Item #

Program Title




Audio Distributor

Video Distributor

Event Name
4510 T.V. and the Family Schultze, Quentin

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Portable Calvin
4511 T.V. Evangelists After the Fall Schultze, Quentin 1/6/1988
Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist.
January Series, 1988
4163 Tail Wags the Dog (re: Education) Jellema, William Harry 2/5/1955
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5530 Tail Wags the Dog (re:Education) Jellema, William Harry 2/5/1955
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
18327 Taize

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
18332 Taize

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
18346 Taize

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
7483 Taize Prayer Service

17817 Taizé Vespers Bergland, Brad 1/25/2013
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Symposium on Worship, 2013
17009 Taize Vespers Service Chan, Philip; Lau, Yvette 1/26/2012 A vespers service. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2012
3289 Take My Life, Please! The Morality of Physician-Assisted Suicide Bouma, Hessel 1/15/1997
Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. January Series, 1997
5004 Take My Life, Please! The Morality of Physician-Assisted Suicide Bouma, Hessel 1/15/1997 lecture with power point
Heritage Hall : Available for sale. January Series, 1997
11557 Take This Job And Love It: Reflections On The Preacher's Call Edington, Howard 10/16/2003
Bookstore(college) : Available for sale. Bookstore (college) : Archive/Available for Research The 2003 Fall Preaching Conference
16286 Taking Pop Culture Back to the People: The Church as a Catalyst of Local Culture Aldrich,Brent; Smith,Chris and Sutterfield, Ragan 3/8/2010
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.

8851 Taking Time to Seek Jesus (Sectional #27)

Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Coffee Break Sectionals and Worship Services
6236 Taking up the Cross and Following Jesus: Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark Meyer, Dr. Marvin W. 10/5/2001

Honoring Our Teachers: Thanksgiving for New Testament Emeriti at Calvin Theological Seminary
124 Tales of and by Rabbis and Pastors Kushner, Lawrence; Wangerin, Walter 3/30/2000
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
5988 Talk to Campaigners. Incl. Van Raalte and first christian school Youngsma, Sidney
VanderSluis, Peter

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

14565 Talking About Worship: How to Start and Sustain Faithful Conversations Vann, Jane Rogers 1/25/2008 This session will begin with a brief introduction to anthropological categories for talking about worship—liturgical time, space, environment, action, persons, music, language, etc. Participants will then engage in small group conversations about worship, using a process devised especially for facilitating conversations in congregations. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2008
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
17026 Talking with Children about the Sacraments Rozeboom, Sue; Steenwyk, Carrie 1/27/2012 These two mothers of young children have a particular interest in helping children understand what it means to be baptized and to participate in the Lord’s Supper. Thi s session will help parents structure conversations with their children in a theologically rich and pedagogically accessible way. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2012
5189 Taming of the Shrew Part 1 Calvin Thespians 11/11/1987

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Calvin College Today
5191 Taming of the Shrew Part 2 Calvin Thespians 11/11/1987

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Calvin College Today
17927 Taming of the Shrew, The
2/7/2013 Feb 2013
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
11175 Taming of the Shrew, The

Bookstore (college) : Available with permission. CAS Dept. Play
14540 Taming the Wilderness: Order, Chaos, Poetry and God Shaw, Luci 4/22/1994
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 1994 (Writer's Conf. '94)
15991 Tamrat Layne Interview Layne, Tamrat 10/1/2009 Todd Cliofi interviews Tamrat Layne.
Former Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Tamrat Layne was one of the founding members of the former Ethiopian Peoples Democratic Movemen t (EPDM) [now the Amhara National Democratic Movement (ANDM)]. As a leader in the organization, he was an active participant in the seventeen years of rebellion prior to their overthrow of the socialist military dictatorship in Ethiopia, when he became de puty prime minister. In 1996, he was arrested, charged, and convicted of corruption and abuse of power.
Layne served twelve years in prison in Ethiopia, and was recently released six years before completing his 18 year sentence. While incarcerated, Tamrat Layne became deeply religious, converting to Christianity in 2001. In an interview with Addis Fortune after his release on December 19, 2008, he said, "I am a man of God. I've no desire to engage in personal or party politics. I would like to preach faith, peace and love."
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
2715 Tap on the Shoulder, The Marshall, Peter

Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
Presb. Anniv. Series # 19
11183 Tartuffe

Bookstore (college) : Available with permission. CAS Dept. Play
12547 Task of the Church, The DeJong, James 4/5/1983
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Spring Ministers Conference
2707 Task of a Mortician, The Zaagman, Robert

54 Task of Christian Eschatology, The Pannenberg, Wolfhart 3/5/2001 An exploration of the return of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the body, the final judgment, and everlasting life in the kingdom of God, with an eye on both personal and social implications of these realities. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

10884 Task of the Leader, The Wildeboer, Henry 3/27/2003

10536 Task That Awaits Us, The Meyering, Darlene; Kelderman, Duane 3/14/2001 History of Calvin Colllege and Seminary. Quicktime movie of Powerpoint presentation shown at Anniversary Dinner event, Amway Grand Plaza.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research 125th Anniversary of Calvin College & Calvin Seminary
16625 Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion Boyle, Father Greg 1/12/2011 Father Greg is a Jesuit priest and the founder and executive director of Homeboy Industries, the largest, most successful gang intervention program in Los Angeles. Homeboy, whose motto is “Nothing Stops a Bullet Like a Job”, takes gang members (homeboys and homegirls) fresh out of detention centers and offers everything from job training and placement to tattoo removal. Reflecting on over 20 years of experience with the gangs, Father Greg has recently published “Tattoos on the Heart” which has been on the Los Angeles Times best seller list all summer. He has received numerous humanitarian awards, among them the California Peace Prize. He lives in Los Angeles. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research January Series, 2011
3263 Teacher Certification Ceremony
Heritage Hall : No Restriction

16655 Teacher Commissioning Ceremony Van Reeuwyk, Jo-Ann 5/21/2010
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Commencement (College)
14744 Teacher Commissioning Ceremony Hasseler, Susan 5/16/2008
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
13858 Teacher Commissioning Ceremony Post, Arden Ruth; Van Ee, Yvonne 5/19/2006 "Are You Walking?" Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Commencement (College)
12712 Teacher Commissioning Ceremony
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Commencement (College)
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
18232 Teacher Commissioning Ceremony
Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18015 Teacher Commissioning Ceremony

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
17378 Teacher Commissioning Ceremony 2012
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Commencement (College)
12146 Teacher Education Certification Ceremony, 2004

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Commencement
10429 Teacher Training Workshop Oppewal, Donald

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5795 Teacher Training Workshop Oppewal, Donald

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

6047 Teacher Training Workshop Oppewal, Donald

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

12561 Teacher Training Workshop Session I Nykamp, D.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

16005 Teachers' Commissioning Ceremony Keely, Robert 5/22/2009 Calvin College Teachers' Commissioning Ceremony Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Commencement (College)
6098 Teaching and Healing Ministry of Christ, The - Worship 3 Klein, Jeff 7/12/2001

Conference on Liturgy & Music (COLAM)
3388 Teaching as Formation Holmes, Arthur 2/16/1995
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Winter Conference
13748 Teaching Bible in the School Fernhout, Harry
To Those That Teach...part 1 of 2 Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

13749 Teaching Bible in the School Fernhout, Harry
To Those That Teach...part 2 of 2 Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5477 Teaching Catechism Hoekstra, Dennis

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
13560 Teaching from the Heart Carvil, Barbara 8/31/2005 The 2005 Fall Conference for Faculty and Staff took of August 31, 2005. Dr. Barbara Carvill, professor of German and recipient of the Presidential Award for Exemplary Teachi ng, delivered the keynote address. The breakout sessions featured panel discussions led by colleagues from across the campus. Audio-Visual (college) : Available for sale.
Faculty Fall Conference
14247 Teaching 'Technical Courses' from a Christian Perspective: A Reformed Approach to Pedagogy Adams, Charles 2/23/2007 Christian education in the Reformed tradition claims to bring a distinctive worldview to bear on every subject in the curriculum. Yet Christian teachers struggle to 't each Christianly' in areas such as the natural sciences, mathematics, and technology. How does a Christian teacher avoid the near hypocritical practice of simply 'sprinkling' prayer or a few Bible verses onto an otherwise secularist curriculum or lesson plan in order to call it 'Christian?' This lecture will suggest how teaching (mathematics, natural science, or any subject that might be called “technical”) from a Christian perspective ought to and can be distinguished from the kind of teach ing that occurs in a secular environment.
Charles Adams, Dean of the Natural Sciences and Professor of Engineering, Dordt College; Association of Reformed Institutions of Higher Education (ARIHE) Lecturer, 2006-2008.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Christian Perspectives in Science Seminar Series
16266 Teaching Ticos in Costa Rica Martin, Gregg
Costa Rica
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
5591 Teaching Tolerance Dees, Morris 1/17/1997
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research January Series, 1997
17166 Teaching Without Teaching Stork, Francisco X. 4/19/2012 A writer of young adult literature explores the importance of--and reasons behind--teaching values to young people through the expression of truth and beauty. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
16116 Teaching Worship Leadership: Content and Context Johnson, Todd; Ruth, Lester 1/29/2010
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2010
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
3239 Teaching Writers and Writing Stephenson, Bill; Netland, John; Haley, Albert 4/12/1996

Festival of Faith & Writing, 1996
4780 Teasing in Schools Stutzky, Glenn; King, Anne; Flood, Randy

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Calvin Forum
8230 Techie Talk Bulthuis

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8232 Techie Talk Bulthuis

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8231 Techie Talk Bulthuis

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5276 Techniques and Technology in the City of God De Vos, Peter 3/10/1976
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Lecture Council Series
4969 Techniques of Individual Counseling, The Bykerk, Dr. R. 9/7/1967
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Faculty Meeting
3815 Technology and Government: A Necessary Alliance? Commoner, Barry 10/8/1980
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Lecture Council Series
5224 Technology and Government: A Necessary Alliance? Commoner, Barry 10/8/1980
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

10989 Technology and Government; A Necessary Alliance? Commoner, Barry 10/8/1980
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Lecture Council Series
10511 Technology and the Self Bechtold, John 5/23/2002
Bookstore (college) : No Restrictions
Loss of the Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture
11943 Technology and Worship in a Culture that Worships Technology Wood, David J. 1/29/2004
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2004
11927 Technology and Worship in a Culture that Worships Technology Wood, David J. 1/30/2004

Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2004
5861 Technology or Teleology Rychlak, Joseph 10/30/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
5631 Technology: Things That Think Hawley, Michael 1/9/1997
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist. January Series, 1997
5999 Teenage Fun Zwiers, Ron
Gelder, Al

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
2272 Teenagers and Their Sexuality Martinson, Rollie

Group's Insternational Institute
1898 Teenagers and their Sexuality (2 Parts) Martinson, Rollie

13980 Teens & the Church Glassford, Darwin
#706 TEENS AND THE CHURCH Originally broadcast Oct. 29, 2006 Why do many teens seem unapproachable, while surveys show that they highly value relationships with adults? Darw in Glassford, Associate Professor of Church Education at Calvin Theological Seminary, discusses with host Karen Saupe the ways adults and teenagers regard each other, and how this shapes youth involvement in our churches.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
15058 Teens and Worship: Encouraging Creative and Meaningful Worship with Teenagers Veltema, Sharon 1/30/2009 Practical suggestions, strategies, and resources to encourage vibrant, meaningful worship with teens will be presented. We will also discuss the culture of worship among te ens – what encourages teens to be excited about worshipping together on a daily basis? Ideas that have worked, and some that have not worked, will be discussed. This session is geared towards anyone involved with worship and teens. Audio-Visual (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2009
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
4879 Television and the Family Schultze, Quentin

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Portable Calvin
5789 Television, American Culture, and the Christian Faith Newcomb, Horace

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
13833 Tell Me an Old, Old Story Kimmel, Eric; Muth, Jon 4/21/2006
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2006
14688 Telling a Good Story Bunn, Davis 4/19/2008 Good storytelling is at the heart of any successful novel. Bunn talks about why writers should pay more attention to the basics of storytelling—and how they can make t heir stories more compelling. Festival Faith & Writing Ofc. : Available with permission.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
17167 Telling the Truth in Love: The Tricky Bits of Writing Memoir Becker, Amy Julia; Grant, Jennifer; Starbuck, Margot 4/19/2012 How does a memoirist tell the truth about sensitive issues--and do it in love? Three memoirists--who have written about disability, adoption, and dysfunctional family life-- discuss the promise and pitfalls of writing about those closest to us. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
17197 Telling the Truth? Braestrup, Kate 4/20/2012 Memoirs purport to be reasonable representations of real life as it has been lived by real people. But storytellers who attempt to capture even a fragment of reality will fi nd themselves hampered by the essential discontinuity between life and words. Out of facts, inventions, and silence, storytellers--including memoirists--must create a new reality. So is there really any such thing as a true story? Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
9255 Tempest Tempest 1/25/1995
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

15010 Tempest Mini-Conference

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
15138 Tempest, The Page, Michael 11/12/2008

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
1756 Temple Scroll and the Trial of Jesus, The Betz, Otto 5/1/1986

CTS Special Lecture
17818 Ten Beatitudes and Ten Commandments Van Dijke, Muriel 1/25/2013
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Symposium on Worship, 2013
17777 Ten Beatitudes and Ten Commandments Engle, Randall 1/24/2013
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Symposium on Worship, 2013
2484 Ten Commandments in Worship, The Honders, A. Casper 8/6/1985
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Liturgy Conference
10808 Ten Greatest Challenges to Worship Leadership (D7) Detterman, Paul 1/11/2003 They are not what you might think; style issues are at the bottom of a much more challenging list. Audio-Visual (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2003
16078 Ten Phrases De Vos, Sr., Richard 1/20/2010 A renowned speaker, Rich DeVos has appeared before hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. His recorded talk, “Selling America,” received the Alexander Hamilt on Award for Economic Education from the Freedom’s Foundation. He has written four books: BELIEVE!, Compassionate Capitalism, Hope From My Heart: Ten Lessons for Life and most recently Ten Powerful Phrases for Powerful People. He is the Cofounder of Amway Corporation and chairman of the NBA Orlando Magic. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research January Series, 2010
11964 Tender Bridge, A: Black American Poetry and Spirituals and African Folktales Bryan, Ashley 4/22/2004 A discussion of how Black American spirituals and poetry, as performance art, inspire Bryan’s approach to the oral tradition in his retelling of African tales.< /TD> None : Not Recorded.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2004
16113 Tending the Heart: Soul Care for Worship Leaders Cooper, Dale 1/29/2010
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2010
11097 Tenebra Service, 2003
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.

8912 Tenebrae Service
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

16807 Tenebrae Service - A Service of Shadows for Holy Week
4/17/2011 LOFT (Living Our Faith Together) is a worship service that meets in the Calvin College Chapel on Sunday evenings during the academic year.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
16398 Tenebrae Service April 3, 2010

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
16404 Tenebrae Service, 2010 Smit, Laura 4/2/2010

17458 Tenebrae: A Service of Shadows for Good Friday
4/2/2010 Video of daily chapel services at Calvin College.
Audio-Visual (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17542 Tenebrae: A Service of Shadows for Good Friday
4/2/2010 The daily chapel archive as recorded in .FLV files on DVD-ROM discs. Individual services can be requested on a DVD-Video, or the entire disc may be requested.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
16279 Tensions at the Crossroads of Religion and Politics Gerson, Michael 3/18/2001

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Henry Institute
17223 Tensions of Voice and Style Woiwode, Larry 4/21/2012 In the craft of writing, the concept of voice suggests an individuality that no other writer is able to match. It is a mark of distinction. But what exactly is voice? Is it style? Or is it more mysterious? Larry Woiwode explores the nature of voice and the ways in which it can be achieved. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
4048 Tentmaking Ginter, Gary 4/27/1990
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Bookstore (college) : No Restriction
8545 Teresa Van Den Boogaard, Piano Van Den Boogaard, Teresa 4/18/1986
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8546 Teresa Van Den Boogaard, Piano Van Den Boogaard, Teresa 4/18/1986
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

9304 Teresa Zylstra, Flute; Jinhee Shim, Organ Zylstra, Teresa; Shim, Jinhee 3/4/1995 Student recital Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

4241 Termination of Artificial Feeding Langerak, Edward 10/18/1986
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship (CCCS)
7972 Terresa Cerrato, Vocal Guitar Cerrato, Terresa

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

6362 Terrible Truth of Self, The Plantinga, Neal 6/25/1989
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church
10730 Terrorism in America Shifter, Michael 3/18/2002 #216 TERRORISM IN AMERICA Can you believe that 70% of all the kidnappings in the world happen in Colombia? And that country also has the world's worst homicide rate. What ha s gone wrong? The U.S. isn't responsible for any of it, right? Michael Shifter of Inter-American Dialogue in Washington, D.C. shares his years of expertise studying and lobbying for this ignored spot in our hemisphere.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
7774 Terrorism in an Age of Globalization Zakaria, Fareed 1/8/2002
Bookstore (college) : Available with permission. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. January Series, 2002
6686 Terry Korstanje, Piano Kortanje, Terry 4/19/1991
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

2719 Test The Spirits Campbell, Ernest

Pressb. Anniv. Series # 43
17614 TESTIFY Bascom, Jonathan 9/26/2012

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17599 TESTIFY Campus Ministries 9/5/2012

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
18274 TESTIFY Charles, Mark 9/25/2013 TESTIFY - Mark Charles, Resource Development Specialist for Indigenous Worship for Calvin Institute for Christian Worship
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
9/12/2012 Jubilee Fellows
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17703 TESTIFY - "Jonah" A scripture enactment by CTC & friends

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
18479 Testify - Chapel

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17739 TESTIFY - Commissioning Off-campus Programs for Interim & Spring Semester

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
18279 TESTIFY - Cultural Discerners

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17726 TESTIFY - Cultural Discerners

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17708 TESTIFY - Daniel White Hodge, Hip Hop Scholar

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17910 TESTIFY - David Hoekema, Philosophy Professor and Department Chair Hoekema, David 2/20/2013

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17884 TESTIFY - Environmental Stewardship Coalition

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
18289 TESTIFY - Eric Nykamp, Calvin Alumnus

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
18290 TESTIFY - Eric Nykamp, Calvin Alumnus

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
18001 TESTIFY - Hekman Library Staff

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17900 TESTIFY - Honduras Fall Semester

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
18311 TESTIFY - International Student Association (ISA)

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17713 TESTIFY - John Booy, Superintendent of The Potter's House Rooy, John 10/17/2012

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17938 TESTIFY - Kelly Powers, Senior Coordinator of Admissions and Social Media Powers, Kelly 3/13/2013

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17915 TESTIFY - Kent County Jail Ministry

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17744 TESTIFY - Messiah Sing with Calvin Orchestra

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17889 TESTIFY - Nate Bradford, Associate Chaplain for Residence Life Bradford, Nate 1/16/2013

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17609 TESTIFY - Off-Campus Semester

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
17953 TESTIFY - Project Neighborhood

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17948 TESTIFY - Service-Learning Spring Break Trip

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17920 TESTIFY - Sexual Assault Prevention Team

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17721 TESTIFY - Sexuality Series Advisory Team

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17731 TESTIFY - Taek Kim, Senior Student Kim, Taek 11/14/2012

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
17736 TESTIFY - Thanksgiving Sing!

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
18284 TESTIFY - UNLEARN: Kyle Lim: Growing Up Biracial

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
18007 TESTIFY- Sam LeFurge-Mcleod, Senior Student

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Chapel
14045 Testimonies: The Stories of the Christian Life. Looking Before and After Jacobs, Alan 11/7/2006 "Looking Before and After"
The theme of the first lecture is retrospection and prospection: looking back into the past in order to make sense of experience and projecting oneself forward into a future. The faculties of memory and imagination are crucial to the Christian life, but individual Christians, and Christian communities of faith, do not think often enough about the disciplines and virtues necessary to th e proper exercise of those faculties.
Audio-Visual (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Stob Lectures
14046 Testimonies: The Stories of the Christian Life: Despair, Presumption, and Hope Jacobs, Alan 11/8/2006 "Despair, Presumption, and Hope"
This second lecture explores the pitfalls of both memory and imagination, the constant temptations to assign false meanings to the stories of our lives: to discern unreasonably comforting narratives, or to write for oneself a false tragedy, or to fail to discern any narrative at all. We will conclude with a meditation on hope as, so to speak, the narrative virtue--the virtue that enables us to tell the right stories about our lives and to tell them wisely, for our benefit and that of our fellow Christians.
Audio-Visual (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Stob Lectures
13638 Testimony as Practice: Implications for Preaching, Worship, and a Christian Way of Life Long, Thomas G. 1/27/2006 C11 The way we talk in worship affects the way we talk in the rest of our lives, and vice versa. Worship and daily life are integrally connected: a connection which is funda mental for developing healthy approaches to both worship and preaching. This session will both explore this integrated vision and offer suggestions for how we might re-think our approach to basic acts of worship. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2006
4421 Testimony of a Black Christian in Mississippi Perkins, John 2/23/1979
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
11160 Testing and Evaluating in the Foreign Language Classroom Valette, Rebecca 9/24/1981
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Foreign Language Conference
11159 Testing and Evaluating in the Foreign Language Classroom Valette, Rebecca 9/24/1981 The first session ends at 20:30 Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Foreign Language Conference
4627 Testing and Evaluating in the Foreign Language Classroom Valette, Rebecca 9/24/1981
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Foreign Language Conference
10707 Testing Genetic Testing Hughes, Mark
#115 TESTING GENETIC TESTING Through the birth and death of their baby, a couple learns they are both carriers of a deadly disease. Should they try again for a healthy chil d? Most don't dare. But new genetic testing of embryos before implantation could give them a worry-free pregnancy. Our guest Mark Hughes of Wayne State University, a pioneer in this kind of testing, describes the ethical questions that come with the techn ology.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
4404 Testing our Talents Pekelder, Bernard 4/18/1978
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
8722 Testing the Media Spirits Schultze, Quentin 6/3/1987
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
8725 Testing the Media Spirits Schultze, Quentin 6/3/1987
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
3784 Testing the Media Spirits Schultze, Quentin 6/3/1987
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
1799 Text and Canon of the Old Testament, The Sanders, James A. 5/1/1979

14015 Text, The : John 1 - A Study of John's Prologue Bruner, F. Dale 10/12/2006
Audio-Visual (college) : Available for sale.
Fall Preaching Conference : Thinking Deeply / Preaching Winsomely
14017 Text, The : Luke 15 - A Study of the Prodigal Son Bruner, F. Dale 10/12/2006
Audio-Visual (college) : Available for sale.
Fall Preaching Conference : Thinking Deeply / Preaching Winsomely
10230 Thanksgiving Celebration Gospel Choir 11/19/2000
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

3984 Thanksgiving From the Heart Eldersveld, Peter 11/21/1965
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Back-to-God Hour
18064 That Kid in the Back Row, the One with the Red Shirt Schmidt, Gary 8/25/2011 Fall Conference Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

16838 That Kid in the Back Row,
the One with the Red Shirt
Schmidt, Gary 8/25/2011
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Fall Conference for Calvin College Faculty and Staff
4713 That Old Quest for a Christian Writer Wiersma, Stanley

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5977 That Old Quest for a Christian Writer Wiersma, Stanley

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
172 That Peculiar Modern American Institution: School Sports DeFord, Frank 1/6/2000 While recognizing that sports can be a vital and attractive part of every high school and college experience, Deford is concerned about the excesses of many sports programs. He maintains that too much real estate and emotion have been invested in athletics at American academic institutions. By ignoring the serious cultural effect of athletics, particularly in schools, he believes we jeopardize our academic future. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. January Series, 2000
1990 That They May Be One (on the 500th Anniversary of the birth of Bucer) Payton, James 11/7/1991

CTS Special Lecture
16267 That They May Know

This video is a great way to learn - and show others- what the ministries of the CRC are all about. See your church in action, and learn about how your gifts, offering and ministry shares are helping.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
5417 Thawing Out God's Frozen People Gibbs, Mark 1/18/1980
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Interim Lecture Series, 1980
2244 Thawing Out God's Frozen People Gibbs, Mark 1/18/1980
Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
Interim Lecture Series, 1980
18144 The Artifice of Eternity: Notes Toward A Christian Poetics
Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

18239 The Beatitudes Boeve, Edgar 5/9/2012
Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

17594 The Bible in the Calvin College Reformed Past, Present, and Future Noll, Mark 10/19/2012 Mark A. Noll, Ph.D. Francis A. McAnaney Professor of History University of Notre Dame Because Scripture is foundational in the Christian Reformed Church's Three Forms of Uni ty and because it was crucial in the inspirational educational work of Abraham Kuyper, the Bible has always been important for the work of Calvin College. But because of the college's Dutch Reformed heritage, its reliance on Scripture has differed in impo rtant ways from how the Bible has been used by other Protestants in America. One of those distinctives has been concentration on the grand arc of biblical narrative (creation–fall–redemption–last things) and the implications of that narr ative for all academic disciplines. But now, given the new shape of world Christianity, the Dutch Reformed heritage faces a new challenge. In burgeoning Christian movements throughout the world Scripture has become a guidebook for imitating biblical deeds of charismatic power. This address will ask how the riches of Calvin's biblical tradition might still be used for the benefit of other believers even as Calvin learns from the great diversity of biblical approaches that now characterizes a rapidly expand ing Christian world.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Academic Symposium
18186 The Bond: Our Kinship with Animals, Our Call to Defend Them
Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

17805 The Church as Community Cioffi, Todd 1/25/2013 Currently, there is much talk about the importance of "Christian community." What is meant by that; is it the same as the "church"? Is it possible to hav e one without the other? A panel of Calvin College students will address what Christian community means to them, how it relates to the church, why it matters in the world, and how they may think differently about the church and Christian community than pr evious generations. They will also reflect on the significance of worship in terms of establishing and maintaining Christian community both within and beyond the church’s walls. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Symposium on Worship, 2013
17595 The Cosmopolitan Canopy: Race and Civility in Everyday Life Anderson, Elijah 10/10/2012 Dr. Elijah Anderson, one of the nation’s leading urban ethnographers and cultural theorists, will present a lecture entitled “The Cosmopolitan Canopy: Race and C ivility in Everyday Life" at Calvin College on Wed., Oct. 10, at 3:30 p.m. in the CFAC Recital Hall. He holds the William K. Lanman, Jr. Professorship in Sociology at Yale University, where he teaches and directs the Urban Ethnography Project.

Dr. Anderson received his B.A. from Indiana University, his M.A. from the University of Chicago and his Ph.D. from Northwestern University, where he was mentored by Howard S. Becker. Anderson has written and edited numerous books, book chapters, articles , and scholarly reports on race in American cities. His most prominent works include Code of the Street: Decency, Violence, and the Moral Life of the Inner City (1999), winner of the 2000 Komarovsky Award from the Eastern Sociological Society; Streetwise: Race, Class, and Change in an Urban Community (1990), winner of the American Sociological Association’s Robert E. Park Award for the best published book in the area of Urban Sociology; and the classic sociological work, A Place on the Corner: A Stu dy of Black Street Corner Men (1978; 2nd ed., 2003).

In 2008, he edited Against the Wall: Poor, Young, Black, and Male (Penn Press), which is based on a national conference, “Poor, Young, Black, and Male: A Case for National Action?” wh ich he organized at the University of Pennsylvania in 2006. His most recent work is: The Cosmopolitan Canopy: Race and Civility in Everyday Life (2011, W.W. Norton).

This lecture is being sponsored by the Department of Sociology and Social Work and is underwritten by the department Heyns Fund.For more information about the event, please contact Mark Mulder at For more information on Dr. Anderson, go to or to his own website at h ttp://

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
18637 The Ends of Your Lives Volf, Miroslav 4/12/2014

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Festival of Faith & Writing 2014
18297 The Ex-Gay Movement Lee, Justin 10/22/2013

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Sexuality Series
18149 The Grass Really is Greener in Germany
Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

16752 The Hidden Secret Hulst, Mary 11/21/2010 November 21, 2010 LOFT (Living Our Faith Together) is a worship service that meets in the Calvin College Chapel on Sunday evenings during the academic year. Philippians 4:1 0-23
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
16754 The Lord's Supper
1/16/2011 January 16, 2011 LOFT (Living Our Faith Together) is a worship service that meets in the Calvin College Chapel on Sunday evenings during the academic year.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
18671 The meaning of Evolution: Darwinism and Naturalism Phillip E. Johnson

Audio-Visual (college) : Archive/Available for Research Geneva Lecture Series
18666 The music of God and the God of music Jeremy Begbie 10/11/2002

Audio-Visual (college) : Archive/Available for Research Geneva Lecture Series
17958 The Problem of Face Blindness

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Calvin Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL)
18668 The Soul of the american university George Marsoen 11/9/1995

Audio-Visual (college) : Archive/Available for Research Geneva Lecture Series
18509 The Statues and the Temple: Some Notes on (the Absence of) Literary Culture Beha, Christopher 4/10/2014

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2014
18362 The Sustainability of Higher Education and the Future of Calvin College Le Roy, Michael K. 1/16/2014

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. January Series, 2014
18662 The Uniqueness of Christ in apolgetics Peter Kreeft 9/20/1997

Audio-Visual (college) : Archive/Available for Research Geneva Lecture Series
18334 The WASH summit session 1

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
18335 The WASH summit session 2

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
18336 The WASH summit session 3

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. 0
18337 The WASH summit session 4

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
18241 The William Spoelhof Society Dinner
Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

8134 Thea Hibma, Piano in Senior Recital Hibma, Thea 1/13/1976
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8133 Thea Hibma, Piano in Senior Recital Hibma, Thea 1/13/1976
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7907 Thea Hibma-Hoekman; Kenneth Bos, Piano Duo Hibma-Hoekman, Thea; Bos, Kenneth 4/13/1984
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
7908 Thea Hibma-Hoekman; Kenneth Bos, Piano Duo Hibma-Hoekman, Thea; Bos, Kenneth 4/13/1984
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7913 Thea Hoekma; Kenneth Bos Hoekman, Thea; Bos, Kenneth 2/19/1983
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7912 Thea Hoekma; Kenneth Bos Hoekman, Thea; Bos, Kenneth 2/19/1983
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8562 Thea Hoekman, Piano; Kenneth Bos, Piano Hoekman, Thea; Bos, Kenneth 11/20/1986
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

16991 Theatre for Young Audiences
11/30/2011 Four plays in one show:
"Mrs. Sorken"
"The Unknown Part of the Ocean"
"Sunday Go to Meetin'"
"The Shakespeare Stealer"

Audio-Visual (college) : Available with permission.
18130 Theatre for Young Audiences
Audio-Visual : Archive/Available for Research

3179 Their Own Voices Schaap, James; Heynen, Jim; Siegel, Robert 3/30/2000
None : Not Recorded. None : Not Recorded. Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
18669 Theism, atheism, and big bang cosmology William Lane Craig, W. Klink, and E. Fales

Audio-Visual (college) : Archive/Available for Research
7846 Thelma Knol, Piano Knol, Thelma 1/6/1967
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7845 Thelma Knol, Piano Knol, Thelma 1/6/1967
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

14511 Thematic Worship: A Rich Feast for the People of God Man, Ron 1/25/2008 Rather than attempting unity in our services through a commonality of style or form, how much richer and spiritually nourishing to use a biblical or theological theme as a u nifying principle. This approach allows for the use of a rich variety of forms and styles, and gives time to focus on and respond to an aspect of God and his truth in a way that is edifying and serves a catechetical function over the long run. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2008
1793 Theme of Romans, The Morris, Leon

1972 Theme of the Apocalypse Morris, Leon

16693 Themes from Philipians in Global Song Ethnodoxologists 1/27/2011 Vespers: Themes from Philipians in Global Song, by members of the International Council of Ethnodoxologists. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Symposium on Worship, 2011
6181 Themes in World History Bays, Dan; deVries, Bert; Howard, Doug; Sweetman, Robert; Wagstrom, Thor 9/27/2001 The Meaning of Christian Perspective on the History of Cultures Outside the Christian West Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Christian Scholarship...For What?
14614 Then Sings My Soul Sawyer, Charsie, conductor
Tolbert, Clinton, lead musician
10/31/2007 Calvin College Gospel Choir, 2007, celebrating ten years of praise. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
2807 Theological Affirmation and Political Arrangements: Two Way Traffic Case-Witers, Anna 6/8/1991

Calvin Colloquium
2148 Theological Basis for Management De Ridder, Richard 2/12/1985

2583 Theological Basis for Preaching Today Stott, John

Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research

3546 Theological Critique of Capitalism, A Baum, Gregory 10/16/1980
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
1866 Theological Education in Africa Boer, Harry 6/6/1968

1995 Theological Education in Asia Today Ro, Bong Rim 1/18/1990

CTS Special Lecture
1976 Theological Education into the 1990s DeJong, James 9/8/1989

CTS Convocation
3049 Theological Foundation of French Discipline, The Sunshine, Glenn 6/9/1991
Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
Calvin Colloquium
1980 Theological Issues in Missiological Education Goort, G. 11/5/1992

Special Lecture
9109 Theological Perspective on the Transformation of Congregational Song Plantinga, Cornelius 7/13/1998
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Hymn Society
3120 Theological Perspectives on Recently Written Hymn Texts Plantinga, Cornelius, Jr. 1/9/1999 This address wil survey recent songs and hymns, including those from "Praise and Worship" books, in order to present and discuss their theological angularities.

Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 1999
2980 Theological Reflections on Charismatic Movement Packer, J. I.

3151 Theological Stress Points in the New Testament Thielman, Frank 10/5/2000
Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research

15066 Theological Understanding of the Liturgy as the Work of the Spirit, A Chan, Simon 1/30/2009 The intimate connection between the Spirit and the Church has deep roots in Christian tradition, such that the liturgy, i.e., "the work of the people" is also the work of the Spirit. This presentation will explore the relationship of the Spirit to the liturgy in terms of the Trinitarian economy and the Orthodox doctrine of synergy. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2009
12259 Theology and the Arts: Why They Need Each Other in the Church, part 2 Begbie, Jeremy 1/10/2004 Part 2 of 3. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.

12260 Theology and the Arts: Why They Need Each Other in the Church, part 3 Begbie, Jeremy 1/10/2004 Part 3 of 3. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.

16071 Theology Behind Smart Diplomacy with North Korea, The Namkung, K. A. (Tony) 1/11/2010 An independent consultant on US/Asian relations, North Korea, and nuclear arms, known and highly respected by business and government leaders throughout Asia and the U.S. He serves as Asian advisor to New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson. He has traveled to North Korea nearly thirty times and for this presentation he will use his experience of dealing with North Korea over the past twenty years to reflect on current situation s. Namkung is a 1967 Calvin alum. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research January Series, 2010
5218 Theology Behind the Liturgy, The Trinterud, Leonard 8/22/1962
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Church Music Conference
14644 Theology Descending: Two Catholic Poets in Conversation Karr, Mary; Wright, Franz 4/18/2008 Poets Karr and Wright, who both recently converted to Catholicism, talk about their work, their faith, and how their recent poems, like prayers, reflect the realities of hum an suffering and divine Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
14462 Theology for an Age of Terror George, Timothy 1/16/2008 Founding Dean of Beeson Divinity School and author or editor of over 20 books including "Theology of the Reformers" and his latest book "God the Holy Trinity. " He is the executive editor for Christianity Today and is on the editorial advisory board for Books and Culture, Harvard Theological review , and Christian History . Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research January Series, 2008
2358 Theology for the Sake of Mission Kirk, Andrew
Tape 1-0:52:00
Tape 2-0:55:23

Special Mission Lecture
2941 Theology of Hope Braaten, Carl

CTS Lectue 1970-71
8878 Theology of K. Barth - class time, The. Tape 2 of 2 Feenstra, Ronald 1/7/2002

9006 Theology of Preaching, The Brown, Steve 6/2/1992
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Institute
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
16025 Theology of the Body: Love, Happiness and Sex, A Kaczor, Christopher 10/8/2009 Pope John Paul ll’s reflections on the body and sex, known as the Theology of the Body, explore the thesis that "The body, and it alone, is capable of making visi ble what is invisible: the spiritual and the divine. It was created to transfer into the visible reality of the world, the mystery hidden since time immemorial in God, and thus to be a sign of it."
Theology of the Body has been described as " one of the boldest reconfigurations of Catholic theology in centuries."
Christopher Kaczor is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. He is the author of numerous books on issues of ethics, philosophy and r eligion.

Sexuality Series
2333 Theology of Urban Ministry, A Frenchak

77 Theology, Audience, and Editor: Finding the Balance Fullerton, Sheryl; Guest, Joan; Jordan, Michael; Stapert, Craig 4/1/2000
Bookstore (college) : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
17183 Theory and Practice of Trust: Writing as Prayer, The Urrea, Luis Alberto 4/20/2012 How are writing and prayer connected? Luis Alberto Urrea explains how the Holy Spirit taught him to relax and accept his “black belt” in writing as the ultimate prayer. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
4732 Theory and Praxis Wolterstorff, Nicholas; Hank Hart; Dengerink, Jan

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

2666 Theory of RBT, Emotional ABC's Tape 1 of 6 Maultsby, Maxie

2647 Therapeutic Attitude / Understanding Affliction Kik; De Jong; Dean

Care of Souls
16314 There But For The Grace of God: What My Writing Has Taught Me About Sin, Redemption, and … Lamb, Wally 4/15/2010 Full title: There But for the Grace of God: What My Writing Has Taught Me About Sin, Redemption, and the Complexity of the Crime-and-Punishment Equation Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2010
10432 There Is No Greater Love Gospel Choir 4/8/2001 Concert Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
10393 There Once Was a World Eliach, Yaffa 4/19/2002 One of the 29 survivors of the shtetl of Eishyshok, Yaffa Eliach has pioneered Holocaust studies, documenting the history of he rshtetl and collecting the first anthology of Hasidic tales about the Holocaust. In speaking of this work, Prof. Eliach wil explore the way her work has shown that, in the midst of the world's evil, faith becomes a link between past and present None : Archive/Available for Research None : Not Available Festival of Faith & Writing, 2002
15054 There was a man who had two sons: A Gallery Walk Gerbens, Larry 1/30/2009 Intrigued and blessed by these words and the Parable of the Prodigal Son, we have been privileged to collect and commission art based on this parable of forgiveness and grac e. Come walk with us as we encounter these "visual testimonies" to God's grace. Audio-Visual (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2009
16653 There's a Spirit that Transcends the Border: Religious Activists for Immigrant Rights Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette 4/21/2010 This lecture describes how religious advocates of Christian, Jewish and Muslim faith are working in various organizations to promote immigrant rights. Based on three empiric al case studies, the talk will examine how religious advocates have sought change
in the realms of immigrant border rights, labor rights, and civil rights.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Bouma Lecture Series
5579 Thespians Improvisation Group VanZalen, Tim 2/24/1981

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Speech Department
15040 They Weren't People of the Book: Finding Jesus' Oral Culture in a Post-literate World Buursma, Randy; Dewey, Dennis 1/29/2009 In this age that many call post-literate, it's helpful for us to remember that Jesus never wrote a book. The storyteller who is the pioneer and perfecter of our faith learne d what we call "scripture" (writing) as sound and breath. Because digital culture is secondarily oral, we have much to learn from those who thought of themselves more as "people of the story" than as "people of the book." Thi s workshop will challenge fundamental assumptions about the Bible and the biases of the high-literate academy in studying scripture as a document. The seminar will explore techniques for getting the text off the page, into the heart and out of the mouth.< /FONT> None : Not Recorded.
Symposium on Worship, 2009
16799 They worshipped him, but some doubted Hulst, Mary 3/13/2011 LOFT (Living Our Faith Together) is a worship service that meets in the Calvin College Chapel on Sunday evenings during the academic year. Matthew 28:16-20
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
11869 Thief In Paradise, A Kennedy, James D.

11740 Things I Learned In The Ministry…Only Some of Which the Seminary Told Me Vanderwell, Howard 12/11/2003
Bookstore(college) : Available for sale.

5347 Things Shaken, The Exoo, Henry 8/3/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
5348 Things that Remain Exoo, Henry 8/10/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
16493 Think on these things

CD mix - a listening experience for the Calvin College Residence Life staff - 2003-2004. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
14996 Thinking Christianly - Voting Secularly? How to Vote in November (2028) Chaplin, Jonathan 10/27/2008 Chaplin (Director of the Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics, based at Tyndale House in Cambridge, United Kingdom) notes that while we are voting now, Christians must also think a generation ahead in order to make a real impact as Christian citizens who don't simply follow secular fashion.
Chaplin holds a degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from Oxford University; a Mphil degree from the Institute for Chri stian Studies in Toronto, Canada; and a PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has affiliations with the Center for Public Justice, and serves as a Board member for Citizens for Public Justice in Toronto and the Movement for Chr istian Democracy in the United Kingdom.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Henry Institute
2672 Thinking of Suicide Mayes, Bernard

133 Thinking Theologically about the Arts in Worship Begbie, Jeremy 1/15/2000
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2000
7830 Thirty-Fifth Annual Fall Music Festival Kaiser, Carl -cappella 10/24/1980
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

10927 This Christian Writer Business Keizer, Garret 4/25/2003
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Wiersma Memorial Lecture
16344 This Is Home Jackson, Joshilyn; Perry, Michael 4/16/2010 A Southern novelist and a Midwestern essayist compare notes on what it’s like to draw on stories from your extended family and your hometown. Festival Faith & Writing Ofc. : Available with permission.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2010
11505 This is My Body: The Eucharist as Privileged Ontological/Epistemic Site Vandervelde, George 9/13/2003 Session IX Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Radical Orthodoxy Conference
5324 This is the Life Exoo, Henry 1/25/1970
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
14751 This is Truth Armour, Amanda; Bauckham, Jessica; Pals, Lindsay; Stubbs, Don; Farley, Todd 4/25/2008 Music, Dance, Poetry event in the chapel
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17379 This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land: Symbolizing a National Ideal in American Regionalist Art VanArragon, Elizabeth 9/16/2011 From September 6 to November 5, 2011, the Center Art Gallery at Calvin College presents "Associated American Artists - Art by Subscription." The exhibition feature s over 70 etchings, wood engravings, aquatints and mezzotints created by some of America's most recognizable artists such as Peggy Bacon, Thomas Hart Benton, John Steuart Curry, Doris Lee, and Grant Wood.
Please join us on Friday, September 16 for the opening lecture "This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land:" Symbolizing a National Ideal in American Regionalist Art by assistant professor of art history, Elizabeth VanArragon. The lecture will be held in the CFAC Recital Hall at 7pm, foll owed by food and refreshments in the West Lobby.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Art Gallery Event
15966 This Nation Under God: The Aim of Redemption Eldersveld, Peter
Psalm 33:12, John 17:2 Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

12085 Thomas Aquinas on the Relationship between the Natural Law and the Old Law Smith, Randall B. 5/14/2004 On tape A12085 with another title Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law
8109 Thomas Goeman, Organ Goeman, Thomas 4/13/1982
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8108 Thomas Goeman, Organ in his Senior Recital Goeman, Thomas 5/13/1983
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

11996 Thomas Lynch: A Conversation with James Vanden Bosch Lynch, Thomas; Vanden Bosch, James 4/24/2004
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2004
4330 Thorn-In-The-Flesh Decision-Making: A Christian Overview of the Ethics of Treatment Mouw, Richard 4/16/1982
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Medical Ethics Conference
16868 Those Scary Fossils: History of Paleoanthropological Discoveries Stearley, Ralph 2/9/2010 Biologists and anatomists have been intrigued by natural comparisons between apes and humans since the 1600's. In the middle 1700's, Carolus Linnaeus included humans, apes a nd monkeys in his mammalian order, Primates. These biological investigations set the stage for the fossil discoveries to come. Starting in the middle 1800's, strange and scary remains of human-like creatures began to be discovered, first in Europe, then A sia, then Africa. The oldest of these fossil hominids now date to 6 million years before the present; all of the earliest forms are African. Some remains are associated with tools of bone or stone or with body ornamentation. Many skeletal elements demonst rate malnutrition, bone breakage, or other signs of a hard life. The earliest of these fossil hominids have cranial capacities slightly larger than those of present-day great apes. Clear trends can be seen over time in stature & locomotion, dentition, and cranial capacity during the past 4 million years, with conditions resembling more and more those of modern humans through time. This amplifying record has seemed ominous to some—are there skeletons in our human family closet? Or, are these indi viduals no more embarrassing than the other horse thieves in all our lineages? This talk will narrate the history of these discoveries and hopefully explain something of their significance. Lots of photos, including many scary ones.

Human Origins Seminar Series
3987 Thou and Thy House Eldersveld, Peter

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Back-to-God Hour
3656 Thoughtful Person, The Spoelhof, William 5/23/1979
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
11890 Thoughtful Questions for Worship Planners Marsh, Ryan 1/30/2004 Anyone with the responsibility of leading, directing, writing or composing for corporate worship has an incredibly complex privilege before him or her. Perhaps even more tha n teaching and sermonizing, worship shapes a congregation's theology. Worship tells people who God is and how God deals with the world and the people he has made. And conversely, worship gives people ways to respond to God. This workshop will ask a number of engaging questions of our worship, revealing ways to lead, direct, write and compose for more thoughtful corporate worship. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2004
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
4932 Threat Posed by Calvinism to the Kingdom of Satan in Late 20th Century, The Battles, Ford Lewis 9/6/1978
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
4617 Three Case Studies and Discussion Tubergen, David 4/17/1982
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Medical Ethics Conference
4677 Three Case Studies and Discussion Vos, Carol 4/17/1982
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Medical Ethics Conference
3019 Three Facets of a Whole Education Ward, Ted 1/19/1984

6321 Three Groens; Our Peninent Longing For Advent Carl Kromminga; Ed Walhout 11/29/1987 Two services
1) AM - "Our Peninent Longing For Advent"
2) PM - "Three Groens"
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church
8473 Three Morality Chapels
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8472 Three Morality Chapels
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

11173 Three Penny Opera, The

Heritage Hall : Available with permission. CAS Dept. Play
12497 Three Presidents Interviews
11/30/2004 Interviews
Audio-Visual (college) : Not Available for sale.
4582 Three Problem Areas Sytsma, R.D. 9/19/1986
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
History of the Japan Mission
16328 Three Resons to Write Stafford, Tim 4/16/2010 A writer of both non-fiction and fiction, Tim Stafford considers the difficulties and risks of writing, with a focus on the personal, strategic, and biblical reasons to writ e as well as we possibly can. Festival Faith & Writing Ofc. : Available with permission.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2010
11171 Three Sisters

Bookstore (college) : Available with permission. CAS Dept. Play
7296 Three Sonatas by Paul Hindemith Topp, Dale;
Watermulder, Dale
Niewenhuis, Bruce
Wade, Uel
Vander Zaag, Betty
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7295 Three Sonatas by Paul Hindemith Dale Topp; Dale Watermulder; Bruce Nieuwenhuis; Uel Wade; Betty Vander Zaag 4/1/1958
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

2095 Threeness/Oneness Problem of the Trinity, The Plantinga, Cornelius 9/14/1987 The Convocation Service inaugurating Cornelius Plantinga as President of Calvin Theological Seminary.

16647 Thrill of the Chaste, The: Finding Fulfilment While Keeping Your Clothes On Eden, Dawn 10/19/2010 Dawn Eden, author of The Thrill of the Chaste: Finding Fulfillment While Keeping Your Clothes On, believes that today's true rebels are those young adults who are striving f or a love that goes beyond sex. She discusses the difference between abstinence, which is purely physical, and a lifelong journey of learning to love every individual in the fullest possible way, whether a friend, a relative, a spouse, or a stranger.
D awn writes: "Before I discovered chastity, I believed I was supposed to make the most of my freedom to 'have sex like a man.' That meant divorcing my emotions from my sexual activity, so that I would feel a bond with my partner only if and when I wis hed. If I wasn’t enjoying this game, then, according to feminist wisdom, I was doing it wrong. Today I see that I was doing it right, and that’s precisely why I was unhappy."
None : Not Available for sale.
Sexuality Series
14683 Through a Dark Screen Darkly: A Memoir of Gradual Bedazzlement and Dangerous Moviegoing Overstreet, Jeffrey 4/19/2008 Frederick Buechner says, "If we are to love our neighbors, we must first see our neighbors with our imaginations as well as our eyes. That is to say, like artists." ; In a tour of movies from around the world, Overstreet examines the ways in which art—however simple, dark, or strange—can give us new perspectives and transforming encounters with beauty and truth. Festival Faith & Writing Ofc. : Available with permission.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
14995 Through a Glass Darkly: Politics and the Problem of Knowledge in Calvin's Thought Sitman, Matthew 10/14/2008 Matthew Sitman, Ph.D. candidate in Political Theory in the Department of Government at Georgetown University Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Henry Institute
2708 Through Death's Valley (Ps. 23); Going Places (Acts 8: 26-40) DeVries, Robert 3/24/1985

16268 Through Our Eyes: The Philippine Field Team of Christian Reformed World Missions.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
11750 Throw Away your Computer and Get an Education Stoll, Clifford 1/20/2004 Does knowledge of computers equal a good education and a good job? Think again! Despite pressures for campus internet feeds in every venue, a quality education has little to do with computer and everything to do with the human interplay between student, professor and the body of knowledge. Yes, computers make it easy to look up facts and impress us with flashy graphics but they also discourage creativity. They encourage us t o copy what we see or read rather than come up with our own ideas and conclusions. Clifford Stoll, a leading authority on computer security and noted author, questions the dependency of the digital age. Are we better informed? Is our electorate more activ e? Are our citizens more involved in our communities? Has this revolution spawned more problems or solutions? Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research January Series, 2004
11488 Thrust by the Spirit, Acts 1:8; What to do About Those Neighbors: Living Next Door to Sodom and Gomorrah Dr. Stan Mast - Lagrave Ave CRC Jan 2003

13762 Thumbprint on the Clay, The Shaw, Luci 4/20/2006
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Festival of Faith & Writing, 2006
4189 Thursday Business Session
Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist.
Conference on Justice in the International Economic Order
8854 Thursday Morning Worship Hestenes, Roberta

Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Coffee Break Sectionals and Worship Services
12389 Thursday Morning Worship Service
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Conference on Liturgy & Music (COLAM)
15663 Tiffany Engle, saxophone Engle, Tiffany
Hoisington, Linda, piano
Bredwell, Bryan, tenor saxophone
Jarrell, David, baritone saxophone
1/19/2008 Faculty Recital Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Faculty Recital
11938 Tiger at the Gates

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research CAS Dept. Play
1867 Tiger in Your Tank, A: The Anatomy of Christian Reformed Missiology Boer, John 11/5/1987

6782 Tim De Young, bassoon De Young, Tim 3/4/1992
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

11958 Tim Gautreaux: A Conversation with Darlene Meyering Gautreaux, Tim 4/22/2004
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2004
7910 Tim Hoekman, Piano Hoekman, Tim 3/7/1978
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7909 Tim Hoekman, Piano Hoekman, Tim 3/7/1978
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

15455 Tim Li, piano Li, Tim 3/30/2004 Student Recital Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Student Recital
15500 Tim Li, piano Li, Tim 3/30/2005 Student Recital Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Student Recital
8810 Time

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8811 Time

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

2905 Time and Eternity in Heaven Kreeft, Peter 1/17/1980
None : Not Recorded.

3929 Time and Space Ehlers, Vernon J. 3/27/1978
Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist.
10993 Time and Space Ehlers, Vernon J. 3/31/1978
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
10994 Time and Space Ehlers, Vernon J. 3/31/1978
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
3847 Time and the Poet: Dylan Thomas' "Fern Hill" Davies, Walford 1/14/1985
Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist.
Interim Lecture Series, 1985
12329 Time for a New Reformation Schlissel, Steve M.

4872 Time For Color is Now, The Ozinga, Thomas J. 1/29/1990

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research History (college)
13876 Time Has Come, The Steen, Peter
Given by Dr. Steen which also includes a question and answer session. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5880 Time is Now, The Schuurman, John 3/12/1976
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
4834 Time to be Silent, A Cooper, Dale
Christian Meditation
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Portable Calvin
3419 Time to Be Silent, A Cooper, Dale

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Portable Calvin
5561 Time to Be Silent, A: Christian Meditation Cooper, Dale

Heritage Hall : Available for sale.
6193 Time To Be Silent, A: Christian Meditation Cooper, Dale

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Portable Calvin
14923 Time to Relax and Imagine

Training in Marriage Enrichment
Introduction, Relaxation, Self-encouragement, Relationship development, Guided Imagery
Heritage Hall : Available for sale.

16568 Timothy & Epaphroditus Ryan, Paul 10/24/2010 LOFT (Living Our Faith Together) is a worship service that meets in the Calvin College Chapel on Sunday evenings during the academic year. Philippians 2:19-30
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research LOFT (Living Our Faith Together)
6668 Timothy De Young De Young, Timothy 2/25/1991
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8141 Timothy Hoekman, Piano in Senior Recital Hoekema, Timothy 4/24/1976
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8140 Timothy Hoekman, Piano in Senior Recital Hoekema, Timothy 4/24/1976
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

15400 Timothy Li, piano; Florence So, piano Li, Timothy
So, Florence
3/11/2003 Student recital Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Student recital
8091 Timothy Quist, Organ Quist, Timothy 4/12/1971
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8090 Timothy Quist, Organ Quist, Timothy 4/12/1971
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7922 Timothy Quist, Organ Quist, Timothy 11/27/1983
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7923 Timothy Quist, Organ Quist, Timothy 11/27/1983
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
8092 Timothy Quist, Organ Quist, Timothy 1/20/1973
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7920 Timothy Quist, Organ Recital Quist, Timothy 6/24/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7919 Timothy Quist, Organ Recital Quist, Timothy 6/24/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

12619 Tip-Off Talk, 2005 Febus, Jeff; Renner, Tom
Jeff Febus, Sports Information Director at Calvin College, and Tom Renner, Sports Information Director at Hope College, discuss basketball.
Heritage Hall : Available with permission. Sports
15346 Tippet/Mouw Talk

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5721 To Be a Father Lockerbie, D. Bruce

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
2684 To Be That Which one Truly Is Rogers, Carl

14544 To Find Just the Right Words: Faithful Fiction Cook, Hugh 4/23/1994
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 1994 (Writer's Conf. '94)
32 To God and Back Again: The Dynamics of Worship as Pastoral Care Beversluis, Claudia 1/15/2001 How we worship shapes us as whole persons in response to God's care for us. Worship shapes us physically, cognitively, emotionally, and socially. We will explore the psych ological dynamics that underlie this shaping process. We will examine worship as a resource for pastoral care in the congregation, and ask how we can be deliberate in our undersanding of and use of worship as a healing, shaping power.
[Many Symposium on Worship recordings are available at:]

Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2001
5594 To God be the Glory: 75 Years of Quality Christian Education Denver Christian Schools

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research 75th Anniversary of Denver Christian Schools
10562 To Him We Sing Calvin College Alumni Choir

Heritage Hall : Availablity restricted to Fair Use.

8955 To Ordination Through Emeritation Eppinga, Jacob 6/8/1988
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
8987 To See the Chruch Through Their Eyes Goris Stronks, Gloria 6/4/1991
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Conference
13576 To the Ends of the Earth

For a lot of people this world is not a very nice place. Missionaries with CRWMs have been targeting people in those kinds of places for over 100 years. The enormity of the job requires a lot of people working together. Please take a few minutes to see the state of the world in To the Ends of the Earth. But be careful: the next few minutes could change your life
Heritage Hall : Available for sale.
14667 To Try and Try Again Jacobs, Alan; Finch, Robert 4/18/2008 The definition of an essay is "to try or attempt." Two essayists discuss what they attempt to do in their essays and why the effort is worthwhile. Festival Faith & Writing Ofc. : Available with permission.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
4688 To Warn the Sorcerers Apprentice Walsh, Chad

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5965 To Warn the Sorcerer's Apprentice Walsh, Chad 10/17/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Lecture Council Series
16269 To Your Credit: Tijuana, Mexico

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17566 Today's College: The President Speaks Arend Lubbers, Gordon Van Wylen, Norbert Hruby, William Spoelhof

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
5590 Today's Colleges: The Presidents Speak Spoelhof, William; Hruby, Norbert J.; Van Wylen, Gordon; Lubbers, Arend D.; Elliot, Jerry 10/9/1973

Heritage Hall : Available for sale.
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
4831 Today's Colleges; The Presidents Speak

Area College Presidents discuss current situation
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
3754 Today's Youth, Today's Issues VanderArk, Daniel 6/4/1985
Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
11796 Together Bayne, S.F.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

2130 Together Around the World Nederhood, Joel 4/4/1994

Dordt College's -Spring Pastor's Conference
10739 Tolerance vs. Civility Mouw, Richard 9/27/2002 #303 TOLERANCE V. CIVILITY
Although "tolerance" used to refer to respect for other points of view and people's right to hold them, now it's more of a command t o uphold all viewpoints as equally viable and correct. What should Christians do with this pressure when the Christ they follow was so uncompromising? Is there a way to "stay at the table" (and even learn!) while not implying agreement with thos e who hold very different beliefs? Join our talk with Richard Mouw of Fuller Theological Seminary, author of Uncommon Decency: Christian Civility In An Uncivil World.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
13781 Tolkien Was No Hobbit: Another Memoir Goes Down Miller, Don 4/21/2006 Miller discusses the journey to find his own voice, the difficulty of being completely honest, the struggle with the narcissism of memoir, and the spiritual significance of the genre.

Festival of Faith & Writing, 2006
16276 Tom de Ruiter - Mali de Ruiter, Tom
Less than 2 min.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
15921 Tom Vander Ziele, D.R. Vander Ziele, Tom
D. R. - Dominican Republic?? Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

6275 Tongue Control; Keeping our Bearings Straight; Tragedy of Man, The John H. Primus; Ed Walhout 10/19/1986
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church
1798 Tongues Today? Robertson, O. Palmer

4805 Tony (Diekema) Awards 1995
6/8/1995 Retirement Tribute Event for Calvin College President Anthony Diekema.
Heritage Hall : Available for sale. History (college)
13704 Tony Campolo Campolo, Tony 4/4/2001
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
15570 Tony Diekema Interview Diekema, Tony; Harms, Dick 7/9/2009

Heritage Hall : Not Available for sale.
15072 Too Deep for Words? Preaching in the Language of the Spirit Powery, Luke A 1/30/2009 This session will explore the possibility of discerning the presence of the Holy Spirit in preaching and then discuss some manifestations of the Spirit in sermons, particula rly focusing on the expressions of lament and celebration. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2009
10807 Top 120 Praise & Worship Songs, The (C22) Polman, Bert 1/11/2003 An examination of issues raised by texts, performance practices, and choices of the most popular P&W songs in English-speaking churches around the world. Audio-Visual (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2003
10450 Toronto Mass Choir
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

14068 Total Praise Sawyer, Charsie 11/19/2006 Calvin College Gospel Choir Presents: Total Praise
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
10049 Total Praise: Gospel Choir Recording Session Gospel Choir 2/24/1998
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

6335 Touch that Stopped Jesus, The; Devoted! William Vanderhoven; Eugene DeJong 5/15/1988 Two services
1) AM - "The Touch that stopped Jesus" (Up to 46:10)
2) PM - "Devoted!" (Start from 46:10
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church
15339 Tough Questions and Christianity Kreeft, Peter

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Veritas 2000
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
5537 Tour of Roseland, IL's CRC and RCA Churches Heerema, E.G.
Tour of Roseland, IL's CRC and RCA Churches and of 108th Street Christian School
Heritage Hall : Available for sale. CRC Congregations
2543 Toward a Better Understanding of Yourself and Others Vermeer, Stanley

CTS Special Lecture
3115 Toward a Biblical Theology of Worship & Liturgy Meeter, Daniel 1/9/1999 What does the Bible teach us about worship? How should our understanding inform our practice of worship? This session will develop a biblical theology of worship out of the rich and profound passages that explain our covenant relationship with God (Exodus 19-24, Ezekial 40-47, and the Gospel accounts of the upper room). Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 1999
4564 Toward a Human Medicine Stob, Henry 3/11/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

14815 Toward a Phenomenology Marion, Jean-Luc 4/5/1997
Heritage Hall : Available for sale.
Postmodern Philosophy and Chrisitian Thought
11368 Toward a Ref. Theology. of Miss. in the Perspctv of the Kingdom of God Ichikawa, Yasunori

CTS Special Lecture
11367 Toward a Ref. Theology. of Miss. in the Perspctv of the Kingdom of God Ichikawa, Yasunori

CTS Special Lecture
2034 Toward a Ref. Theology. of Miss. in the Perspctv of the Kingdom of God Ichikawa, Yasunori
Tape 1-1:02:45
Tape 2-1:00:01
Tape 3-0:57:29
Tape 4-1:02:08

CTS Special Lecture
11369 Toward a Ref. Theology. of Miss. in the Perspctv of the Kingdom of God Ichikawa, Yasunori

CTS Special Lecture
12553 Toward a Reformed Hermeneutic Klooster 4/22/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Conference
13556 Toward A Shared Preaching Life Davis, David 10/13/2005 This day-long conference explored the
corporate nature of the preaching event. While
in most cases just one person stands to preach,
preaching still belongs to the whole church.
Preaching is to be understood as an ongoing
conversation. Preachers never have the first
word nor the last word. Though one person
speaks, the voice of the listener shares in the
construction of meaning.
As the preaching ev ent is placed within a more
complex understanding of communication,
conference participants will be invited to
ponder why preaching every week can make
preaching easier, the nature of the relationship
of preaching to the liturgy and sacrame nts, and
also the multiple dialogues that contribute to
the experience of any one sermon.
This conference explored some well-known topics
in preaching such as sermon form, the use of
illustration, the importance of language, and
narrativ e preaching. All these are considered
in the light of the voice of the listener.
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Fall Preaching Conference
5086 Toward Christian Community Diekema, Anthony J. 9/13/1976
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Convocation (Opening)
3685 Toward Discerning Hearts Diekema, Anthony J. 9/9/1985
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Convocation (Opening & Honors)
3088 Toward Humane Economics - plus Responses Novak, Michael; Wolterstorff; Luckey 10/30/1998

Session II: Christianity & the Humane Economy
14893 Toward the New Family of God

Heritage Hall : Available for sale.
2581 Towards a Living Pulpit - Declaring the Word Read, David 1/15/1993 [Many Symposium on Worship recordings are available at:]

Symposium on Worship, 1993
11364 Towards a Reformed Theology of Religions Conn, Harvie

Van Dyke Mission Lectures
2321 Towards a Reformed Theology of Religions Conn, Harvie
Tape 1-1:20:11
Tape 2-1:04:35

Van Dyke Mission Lectures
1835 Towards Century 21 In Mission: A Prospect Anderson, Gerald 3/22/1984

Van Dyke Mission Lectures
1836 Towards Century 21 In Mission: A Retrospect Anderson, Gerald 3/20/1984

Van Dyke Mission Lectures
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
5109 Towards Emotional and Spiritual Maturity

The Christian Approach to Mental Health Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5151 Towards New Forms of Reformed Confessions Ridderbos, H.N. 6/5/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
4613 Tower Brass Quintet Tower Brass Quintet 1/21/1988
Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist.
January Series, 1988
10920 Town Hall Meeting-- Alternate Routes to Ministry Kelderman, Rev. Duanne 5/13/2003

13950 Town Hall Meeting: Diaconal Ministry VanGronigen, Jay; Wiersma, Laurie; Masselink, Jonathan; Prince, David 4/13/2006
Bookstore (college) : Not Available for sale.
Sem Town Hall Meeting
13949 Town Hall Meeting: Prayer VanderGriend, Alvin 3/16/2006
Bookstore (college) : Not Available for sale.
Sem Town Hall Meeting
15219 Tracing the Influence of Neo-Conservatives on the War in Iraq Keizer, Herman 10/20/2008 Information on the series of events at:
Some events video-recorded by Nicole Vega, to be posted on her website. Sponsored by student organizations: Democracy Matters and the Social Justice Committee, and by the Paul Henry Institute.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
War Awareness Series, 2008
10463 Tracy Verlare & Darren Wolterstorff Student Recital Verlare, tracy
Wolterstorff, Darren
11/10/2001 Student Recital

Student Recital
13532 Trade & Immigration in the Americas Lydersen, Kari
#610 TRADE & IMMIGRATION IN THE AMERICAS Originally broadcast Jan. 15, 2006
We complain about foreigners taking our jobs, but not about the employers who pay the star vation wages we won’t tolerate. We bargain shop at chain stores, never considering who picked up the tab for our discounts. Kari Lydersen, author of Out of the Sea and Into the Fire: Latin American-US Immigration in the Global Age, shows host Shirle y Hoogstra what’s happening behind the scenes.
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
14780 Trade Liberalization and Inequality in Indonesia: The Recent Evidence Ritchey, Barry (Chair)
VanDerHeide, Evert
5/29/1998 Session 4 Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Globalization and Inequality
2193 Tradition in the CRC Van Engen, J.

Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research

5841 Tradition of Christianity in Which Calvin Stands, The Wolterstorff, Nicholas 9/30/1987

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
4735 Tradition of Christianity in Which Calvin Stands, The Wolterstorff, Nicholas 9/30/1987
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

199 Tradition of Civility: The Natural Law in History and Public Discourse, A Porter, Jean 5/28/1999 The seminars seek to promote high quality scholarship that reflects a Christian perspective and to encourage Christian scholars to examine critical and cutting-edge topics i n their disciplines. Throughout these discussions, we will reflect on the nature of justice and attend to its biblical 'contours.' Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Political Thought After Liberalism Conference
16874 Traditions of Reading Sacred Texts in the Light of Modern Biblical Criticism vanLiere, Frans 3/11/2010 This presentation was be a follow-up to Bert deVries's presentation the previous week. It outlines how Genesis 1-3 was interpreted after it became to be regarded as sacred h istory. Ultimately, the problem with the current debate over human origins has less to do with the problem of human origins than with the question: How do we read these ancient texts? For centuries, the meaning of Genesis 1-3 was determined not so much by what these texts actually said, as by what they were supposed to say; they were thought to contain some hidden truth that was especially relevant for the religious community that held them as sacred, but this truth could only be uncovered through mystica l and spiritual reading. For centuries this is just how these texts were read: against a religious framework that assigned a deeper, mystical or theological meaning to these texts. These are the biblical hermeneutics underlying Paul's letter to the Corint hians, as well as the Reformed Confessions. However, modern biblical criticism has challenged this hermeneutical model. While a modern critical reading may solve many of the apparent contradictions between these sacred texts and science, it does raise the question: Can we still regard these texts as authoritative and sacred, if we read them in this way? Or do they become "just" stories, no longer the Word of God?

Human Origins Seminar Series
2417 Tragedy of Asking the Wrong Question, The Tillapaugh, Frank

Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
Reclaiming Church for Ministry
15069 Training and Engaging Lay Leaders of All Ages in Planning and Leading Worship Grit, Betty 1/30/2009 This panel of Worship Renewal Grant recipients (Bridge Street AME, Brooklyn, NY; South Grandville Christian Reformed Church, Grandville, MI; St. Luke AME Zion, Grand Rapids, MI; Granite Springs Church, Lincoln, CA) will offer practical ideas to help congregations engage all worshipers from youth to the elderly. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2009
14905 Training Program for Hospital Chaplains Gold, Marvin 6/4/1991

Heritage Hall : Available for sale.
8813 Trains

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8812 Trains

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
10674 Trajectory of Two Mentalities: The CRC-RCA Past and Future, The VanEngen, Abram 10/9/2002

12598 Transcendent Noise and Beautiful Ugliness: Dismantling the Aesthetic Hierarchy in the Church Kaufmann, Michael 4/1/2005 Kaufmann explores questions regarding the biblical validity for the presence noise and the avant-garde in the culture of Christianity. Kaufmann will also be discussing his w ork with Asthmatic Kitty Records and spazz-hop supergroup soul-junk. Accompanying collaborative video projections by artist Paul Goode. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Music, 2005
11510 Transcending Participation: A Reformational Critique of Radical Orthodoxy Zimmerman, Jens 9/13/2003 Session XIV Session was originally to be: Participational and Incarnational Hermeneutics. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Radical Orthodoxy Conference
15990 Transformation in Jesus Layne, Tamrat 9/30/2009 Former Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Tamrat Layne, spoke at Calvin College on September 30, 2009. Layne was one of the founding members of the former Ethiopian Peoples Demo cratic Movement (EPDM) [now the Amhara National Democratic Movement (ANDM)]. As a leader in the organization, he was an active participant in the seventeen years of rebellion prior to their overthrow of the socialist military dictatorship in Ethiopia, whe n he became deputy prime minister. In 1996, he was arrested, charged, and convicted of corruption and abuse of power.
Layne served twelve years in prison in Ethiopia, and was recently released six years before completing his 18 year sentence. While incarcerated, Tamrat Layne became deeply religious, converting to Christianity in 2001. In an interview with Addis Fortune after his release on December 19, 2008, he said, "I am a man of God. I've no desire to engage in personal or party politics. I would like to preach faith, peace and love."
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Henry Institute
2008 Transformation of Evil, The Graham, Gordon 4/16/1998 For more information:

Jellema Lectures
4648 Transformational Christianity Vandezande, Gerald 1/17/1978 CPOL Lecture Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
17216 Transformative Power of Story, The Vanderpool, Clare 4/21/2012 Stories are the great common denominator in our lives. We all have them, we all tell them, and we all need them. This session takes a look at the transformative power of sto ry, exploring how it can change us in the telling and in the listening. Through story we reveal things and make them known, especially to ourselves. And through story we recognize what is common to all of us: the ordinary. And in the telling, the ordinary can become beautiful and extraordinary. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
3228 Transforming Life Into Art Siegel, Robert; Shaw, Luci; Veinck, Christopher; Taylor, Dan; Wakefield, Dan 4/13/1996
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Festival of Faith & Writing, 1996
11883 Transforming Power of Prayer, The Hulst, Mary 1/29/2004 Prayer service led by the Calvin College LOFT Team and a meditation by Mary Hulst. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship & the Arts, 2004
16595 Transforming Troubled Schools George, Sajan
A factory still using production systems from the 1950s would not make sense in today's technological world. Unfortunately, some K-12 schools still use decades-old education al techniques and policies. School turnaround specialist Sajan George describes progressive technologies and approaches currently under consideration to turn around troubled school districts. Karen Saupe hosts.
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
86 Transgression, Memory, Love Volf, Miroslav 7/18/2000
Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Available for sale.
3526 Translating Ruth: Giving the Story New Linguistic and Visual Form Davis, Ellen; Parker, Margaret 6/8/2001

Bible and Ministry Conference
3484 Translating the Message, or Transplanting Hatred: The Case of Judas Paffenroth, Kim 4/28/2001
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Seminars in Christian Scholarship
11191 Translations, Part 1 of 2

Bookstore (college) : Available with permission. CAS Dept. Play
11192 Translations, Part 2 of 2

Bookstore (college) : Available with permission. CAS Dept. Play
3486 Transplanting Karen Christianity Case, Jay 4/27/2001
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Seminars in Christian Scholarship
14685 Trapped by History Hill, Ingrid; Jager, Eric 4/19/2008 Historical research is central for writers in many genres, but how much research to do, and how to use that research, can be difficult questions to answer. Hill and Jager di scuss how they approach historical research in their differing genres. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
10402 Traveling at Home: Memory, Imagination, and the Dream Landscapes of Poetry Shaw, Lucy 4/18/2002 Luci Shaw reads and comments on some of her own work as it relates to larger issues of poetry. Bookstore (college) : No Restriction
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2002
3194 Traveling Mercies: An Evening with Anne Lamott Lamott, Anne 3/31/2000
None : Not Recorded. None : Not Recorded. Festival of Faith & Writing, 2000
11308 Travels with a Militant Evangelist Hassel, Grace 1/8/1987

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Calvin College Today
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
4077 Travels with Militant Evangelists on the Road to Nuclear War Halsell, Grace 1/8/1987
Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist.
Interim Lecture Series, 1987
11190 Travesties

Bookstore (college) : Available with permission. CAS Dept. Play
11189 Travesties, Part 1 of 2

Bookstore (college) : Available with permission. CAS Dept. Play
14278 Treasure in Clay Jars: Preaching as Trouble and Grace Knowles, Michael 4/25/2007 MICHAEL KNOWLES
Treasure in Clay Jars: Preaching as Trouble and Grace
Session three of the Spring Preaching Conference 2007.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Spring Preaching Conference, 2007
16270 Treasure Island: Haiti

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
90 Treatment & Rehabilitation of Juvenile Delinquents: What's Promising and What's Not? - Session 4 Bailey, Kathy; Griffis, Nelson; Fenske, Matt; Aulisa, John 2/24/2001
Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Youth Crime Conference 2001
16614 Tree of Vices: Roots, Branches, and Bitter Fruits, The Konyndyk DeYoung, Rebecca 11/3/2010 Rebecca DeYoung received her PhD in Philosophy from the University of Notre Dame. Her research interests include the Seven Deadly Sins, Thomas Aquinas, Ethics, History of An cient and Medieval Philosophy. She is author of Overcoming Sin; The Seven Deadly Sins: A Survival Guide; Aquinas's Ethics: Metaphysical Foundations, Theological Context, and Moral Theory (co-authored with Colleen McCluskey and Christina Van Dyke); and her latest title, Glittering Vices: A New Look at the Seven Deadly Sins and Their Remedies. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Stob Lectures
4076 Tree with Healing Leaves, The Hagerman, Howard
Sunday Program Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Young Calvinist Federation Convention
9362 Trena Haan Tribute Haan, Trena 10/30/1992
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

18361 Trend and Repeat: What History and Economics can Teach us about the Future Karabell, Zachary 1/15/2014

Campus Store (college) : Available for sale. January Series, 2014
2421 Trends in Domestic Missions in the Eighties - Getting REady Van Gelder, Craig 1/21/1988
Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
CTS Special Lecture
2166 Trends in Ministry. Report of Quest. From CTS Devries, Robert

8779 Trends in Ministry: Report of Questionnaire from Seminary

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
12510 Trial of God, The

A script adapted from the play Elie Wiesel wrote based on a concentration camp experience he had as a young boy in Auschwitz, when a number of Jewish scholars tried God and ultimately indicted Him for crimes against humanity. Struggling to find a way to adequately express this experience, Wiesel ultimately wrote it into a play set in a Ukrainian village in 1649, where Jews were being killed in a series of pogroms.

Th e version adapted by DeKock, a senior and the director of the film, brings the play back to its original setting in World War II, and modifies it for the big screen.

Audio-Visual (college) : Available with permission.
6202 Tribespeople, Idiots, or Citizens Guiness, Os 1/5/1990

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Calvin College Today
10783 Tribespeople, Idiots, or Citizens--Christians and the Challenge of American Public Life Guiness, Os 12/5/1989

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research January Series, 1990
3375 Tribespeople, Idiots, or Citizens--Christians and the Challenge of American Public Life Guinness, Os 1/5/1990
Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. January Series, 1991
15619 Tribute Concert to Honor Dr. Calvin Stapert, A
4/27/2007 Tribute Concert Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

12442 Tribute Dinner

Heritage Hall : Not Available for sale.
13755 Tribute to Peter J. Steen, A
12/4/1981 A Tribute to Peter J. Steen at The A.A.C.S. 25th Anniversary Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
6204 Tribute to Stanley Wiersma Cook, Hugh; Harper, Tom; Ten Harmsel, Henriette; Vanden Bosch, Jim 2/14/1987 Readings and nostalgic reminisence of Stanley Wiersma / Sietse Buning's life and writings.
Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Calvin College Today
15793 Triennial V: Living Our Commitment: Being a New Creature in Christ Pippert, Rebecca M.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

15794 Triennial V: Living Our Commitment: If I'm so New, Why do I Feel so Old? Pippert, Rebecca M.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

15800 Triennial V: Living Our Commitment: Relationships: The Christian and the Non-Christian World Leman, Kevin Dr.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

15795 Triennial V: Living Our Commitment: Response, God's and Ours Pippert, Rebecca M.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

15799 Triennial V: Living Our Commitment: The Modesto Trio

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

15797 Triennial V: Living Our Commitment: The Stenberg Sisters Stenberg

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

15798 Triennial V: Living Our Commitment: Time & Leisure Sherrow, Jeanne

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

15796 Triennial V: Living Our Commitment: Where Do We Go from Here? Pippert, Rebecca M.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8897 Triezenberg Memorial
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
13786 Trimming the Sails: The Art of the Essay Bascom, Tim; D'Ambrosio, Charles' Willis, Paul 4/21/2006 Three essayists discuss the rhetorical, spiritual, and moral challenges involved in creating literary non-fiction. Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2006
10506 Trinitarian 'Relational Substance' and Transmodernity, The Lowery, Mark 5/22/2002
Bookstore (college) : No Restrictions
Loss of the Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture
3007 Trinity Revisited, The Woodberry, J. Dudley 11/6/1982

Christian Witness to Muslims
8234 Trio Trio- Heynen, Platotinga, Rus

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5952 Trip Down on Lift during History Lecture Van Kley, Edwin 4/18/1968
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
5483 Trip to Nigeria and Others Holkeboer, Gilbert
Tape 1-0:16:45
Tape 2-1:02:17
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

1848 Triple Seam Ministry Becksvoort, Vance, Vanderveen 10/27/1987

Calvin-Westernal Sectional
4806 Trite and Glitzy Diekema, Anthony J.
Spoof video of President Diekema critiquing campus Christmas decorations. Made for Staff Christmas event, (1993?).
Heritage Hall : Available for sale. History (college)
4455 Tropical Deforestation: Poor Stewardship… Prahnce, Ghillaum 4/11/1985
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Focus on the Environment
4065 Trouble in Paradise: New Age Groothuis, Douglas 1/23/1989
Heritage Hall : Archive/Unavailable for Dist. Heritage Hall : Available for sale. January Series, 1989
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
12304 Trouble with Church Diversity, The Upton, Robert
With so many churches working hard to reach out to ethnic minorities, why are most still looking so homogeneous? Robert Upton, auth or of the book Racism at Work Among the Lord’s People, describes the roadblocks that cannot be ignored in a candid discussion with host Karen Saupe.

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Inner Compass
7917 Trudi Huisman Huisman, Trudi 11/15/1977
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7826 Trudi Huisman Huisman, Trudi 11/15/1977
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

6403 Trudi Huisman Huizenga, mezzo-soprano Huisman, Huizenga 11/5/1988
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

6404 Trudi Huisman Huizenga, mezzo-soprano Huisman Huizenga, Trudi 11/5/1988
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8160 Trudi Huisman, Mezzo-Soprano Huisman, Trudi 2/21/1967
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8530 Trudi Huisman, Mezzo-soprano Huisman, Trudi 11/17/1976
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

8531 Trudi Huisman, Mezzo-soprano Huisman, Trudi 11/17/1976
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7915 Trudi Huisman, Mezzo-Soprano; Huisman, Trudi; Rus, Ruth; Collegium Musicum Singers 3/2/1971
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

7916 Trudi Huisman, Mezzo-Soprano; Huisman, Trudi; Rus, Ruth; Collegium Musicum Singers 3/2/1971
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

9346 Trudi Huizenga, Mezzo-Soprano; Calvin Stapert, Recorder Huizenga, Trudi; Stapert, Calvin 9/21/1996
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

14874 True Community Development Perkins, John
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
2734 True Faith (Lord's Day 7)| Van Dyk, Wilbert 7/9/1995
Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
Plymouth Heights CRC
17976 Truly Blessed Agard, Alex 5/2/2013

Audio-Visual (college) : Available with permission.
2522 Trumpets, Ashes, and Tears Wolterstorff, Nicholas 1/13/1990

Third Calvin Worship Symposium
14681 Truth & Beauty: Visual Arts in Conversation Gerstein, Mordicai; Muth, Jon; Moser, Barry Prince, Steve 4/19/2008 Mordicai Gerstein, Barry Moser, Jon J Muth, and Steve Prince
Four artists talk about aesthetic intentions and about the ways in which they hope their work reaches out to viewers.
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2008
14085 Truth about Married Sex, The Winner, Lauren 1/3/2007 Lauren F. Winner, the former book editor for Beliefnet, is the author of three books: Girl Meets God , Mudhouse Sabbath , and, most recently, Real Sex: The Naked Truth abou t Chastity. Her essays have been included in The Best Christian Writing 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006. Winner has degrees from Columbia and Cambridge universities and is currently at work on her doctorate in the history of American religion. Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research January Series, 2007
16979 Truth About Sex, The Paris, Jenell Williams 11/9/2011 Jenell Williams Paris examines some powerful cultural myths about sex, and how they lead to distorted expectations for marriage and intimacy.
Jenell Williams Paris is pr ofessor of anthropology and sociology at Messiah College in Grantham, PA. She teaches, writes, and speaks on issues of sexuality and gender in Christian perspective. Jenell has published many articles and books, including "Urban Disciples: A Beginner 's Guide to Serving God in the City" and "Birth Control for Christians: Making Wise Choices."
Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Sexuality Series
4715 Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa Miering, Pieter 11/12/1999

Heritage Hall : Available for sale. Calvin Forum
17226 Truth Finds a Way Jordan, River 4/21/2012 Sometimes the most difficult element for a writer to convey is the truth, whether that truth is part of the universal human experience or only a moment reflected in a memoir . Despite the struggles inherent with capturing truth in its myriad of forms, writers throughout history have sought through inspiration and determination to do exactly that by illuminating the page with the truths they discover. River Jordan shares how t he meaning and nature of truth has influenced her fiction, her memoir, and her daily life. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Festival of Faith & Writing, 2012
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
13723 Truth in Kierkegaard Konyndyk, Kenneth 4/20/1994 Lecture #2 of 2.
For more information:
Bookstore (college) : Available for sale.
Jellema Lecture Series
5345 Truth that Makes Men Free, The Exoo, Henry 9/13/1975
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
8689 Truthfulness and Trust Smedes, Lewis

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
10710 Trying Juveniles As Adults Bryant, James; Fenske, Matthew;
#118 TRYING JUVENILES AS ADULTS Kids aren't allowed to drive, marry, vote, or drink because we don't think they understand these responsibilities well enough. At what age a re they able to grasp the weight of their actions? Last year in the U.S. 200,000 juveniles were tried as adults. Is this a good result of legislatures getting tough on crime, or a disaster of misdirected retribution? A judge, probation officer, and detent ion center officer describe what they've come to believe in their years of working with young lawbreakers. Judge Patricia Gardner, Kent County Family Court, James Bryant, Kent County Detention Facility, Matthew Fenske, Kent County Community Probation Pro gram
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
9026 Tuesday Keynote Roberts, Robert

Heritage Hall : No Restriction
Ministers' Institute
17003 Tune My Heart to Sing Your Praise: The Re-tuned hymn movement in the context of the broader culture Benedict, Bruce; McCracken, Sandra; Twit, Kevin; Vos, Eelco; Wardell, Isaac; Scheer, Greg; Smith, James K.A. 1/26/2012 When Kevin Twit and RUF (Reformed University Fellowship) began setting historic hymn texts to new tunes, who knew it would grow into a movement with contributions from Indel ible Grace, Sojourn Music, BiFrost and others? And who knew that in Europe a similar approach would rejuvenate singing the Psalms? Several leaders in this movement will discuss the cultural background, perform examples of their own songs, and discuss the future of this movement. We’ll give special attention to ways of using this repertoire in the local church. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
Symposium on Worship, 2012
9377 Tunes Us In! Calvin College Radio Program Homecoming 1993
2/12/1993 Also 2/13/93 Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

10390 Turns and Surprises in Writing "At the Smithville Methodist Church," and A Conversation with Scott Cairns Dunn, Stephan; Cairns, Scott 4/18/2002 Presentation and conversation. Bookstore (college) : No Restriction Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Festival of Faith & Writing, 2002
14034 TV News Clips of Moving the Church Building

Community Life Christian Reformed Church
Heritage Hall : Available for sale.
10746 TV Talk Shows Harris, Ricky 10/25/2002 #310 TV TALK SHOWS
What makes a good talk show? What does the evolution of talk shows tell us about TV viewers and what they want? Does a good interviewer focus on thes e demands or provide something more? Our host Shirley Hoogstra discusses these ideas with Ricky Harris, Calvin alum and host of the successful talk show "Ricky!" in Germany.

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Inner Compass
14286 Twelve Steps of Intimacy in Dating and Marriage Beelen, Dave; Beelen, Melanie 3/28/2007 Pastor David and Melanie Beelen will present a talk on 12 Steps of Intimacy in Dating and Marriage on Wednesday, March 28 at 7:30 pm in the Commons Lecture Hall (Commons Ann ex, basement level). The Beelens are Calvin graduates; David is pastor of Madison Square Church and Melanie is the director of the Baxter Community Center, both in Grand Rapids MI. This lecture is part of the Sexuality Series 2007. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
9310 Twentieth Century Concert, The Music Guild Chorus
Many individuals
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

5734 Twentieth Century Mind Marsden, George M. 5/14/1970
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
9431 Twentieth Century Music Concert Mc Namara, Kevin, conductor 3/4/1994
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

9385 Twentieth Century Music Concert
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

9251 Twentieth-Century Creation of the Church as Global Community, The Robert, Dana 1/24/2002

Special Lecture
2848 Two Arguments for Immortality from the Human Heart: C.S. Lewis Kreeft, Peter 10/20/1988

Stob Lectures
2849 Two Arguments for Immortality from the Human Heart: Gabriel Kreeft, Peter 10/19/1988

Stob Lectures
11594 Two Cent. of Rel. Pluralism in N.A.: Yankee Ingenuity and Religious Humbug (3 tapes) Tucker, Ruth 1/29/1992 Tape 1-0:56:42
Tape 2-0:49:52
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Van Dyke Mission Lectureship
11593 Two Centuries of Religious Pluralism in North America. Monkey Business and Misconceptions of Cult Evangelism Tucker, Ruth 1/30/1992
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Van Dyke Mission Lecturship
Item #Program TitleSpeakerDateDescriptionAudio DistributorVideo DistributorEvent Name
274 Two Children's Poets: Readings and Conversation Thomas, Joyce Carol; Otten, Charlotte F. 4/2/1998

Festival of Faith & Writing, 1998
2998 Two Eucharistic Theologies in Conflict Tylenda, Joseph 5/4/1983
Bookstore(college) : Archive/Available for Research
Calvin Coloquium
4685 Two Faces of Government, The Vriend, John 9/30/1979
Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research

11188 Two Gentlemen of Verona

Bookstore (college) : Available with permission. CAS Dept. Play
8755 Two Kinds of Righteousness Bloesch, Donald

Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research
Ministers' Institute
14609 Two Voices on the Future Blackmon, Tim; Hulst, Mary 9/15/2007 Plenary session F at the 150th Anniversary of the Christian Reformed Church Conference, "Assessing the Past, Facing the Future," September 13-15, 2007. Campus Store (college) : Available for sale.
150th Anniversary of the CRC
10395 Typing by Candlelight on the Ganges Payne, Peggy 4/19/2002 Peggy Payne speaks of her search for God and a book plot in a riot-torn Hindu holy city. Payne discusses the genesis of her book, "Sister India." Bookstore (college) : No Restriction Heritage Hall : Archive/Available for Research Festival of Faith & Writing, 2002

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