National statistics report that it takes an average of six months for new graduates to find a job. Our career coaches help job seekers develop a plan and follow through with that plan. Schedule an appointment with a career coach on Handshake.

Networking is the key

Most job openings are never posted, so networking is one of the most effective means of finding employment and tapping into the “hidden” job market. For more information on networking, review our handout

Use LinkedIn to connect with other professionals and establish your professional network.

LinkedIn is a popular professional networking site. Start your account today to connect with hundreds of professionals in your field! Connect with Calvin alumni by joining the Calvin College Alumni and Friends group. You can also search for Calvin alumni by selecting “Advanced” and entering “Calvin University” under the “School Name” field or clicking “My Network” and then “Find Alumni”. This resource for students provides tips for making your LinkedIn profile stand out and using LinkedIn as a tool in your job search.

Develop your social networking campaign with the help of a career coach. Contact us to schedule an appointment.