part-Time Writer Taylor, Dan; Leax, Jack; Heynen, James; Glancy, Diane 4/4/1998
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Festival of Faith & Writing, 1998
14645 Writing is the Only Way I Know How to Pray Viramontes, Helena 4/18/2008 Viramontes discusses how writers and readers should approach words and books not simply as a means to escape or to seek out information but, rather, as a way to give ourselv es the chance to "rise to the occasion"—to meet the challenge of uncovering, as Flannery O'Connor put it, the mystery of ourselves. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
3229 Writing Nonfiction Leax, Jack; Taylor, Dan; Owens, Virginia Stem 4/13/1996
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Festival of Faith & Writing, 1996
118 Writing on the Spiritual Life Herron, Roy; Jones, Tim; Kadlecek, Jo; Lowry, James; Sawyer, Joy; Thomas, Gary 3/30/2000
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
14643 Writing Poems: Tapping the Hidden Sources Jellema, Rod 4/18/2008 Poems ought to tell us what we don't quite know how to say. Jellema offers some simple ways, far beyond mere reporting, to get the creative process started toward that end.< /FONT> Festival Faith & Writing Ofc. : Available with permission.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
3191 Writing Poetry in Response to Scripture Rienstra, Debra; Willis, Paul 3/31/2000
None : Not Recorded. None : Not Recorded. Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
13640 Writing Sermons in an Oral Style Pauley, Garth 1/27/2006 C15 The rhetorician James A. Winans once wrote, "A speech is not merely an essay standing on its hind legs." Yet many speakers, including preachers, write their me ssages in a style better suited for reading rather than hearing. To be an effective oral communicator, one must learn to write for the ear, not the eye. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2006
18574 Writing the Faith Journey Nelson, Marilyn 4/12/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
14948 Writing the History of the Church in the Renaissance: Tradition and Innovation Grafton, Anthony 10/16/2008 Anthony Grafton is one of the foremost authors and teachers of Renaissance cultural and intellectual history in the United States. His numerous books on Renaissance history and the history of scholarship include: What Was History?: The Art of History in Early Modern Europe; Christianity and the Transformation of the Book; The Footnote: A Curious History; Forgers and Critics: Creativity and Duplicity in Western Scholarship; a nd Bring Out Your Dead: The Past as Revelation.

Renaissance visions of Christian Origins Colloquium
18508 Writing the Lives of Others Marsh, Charles 4/10/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
17213 Writing the Unrecorded Life Frykholm, Amy 4/21/2012 Writing biography is always an act of empathy, as the writer steps across the divide between his or her own life and the life of another. But how can this empathetic act tak e place when there is little recorded evidence of the biographical subject’s life? In this session, Amy Frykholm discusses the hows and whys of writing biographies of obscure figures—the historical record, voice and distance, and reckoning wit h what history did not pass on. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
3177 Writing the Vivid Essay Kadlecek, Jo 3/30/2000
None : Not Recorded. None : Not Recorded. Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
13803 Writing the Wild Fields, Leslie Leyland; Willis, Paul 4/22/2006 What kind of writing takes seriously both the presence of God and the presence of nature in our lives? What are the connections and tensions involved? Two writers from the P acific Rim reflect on serving God and salmon. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2006
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
14680 Writing The Women of Lockerbie, from Inspiration to Completion Brevoort, Deborah 4/19/2008 Brevoort examines the challenges of adapting a contemporary story to the conventions of Greek tragedy and using historical events as the basis for a dramatic work. The focus is on charting the step-by-step process used in creating The Women of Lockerbie, with the goal of providing participants with tools that they can apply to their own projects. Festival Faith & Writing Ofc. : Available with permission.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
112 Writing to Nurture the Spiritual Imagination of Children Sasso, Sandy 3/30/2000
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
14684 Writing Towards Social Justice Marsh, Charles; Gilbreath, Edward; Viramontes, Helena 4/19/2008 Although the term social justice conjures images of political action, sit-ins, and marches, many social justice movements have been fueled by literary works. An essayist, a historian, and a novelist talk about ways in which social justice motivates their writing and runs as a theme throughout their work. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
17209 Writing What We Don't Know: Fiction as a Spiritual Journey Dean, Debra 4/21/2012 Fiction is sometimes disparaged as frivolous and escapist. Yet a new study suggests that reading fiction makes us more empathetic. Novelist Debra Dean reflects on the experi ence of writing beyond the familiar in her work. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
16364 Writing with a Poet's Eye Lynch, Thomas; Janzen, Rhoda 4/17/2010 As successful poets and memoirists, Rhoda Janzen and Thomas Lynch discuss writing in multiple genres about suffering, faith, and family, and the ways in which those genres i ntersect and diverge. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2010
290 Writing Your Memoirs Huele, Nandy 4/4/1998

Festival of Faith & Writing, 1998
3232 Writings of Annie Dillard, The Ralston, Patricia; Pattison, Eugene; Stephenson, Will; Stephenson, Mimosa 4/13/1996
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Festival of Faith & Writing, 1996
14884 Written on the Heart Scalia, A
(Supreme Court Justice)
6/30/2003 Photos by Luke Robinson Heritage Hall : Available for sale.
Seminars in Christian Scholarship
18183 WS 2012: Closing Worship - Psalm 103
1/28/2012 Closing Worship - Psalm 103 Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18175 WS 2012: Concert with the Psalms Project
1/25/2012 Concert with the Psalms Project Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18173 WS 2012: Developing Vertical Habits
1/27/2012 Developing Verticle Habits Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18164 WS 2012: Dying and Rising with Christ Part 1
1/26/2012 Seminar 1: Dying and Rising with Christ: Sacraments, Church Unity, and Faith Formation Part 1: Panel Introductions Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18165 WS 2012: Dying and Rising with Christ Part 2
1/26/2012 Seminar 1: Dying and Rising with Christ: Sacraments, Church Unity, and Faith Formation Part 2: N.T. Wright & Responses Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18166 WS 2012: Dying and Rising with Christ Part 3
1/26/2012 Seminar 1: Dying and Rising with Christ: Sacraments, Church Unity, and Faith Formation Part 3: Panel Discussion Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18174 WS 2012: Enacted World
1/27/2012 Enacted World: Using Theatre to Present Scripture Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18161 WS 2012: Jazz Jespers: Playing Tongues
1/26/2012 Jazz Vespers: Playing in Tongues Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research
Jazz Vespers
18162 WS 2012: Los Principios Biblico Part 1
1/26/2012 Seminar 9- Los Principios Biblico Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18163 WS 2012: Los Principios Biblico Part 2
1/26/2012 Seminar 9- Los Principios Biblico Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18182 WS 2012: Morning Plenary Wirght, N.T. 1/28/2012 Morning Plenary Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18177 WS 2012: Morning Plenary Wright, N.T. 1/27/2012 Morning Plenary Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
18171 WS 2012: Psalm Festival
1/27/2012 Psalm Festival Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18181 WS 2012: Rethinking Christian Community and Worship
1/28/2012 Rethinking Christian Community and Worship in a Global and Post Modern Context Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18176 WS 2012: The Dangerous Act of Worship
1/27/2012 The Dangerous Act of Worship: Living God's Call to Justice Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18172 WS 2012: The Lord is My Shepherd
1/27/2012 The Lord is My Shepherd: A Celebration of Psalm 23 Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18180 WS 2012: Worship Practices in the Hispanic Culture
1/28/2012 Worship Practices in the Hispanic Culture Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18167 WS 2012: Worship Service - Psalm 1
Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18178 WS 2012: Worship Service - Psalm 13
1/27/2012 Worship Service - Psalm 13 Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18179 WS 2012: Worship Service - Psalm 8
1/26/2012 Worship Service - Psalm 8 Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18099 WS 2012: Worship Service-Psalm 113 Worship Science 1/28/2012 Worship Science-Psalm 113 Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18269 WSS Video Highlights DVD Agard, Alex 10/10/2013

Other (see Notes) : Available with permission.

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