Those interested in Kuyers Institute topics may also be interested to learn of this workshop opportunity in July. This practical workshop will introduce Restorative Practices and Restorative Justice, focusing on "Healthy Relationships" to create and maintain a flourishing school culture. Through restorative theory, we will examine how relational and dialogic approaches can reframe community building, classroom pedagogy, and responses to conflict. This workshop strives to reframe conflict situations as opportunities for growth to strengthen school culture. We will explore the intersection of faith, professionalism, education, and care by engaging in crucial conversations about our approaches to students, discipline policies, and individual agency.

The workshop will be led by Owen Webb, who earned his PhD with a focus on the impact restorative practices and approaches on school culture in a whole-school approach.To sign up for the Workshop, go to Calvin's Master of Education website, and click the “Register Now” button.